Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 24, 1991, Page 24, Image 51

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    The Student Body
Programs scramble for conference spots
/ / lHi fftt*■> u I lotlda S{.it r l
Imagine till n.llU‘U.il t rtllcgt tooth.ill svslcm is a jigsaw
pu//lc \ou take tin JHI//U . lhi‘»w it against tin a11. .mil
\oti haw ( ollegc football fol tin 'Mis
In It ss tli.tii .t mmi .in unjm < < tit tiled numU-i of itdiegt
foot!).til li .tins 11,t\ t vvs ill bed t ontrli lK rs «»I .th.inclolirtl
the n iiitit pendt nl st.mis in .1 s« iambic 11» \n tilt spots in
m.t)<»i t ttnlt 11 in < s
1 hr HIK \s.ts .t ilia ade wlirn tin-i indt’jx lull III si hewth)
i oilhi lln Inltgrl siil\l\< . s.mi ( hlt*> }'lt»ll&k\. assistant
t oinmissHHit t «»| tin- irv.tmjM (I Ktg I ast ( on It tem c
S« t in sc.m 11 o| i on ft Hints i n« I I main i.tl st.ihihtv this,
Penn Si.itt \tk.msas, 1 Imitl.i Sun Miami I i.t » South
( .uohn.t anti some smalln s, ln>t»|s |omcd and sum hed
i oiih tt in ( s in scan h ol hn i alive tt it vision p.tt hagts
Penn Stall lx g.m tin cvulus in |.muai\ PMM) nlien tin
st h«M)l gave up its independent t and joint d t lx Ihg leu
( « Hilt lent t
1 hat tlet imoii tot us to join tin l$tg I eii, that tnggeicd all
these < hanges going <»n. Penn Slate \thletn Ihietiui Janu s
College Poll Kickoff
Confused by all the changes in college football9
Blinded by all the preseason hype9 Then look for the
weekly u College f ootball Poll, compiled by college
students tor college students, appearing weekly in your
school newspaper this season
I .a iii.iii said ”\\ i iiisi sal h.u k in amaveinenl dial all i the
sis111 huigi ha|i|H in d
I In, \ittanx 1 .ions were followed hv \l kansas. wlm h
abandoned a 77 seal as si h in I niii is i r} i l In Sou l his csl
( mill ii in i lo lo ad In th( lie.11 In Southeastern
( nnli irin i
I In R.i/ut tiai ks isi 11 joined iii the Sf ( hi South
( a I oil ii.i is hit h l laded tilde pen deni e for the 12 team
supen onli iclue
\ 11 in (hug lo iiank Hi oiles \ i k.ms.is all lie in diiei loi.
Ills SI hool did mil sesel Its lies isllli llu Sl\ ( hei .HIM II
is.oiled lo lease I In Ka/otb.n ks made llu nunc out ol
net ( SSI 11
"We were not unhappy in llu Soiiihivcsi ( onteienie.
said Hio\Ii s We si had a long and happs tetalioiislnp isllli
See COM FRfNCfS. Page
'l si AN .■» Ai if R\ ‘ v\N . ;.i ,
Heading for a postseason playoff?
Football alliance
ensures national
champ — maybe
I hr I hill} l'\,ir. [ of ft \as \uslil!
\flrt \r.ii s «•! debate about a tidiest
football ii,nnMi.il (hatnpionslup. tin majoi
} h >\s Is .iihI ( onfririw rs tin idrd I •» settle I Ilf
m i >1 < i *IH t .tllt I l« >1 .ill
\\ lit I lit I ill III 11 ! lit \ MU i t ("tlt'tl (lt'|M'll(|s
• in who\ ou talk it •
I Ik j»ioup t i< alrtl an a ilia tire invoking
hmi howl games 'In l ollon I testa
( ) i a 11 '41 and Surai five a thirl it
t ouletem es 1 he Nig I as|. \t Ian lit t »*ast.
Hi.; 1 tght Southwest ami Southeast! and
Nolle I > a 111 < lilt new giound Miles will
higin “li [an 1. ; 1 |»t Nat |0 and Big
I rn t1 »nfri rut rs rlrt ted not to paitit ipate
1 he whole intent ol this was to t irate a
situation whn h would get the selet lion
jilotcss to a jiomt that It woukin l be
»• »niplrtrd until a!let the season was o\ei,
said Mu he\ 11"Inu s t \et utivr duet tot of
tin Sugat IV>wl
I ht 11 .till t ion a I howl ai t angeinents will
it main tin saint with the i hampions of the
N . I !..!.! s\\ t i;.d sI l s 'Hr; to tin
Oian;t l otton, and Sug.ti howls
II s; •< . n\r|\ | h< l it sta IV wvl will lem.un an
*»nrn h*• vs 1 l hr irmamtng sluts m (host
howls will he fillet! h\ a fixe team pool
"tisistm^ f \otn Dame the Nig I ast anti
1 ^
Texas and Oklahoma stand to benefit from the proposed national championship system,
but UT Athletic Director DeLoss Dodds. Inset, calls the alliance the ' worst possible thing."
\( ( < hampiems and tvn«» othci hi^hh
iankrel «t( lai^e* learns
In flic* ne w alliance*. (hr to|>-i anke*el ii'.tm
will fact* tlie* next highest tanked icam
available I his anangeinent should me irav
the pussihihtx til a Hue* national
e hampttmship game* In-twee n the \e» land
\u J te ams and eliminate the- e at In bowl
panmgsnf the past te w Neats
1 .1st \e\u the I m »w t sc*Ire tl<ills) hapJK*ne*el
Mltualh in the lilsl Wee k «>t \e *\ e 1111 K'l How
in the woild tan \ mi expect to have
iiiiamngttil pairings it vim do it ili.u rath "
I h iIiiicn "».u< 1
Holmes Mussed tin .ilium i* in nut a step
tuuaiil tin n.iiional t < >< > 11 >a 11 plavntl that
num i ollege tans have lieen i ailing tin
" 1 hat vv.In lievei till- intent. to i ItMlf some
si m ut plan >11 In4 said " I lit’ lineal of a
plavnlt NVSti'in would lead tin* howls to the
n.iiiii nI.iIiin i >t thf dim IN.HII
Notir llaiin- Xthh tii Ihuilor Knhaul
KoM iuh.il in |up|>\ to m i- Iiin m lie hil Ik-1 min'
See PLAYOFF. Page 27
Bowls, conferences
should wake up
and smell the roses
B> Kl< K S( III! 1/
I hr hath ( allfnnuau,
I *»! ( .till* >111i.i I'm ! kt ir\
\Mutl .1 |“kc ( Kri flu MII1111 it i a lr\s
i *»11« 14 c1 fiinlh.tll 1)0 \vU m>l
wilh Mime mu
II I l ilt I t .Hill
liillllril .1 mi i llllle
agieenirnl dial savs
thcs will us In
man li 1111 ilit- Nii I
and No traini in
a "iialiiuial i liani
|)iunvhip" gatin'
nm w-.il
Km it .ii ■ uniiilislics m miething lew
thought W.ls |KI"I hie ll Ill.lhlS i tillegf
tmiih.tll s iKiM sf.iMiii even mint'
t out using.
I lit .igiecniettt i' nowhete ne.it .1
(iI.imiII sxsifin tli.it would tlfit ilinin'
.111 11 it 11 s | > 111 ,t I > It - ii.ititm.il 111.1111 pit >11
I liftf ix 'till .1 t li.im t- that two team'
util In- 1 l.imimg tht' 11.1titm.il 111It- .it
the end "I the Ve.il .tv w.i' the t .tse ill
I WO t.ein^i.1 I 11 h lini'lieil III vt lit
the l I’l |mil. while ( olnt.idn w.i\ No I
111 the \"im i.itetl l*iess [mil
\ntl then llieie\ None D.ime, the
v In Nil that I N't .line its own 11 mteieiu e.
with .1 ^11.11 .inlt t-tl Ih ith 111.1 tn.i|in In iwl
every ve.11
l.et ' nut South lV ntl the 111 lev ton
See MESS. Page 27