U. of Arizona 'humanizes' classes with computers IU THOMAS J MCI.FAN \n:oua Path W ilfiffit, l ol \nzona \ new < < mi put (‘i s\si< in is I mi i lvc < 1 .ii I he l «»! \ii/on.i ( nllc^r <>{ Mcdi( me ill.a allows lot moif siii«i«• lit le w In t intei at linn and mas end' (In days < d hot iri^ t a< adeinn iesoutt rs m the ( nil*io < •( \ I edit me Stndeni iespouses air t ollei ted In tin < mupiitei and dispiased in ^iaph hum on an ns< ahead piojta lion s« n < n, 1 nine said I he msii lit lot i an then see ii students an undei standing tin manual based on tin muni mi nl t m i et t nt tiuntint aiiswei s 1 he l \ ( a dlc^r «>! Mr clit me is the III si mrdlt al s< linol to use this let hnnln^s. I mile said ‘What I s< c lien and ( I sew he i e is that pt olessoi s an bet oinin^ im n a sin ‘4 Is disent hauled vsiI)i let tun s I mm* said I lie new system helps both students and pmlessnis delta mint (beii vseaknt smash I lies < an hr » min ted I he ssstriu has I wen in use lot less than is\n mouths and K)HN R RILEY A \a .S Keypads like the one above allow professors at U of Arizona to quiz students during lectures aitrutls has Ihth list <1 in a lew metlic al • lasses with gooil Iesults. I «Mile saltI I hr (Ditumirt t ail ham lit up f*» I*H * k.rs pat !-> .tf * *m mm ami is t outlet ltd with a pel sot ta I t output el ! ha I tllsplass the tj lies linns on an <»\rt liratl projn toi I hr met l it a I » ollrgr is (M 11 i 11»} M' < I Willi I < HI k( \ j ».H K I lit idsuntugt < *1 thr svsit in is ihut .ill st»ul« Ms i« spunl lo llir tjursimns unmis mmisls .mil no longn nrrd to frrl ( lllh.il I .ISM <1 if I hi \ gIVt III III! ollc M I K S|M»I1M , I nil|< N.lld f‘iofrvsuId lx \ri up |oi .if h mi >.< HM). lit s.nd Stud* ill ic sjM»nsr hus Im « n jM»sitisr so f.u uinsih l« t unsr thr ssstrm helps 'humum/t let tines I mm sutd Me dii .d students ti tin I of \riinn.i think tin new ssstrm will help them ptrpuic tni « l.issrs. und sonu sindrnls Ilk* the kt spuds hri unsr il gives fin in insight us to ln*w It .i e hris .lit going lo test I full t l.issrs ihlougfiotll the S4 11!« slti It g.lSr Us III ld< 1 of lilt I \ | K ‘ o! < | (It sllofls lit Would -isk on ,iu rxuiii1 s.nd hens S< hit • hi, i m t mill s< u lin'du il sludrnt vsho It.is used the sNstrm hit t hi s.nd sht liked using thr kt spuds .uni fell tins help'd hri gel mote out of thr le i line I ouir s.nd In t< t is ih.it this lo hiudogv will irsnlutinm/r mult igtuduuir It .u lung Ih i .tusr 11 is si i flexible ! fir f iitui t t if ii is going lo Ih - gi < mI In s.nd Jobs (continued from page In Ur hr longed In Pill He I .» h a1> {»a giaduated as < I.isn marshall and hoiked as .hsisiaul news editoi al Ills school s newspapt i \lihough In- found a job hr sldl couldn't i eat h the goal he set toi himself "I said I would aim h»i a salat\ of at least $‘JO,000 a seal and a papei with a 0) .000 « lit illation hr said I had to srltli toi about Slh.OOO and a i tit illation of 1 i %< m i ' I ilt ( u Mi < .t at i \ i aim planning and plat t int nt duet toi al tfit I of \e\ada 1 as \egas, said slit also is si t ing iiiuic u ndt i r m plos t tl students than non t 111ph»\111 students Pol example she said hotels aie offering gi ad nates disk positions until t lit* v can allotd to opt n top management j nisi lions Hut mans ret ent gtaduates vsho don’t want to wait until the job stent improves ait (list osrimg that giaduate si hoot is one was to hide time and |>t< paie toi tht «i unpetitiw mat ket What s hern going on is some fair Is substantial m< leases in applic alions osri the past two seats, said Petri Sssnson. of the ( ouiit 11 of ( .laduate St lit nils Sssrison s t»i gam/ation maintains i ontai t with 100 utiiseisities with gradual* piogiams On a nationwnie aseiagt he said most schools base seen about a Id I . I It I I t IK lilt It MM' III M| )| lilt Min nit t tilling (III |IMt! I It 11 St'M! t I 111 gl Ml It H l|n Ml f It 1111 In' In Vt I II k tm M111 It It I llllllllllg SCt gt I lilt tl|l|HI| IIII1IU III Ilf 111 | ICt Iplf 111 Ulldei pi IVllt gl'd |IMI It I it lilt Hi il III. lilt I’t Ml t ( 111 pS It Milt It lit ! I •[ It 11 'll |t II III IV. Mil till | ill IS Cl III lilt I III ft It II t office Mt ihc I’t mi c (dipt iiatinnal IlCMlttpiM! Ill t III I I It Allgtltt. t.llt I 11 If 11111 let min llit I’t'Mt c ( i H pt limst im 11 Mtt 11. lull Mpplit Mile Hit tIMS c [Itll. “lit gem i Mils lift Mute people t M tin til t 111(1 .1 pill Mild lilts It Hilling III 114 i hIimIcwi In mt ups llicu lime Mild I Ills liMSt .1 iletne In help lllt-te lliml ssniltl i ■ unlit let.” lit taid \lllniugll die e 111 pit is lllf 111 m.ukel dm t im! look gniitl 11ii Inti temt tlt l gi.tdn.ili t lilt it IIIMV he light Ml lilt end id lilt let etsiiin lunnel Ini llltite hIiii i Mil In palierlt I \pel Is t tpt i I lilt |nli 111MI kcI lii open Hillnn .i st mi "Soule nl die reptiilt I st seen .tie tasmg llut ihingt still lei up In the liegummg nl hiritei Mi (.tins taicl <>llen llit lelinuml in mi tint mighi lake a lull st mi ( lihei t ‘ 11 lege MilmuiisIlMttiis ami lat nils agiee dial the et ononis |\ getting health lei "We it gel I mg -sign t lilt in rttinn it ending, though its <|it■ t<* inuiks ai llit moment." (.aidnei said "A tnllegt etlut alii hi it tiill tine nl die lietl bust I lit-11 it. and He ((iiiltmte in plat t (K tipk Ii t just lakllig killgel Kalhs l h mini, Hails (tiange Nvj . use I nnitnlnilnl tn this stun International Studies Abroad KAKN AC'ADKMK ( Ki:i)H S Fall. Spring A Summer lYourams Spain • France • Mexico Far a complete oacket and quick rcsp i 1 -800-229-2220 rN Budget u ontinuedTrom pope 1 / he'll«»t H lie said lhe unit \r.»i tuition linnases tat u «I .imunci the iimnfn. i .1 tiding I mm » |»< 1 • cut .1! the- l of ( >n‘i*im n» 1 national high Vl jm 11 ciil m tin Stall I •>! New \ < >1 k XYSlelU Sweenev (1(1 lit (! sonic si.ii< !» gislaf uies tm pohtnaf |Misiiiiini; dining .1 nine when I lies should he e oiu f r lit d Vs 11 h < 11v lllg I Ik i olfege budget • IIIIH lies “ Raising faxes is \< i\ unj)o|)id.i[ st» the v look toi levrmie souk es like jat king ii|i tuition some mnic he said Sue 1 nev said then is no pal tu ular pattern to the hudgetan vsoes, hut said that < learlv die nation's t oasts rs|n 1 iall\ the two huge slate supj)oif( d mmeisitv svsieins in New Y01 k and ( ahtoinia an haling the hi uni < >! the ft * i 111.1 sssfcm also plans hi do i< ase die miinbel < * t slutlt ills at 11 ml it d bs al» .in V'HMl. King said l)n k (»ahlt a pi oft ssoi a! (lie l ! slimming down mil «»| mi a 11 • Ml fit salt! King alsi mIim | if m tl iht tails ic nit - in c* ii i plan as Vm mirage d aUlllinii f vt n limit gum, Ssst t in v sa\s. is I fit Jm >ss| hi Ill\ dial II t trtllel gel Ssnl S4 Budge I t ills and inilmn me least s ii stale- snpp«nit <1 t n||< gt s am! iiiiiu isiiit s mas imi siafnli/t w lie'll I fie l ft tsslnli tntls, < a 11 S Hlg 11 sing t osisinio die* nevf t minis fit sale! ! fit n ait n’l enough me t hanisins in plat t to pioic t. i funding It»i highe i nlm alinn, fit e \plaiued I fit biggest pimnlits in nmsi n t a I« fmdgeis ait ft *!e*ialls rnandait d piogianis like Me tilt aid i|le ai I fit sfairs> will mil hast funding t nine firs ant! ihfif's mil a It >i nf pufilu tit sin (m t a i st lave s Svst t lies salt! \nd the fetlt I a I gostmint ill is ifsiiaine-t! f>s iis own budget problems Ii dtrt-sn I look gone! In added “Stalt budget pi nh lr ms will pi obahls t on limn (hie >Ugh (he l esl of dif do adt snweieilnl out o! die so m h!s set il souls SUMMER STUDY ABROAD 1 w«fk I f.l\ » 'Ihi., ■« " III.If [ K ft K< )}'l Ml \I< O IVISI INI >11 S I l< • CIHCl I MO 0/ fixli! I 1 l\Au \ 'i INTERNSHIPS M \\ i s -ks l( )\| x >\ I >1 lil IN H< >11 \N| > rxKissh « kix xsi ivv,i i ( «»| i« I tft’ f *f * 'I.f.in * )’*’• «J»Jf Fi > Ullifti.itif Mi.il . i } .!•■ r•.. • I ► ... ( Itv M* » i . . liy tf* * .* ' .!■» (J M .Vtll" H