Students suckered by get-rich-quick scams Ii\ SI SAN (.11 KS I fu HtiU ihiih \ni <. Kill Si .if < l I ,t< < U{>' ahnjj. « sjk t jallv to t olh i'i siudmis I In In mis sound uh a I I hr tasks sound sim|il» I In uioiua sounds 1 < v a Ie n t wen k a t - home se he tile s till lllde stulllll^ e nve lope^ assembling lovsoi elolls ic afiiujj hooks e lipping nrwspapt t attu lev home and laiMii)* Libotaton animals Se mu time s it s all 101 nothing I low at el said the e eimpanv mij»lit m >t huv the assembled pieHluel, e ve n altrl stude nts have invest re 1t onsie lei able time* a ml me »nr\. te I llllg the III H is not ae ( e J eta hie ejualltv I e I t e 1 stuffing seems to be tin 111«»s t • Oinmofi se he tne \(ls pie muse ll « mi > 1 non te* S *,HtHi a mouth |oi stuffing elivedope's hut the hut ran said the- plans outlined in tin ael Would leejUllt se Ve aal hunille el e i« ellal s meele b n atlv t i lisinjj, postage t iivi lnpcs and pt mting MKMIi'N COM ti»t vrt l)| NT'' T \KN ******************** I AM \ HUM I HI l-KI* At * it * Ol M OVA N ntivn jL h' fL-f« - ■~Jt, DAVt BOISVERT sc .mis ,n « Mfhoiigh "gri ik h (jitit i * iiniHiuii. sit jjs .tit bring l.tkrii !«» shut tie>vs11 s«tjn< »»jm iahems I 111 Postal InsjK t lion S IMit s.tiil |! puls ,i!mi »ui * ’»i»i u< *i k ,ii In mu t >pci aU< >i »s i >m »>! hUMIIC ss t .it tl \« Ml tllKtUgll 111 Mil Mill) tt| c Iff S i utstm agi crmrnis Mini criminal p11 h reelings \n example "I m lomplaint letlri mailed i* •!hr I tdnmI hath ( t»mimssi‘*n slmxNs one pel M 11| s l)M(l < \ J M IK lit c with vs * ‘I k Ml he tine |ob I he vie mu i .tiled an S00 mimhri i«* it spond to m jol» of I c* i. but she niiinhn 11 te I I td lilt j>< i soil to m‘NHI iminU l 1 hMI ntllSlhe I fold the |M*lse»n tit le ave a mrssagr *»i sfiic! .1 st il .i I«»\ II it tit Hllol Ill.ilH HI C\< 1 i .11 IK \n\imu .i . itMomrt has a n.iinr and addi t ns •»! .i < omj»an\. thr\ i.m < all ik i i«»u.ti(i vmi 111 maid a< it lie i ilia! lough lin.uu lal times I mild ( Uillillmti In ru n mull' nf tilt (jilt slioiiablt ojK lalUHls in ihr ItllUH 1 me ails llu st am oprianus will hr looking lianlt i loi j»<»>|>U who nerd quit k < ash. Iikt « ollrgc students I hr molt into a in csmoii \> t gel. iht mole pV\ .1111. of I 111 ( ollSlIIllel I >1 111 .11II 111 ( I III III 11 nlf I' I fit (111 billowing suggestions tin spoiling .i SI .till • I i m >k |i >i .i1HMI niiinU I \ds otten have '*00 uumbets in small print I'elevision .1(1'- m.i\ s.n ihr numbet 'ii last people do not lea I i/i 11 i' a lull i all " \ '.MM I tall mil i us! \uu I've seen i barges up lo S Howard said. ■ 1 >.. 4 !. -: [lie name, leiephont niimbei and address up trout “Some 111Hiipalilest are so m\, tiles Hill gile then name lull no lot aliun IIoh.iiiI said < ailing die address ot a i nmpam is essential bei ause without 11 llu ie would Ih ihi was lot wan hdog groups to i hei k i nit a 11iitiplaint • Si bellies ii s u a 11; do not bau a t ontai 11« i son wiili die i oiupam (Uteri llie piospei ll\e elliplow e does not know die name ot die peison lie Is dealing with userthe phone ■ I inalb . main opei alions do n have leleieiu es I Ik s Hill use statements to eiiln e students hki . 'sain It iiin Illinois inade vt lino m one month. I hi I K suggested these questions loi i |Miientialemplinet ■ U .4. ; r 11 ■,. i: rib • Will I In paid on '.i I a i \ o i i omillissioll ' ■ Who will ji.n Hu and win n Ills litst pau hec k ■ W lial is tin !• , . is! - .1 die h- k il home ptogiant. tin hiding supplies equipment and Ittellll H I ship ti es and nhal will I gel lot im nioues Kinko’s ruling hikes course costs By TONYA DF.CKSARIS ('jaUtpalr Tim\ Virginia Tech IV»-« ause of a copyright infringement ruling against kuikos (.raphrcs (i>rp,, some students and professors say college communities will sutler from the effects tins fall. the decision, which found Kinko’s guilts ol copyright intringrment, will directly alien students and faculty at more than 200 universities nationwide that rclv on kmko s as a smut c for course niatetials. John Semoiuhe, a history professor at the l of North < arnltna. said, “You can't do what was dorse before and that is to bring materials that are rrlcvent aiul ujHo-date in a small class.’ He said because the new royalty is divided up among the number of pai Kris for a partn ulu t lavs, each student assumes a higher percentage ol tire cost. His class of 12 Students narket preparation will t*c affected. "Wr were disappointed with the judge's det iston," Foss said "This will at id time, cost and complexity to getting the* students the material thrv need to learn from, ktnko l maintains thrv were putting together course packets lot rduc ational use.* Bui tlir Association of Amniian Publisliers argued in Basic o kinko'% (Iraplm .* Corporation(hatthe company was not exempt from obtaining copyright permission under “fair use’ provisions outline!) in the I97ti Copyright Act Judith Platt, director of communications lor AAP, said, "Kinko's w.o directly violating guidelines for classroom are ve rye trails spelled out in the law." fedut ational use is allowed as a jxtrt of lair use, hut the ceiurt ruled that Kinko's violated the purpose of the act by selling the p.u kets for profit without publisher permission. ’kinko’s was creating new works with (varying excetpts) that were being used in substitute for the original work and then selling it, both without permission,’ Plan said. Other professors said despite the inconvenience of new fees and earlier material submission dates, the ruling will In- good lor those who deserve credit for theit work. Steve Issacs, associate dean for academic affairs at Columbia U. School of Journalism said, “As a person who writes, it is imponant to get remittal for your work, and I think the publishing agreement is a sensible wav to go." The ruling, which applies to all ropy centers, is merely an attempt to legitamurr educational photocopying, a< cording to the AAP. Art icontir'uKlfnmi iwge 17) Haul, she said I lien an c it I hi opiums I ml llir 11 h1 imi I Him h heller I mi Sic h ,u I mn 11 Ml a 1 s in liri a i Hu n k, anil she p.n s a [11 11 lolls [llil C Oldl l !!lg supplies fllllll Sill [lllls l I lllipaitllH "I pas upwai ds nl $400 In I seineslei. Slew at I van I Mliieiiue \\aln king hIiu also aMitds the hassles ol lit'i i lassmalrs In mdeiilig limn a warehouse. spends ru n lie 'it- in "in \ Shi i si i ma 11 (I In i all i\|«-|isi s al $ I tHMI |ki semestri I lilei m ais al dial tale has pushed ht-I 1111" In Illflllliills ilehl “I liiiii'lulh, nine Mm gi actuate, \nu ll sell [lainlings m make the unities li,u k. m gel a good job, in mam a m h husband " she |c ikeil \ i n il I ii-1 ail sliiitell! ( hienlin |)a\ls ei ntluliii/es h\ using maieinils he finds I sing Hash anil paiis id disc aidi d inai him i\ keeps Ins setneslei lulal al alinul $10(1. he said “ I line is hum tin , so instead i il using inmieN I don I have, I spend Ini limns looking along die side ol die road." Davis said Mu i sjieniliiig weeks on a piojec i and die i ash to mail h il mam allisls have lo destrov l hen work or pa\ exor hi tan I sioi age ii isis \ slide lakes die plat e of die ai tual al twin k and dial gels filed in a [Mirthilio. S\ km a doesn 't llunk the slides do fiel wm k justice “ Ml this inonev sou [mi in. and il inines mil a two-inch sipiaie