Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 24, 1991, Page 17, Image 44

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    29 states slash
college budgets
Tuition increases and budget cuts
the ‘worst seen in 25 years'
I hr Rn-iru', l "I Delaware
( olleges and umieisilies. .ill< ads haul Ini
h\ iniuincil senates and emplosee lasolls
a 11 i-\ | nil <• lie mg sume ul I he steepest
I ml ii m hikes in mine I liai i [win lei ades
" fieri stale I mis inln a Ii is I mam nil
pmhlems. bul 2*i (stales) all al nme-"
Suei ni l sail 1 It s (lie mnsi Ili.it has heeu
Min in 2’> veals "
\ll \ \S( l si i II |\ shiilseil 111.11 I olleges m
* slates eiiai led mid \eai tuition hikes m
I't'H aseiagltig I pen ent iialmiivside I he
siudi showed main ul those same stales
han* emu led tuition hikes averaging alioul
I d pen i nt again this seal
Sweenes i lied ledeial budget i ills is thi
m nin e ol i ollege tuitn hi hikes
\ smses published in Vugust hi ilu
\ mei ii an ( onm 11 on 1 dm at ion i es ealed
gum I ilia ui la I statistics about \mein an
i ol leges and imneisiues
\mong publu toui-ieai institutions, hall
had opt i .iiiiijj budgets dial tithri tli 11< as< d
01 did mil keep up vs 1111 inflation hm
Uurriiait institutions ovriall. die nuuilx-is
ale one in thirr
Mid S< tl budget t tils mu c i eput Ird b\ | i
|x h cut ul imunition'., iiu hiding n I |« k mi
ot public bun leal schools
( ollrgrs air i omb.illing llit ll stairs
final it lal pinblruis in a \anrtv "I nan, Inuii
a rrdut lion in the numbti ot libran vi\ur
hours lo employee Lnotls
Sweeties said students mil fi l l tbr of let is
of ibr budget Mils this (all Krdtued
uimci sits st rvita s and IfVM'i sta tions oi
. lasses also mas hindri die giadualion ot
stiideuls in rued ot in lulled tout vs
\waic ot the problem, students aioiind
the i ounli\ have descended upon the
ottii es ail si bool ad in i nisi i a tors and stale
leglslalois m piolesl ot skuoi kiting tuition
and tees and dei i eased state binding
Students ot at least nun ( H\ I ot Sen
^ oi k i niupuses liann ailed lliemvises inside
some ot ibi si In Nil s adtninisiiaine ollu es in
Hardest Hit
The top five states with ma|or budget cuts and tuition
increases at state universities
Overall number of states which have cut
university budgets 10
\ |»l 11 In ptnlesl .i p! c i| >< »>t*(| tUllmn
IIH te.ise le. "MlllU llclcd l>N .idmilllsll .Unis In
"ttvi in .111\ > |o<) mi limn m si.iu t uls
Sluilt Ills, sl.ilt .md I ,i < 111 (N .1 ( (lie I lit
V1.1 s'*, ii h tlsc I Is .»f \mheisf s (.1c* c I i in>
business .is tlstl.il week long vm ii k stnpjM^i
In |)l i >les[ I he >700 (mfmn UK I» tse fll.tl w.is
nveil Ini fhc- hill s.ikI K.nen Shethm
new dite< It u f«»i the \mhrt\! \twlrnl
Mieihin Ik iim.med ihe miu.iimn .it (he I
• »l M.inn.u Iuim ': .inti .i! ■ Mind tin t . -uni! \
saving. “K\ei\onc w.uil .i |nn i »»t iIk pic.
hut thr |»ic keeps < *ii stii inking
I he < tiih.u ks .in p.m u| ,i new ci nnuinit
l ('.tills , ac((i|(lm^ In Sweem \ l he
I edlli Units .11 e I ml hei .uise the t olle^i s . 111
UK niNjK'f elll l\ Min fail hi * .HIM llie\ It
tvi'i kllli» VMlh ,i Ini Jewel irsnyiics hes.uif
1 hex i e Iinl jnsl Milling pi i % l .tins I "I (Ik
Set* BUDGf 7. P.itfe.M
Art major colors
students red
Ihrlhiityi niirgutti, Pennsylvania Stale I
(•«uniinc* Svkoia and lic i te How .hi m.i|ois have painted
1 hriiisrKcs giooiuv Imam ial pie tun s while stuejying .tit .it
l‘< nns\Kama State l
i^fit dollars tot J00 miliilitei s ot .1 hue it s not eun a
<<>loi she* said holding up a tube ol paint
k( u a s 11 usd at ion is (1 minion among .lit students who
'hell out lug bill ks lot supplies these da\s I he\ aie living
ptodl that "the starving aitist” linage exists loi painlulh
1 eal ieas«ms
* hhei m.tjois lie moan the using ( osts o! I looks, but .11 f
students 1 ontend with < osts of supplin', that » an be tuple1
V'hat a non ait inajnt pass pel semestei In io\ei these
{°stl' due s. ait majoi s of ten spend 1 ash In >m summei jobs,
o\eiextend < 1 edit and n h on < hantalile patents
^ oil (an prohabh tell tnuii tin clothes wen w« 1111114
that materials ai( inon impoitant N\kora said, c lut« limn
•* I shut that lias seen bettei sen lest ei s
M»c said she has spe nt as mm h as S’J.lMMI pel semesn 1 on
supplies "It depe nds on how tai voii want to go with \<»ui
aitwoi k - sou e mild c\en tuple \oui tuition
^»vkora said the- main pioble in is depending on < ollegc
nien hauls loi mate i ials I hose-men hauls have a Hid
|H*ice*nt mtladoii rate1, and the*\ don’t eve n have- what vou
See ART. Page 18
MIKE KUBEl , A*, 11 SV .4M.A
Lucy Stewart avoids pricey campus art stores for supplies.
I Grads job slumming,
! heading back to class
5 in wake of recession
/ruimrui Daily StuiUnl, Indiana l
I hr rri rssn in has given se>mt in rlif < ollt g< gi .it Is two
( In Hi rs I akr less |>.i\ «»l g* i hat k In m In >ol
II i nun ill)' jobs h\ attrition and la\ofts. mam employer s
ate hiring fewer graduates than before. making (lit jnh
mat k< i me urn »mj>rtitiw
\ ml ihr 11111111 k ’ l o! shulclifs who an "job siimitlil 1
at t f-jif ui|* lower positions while lhr\ i r waiting lor olhrl
jobs t o open i s i n t r e a s i n g i< < j - ■ n H
dint lor til t a ire i jil.n cinrnl at tin I ot Southern
< ahhunia
s.u.ih (.Irene, a giadualr of Indiana l who major < a I m
j ism liologs. tin It (I up waiting tables af let graduation
I very |<»11 I looked at wanted masters t <i Ph I) s I a s
eithri total!) urtderqualifled ot overqualified Greene
said Some pl.it rs I .tpplit ti h» that Were n t suln ititig said
dn • dn in i have i lit nn *n< \ t« > < : e ate .i j». »Mf n m win tin i I
was quail tied ot in »l
|"tialhan (»<»11istrin giaduated in Ma\ Itotn S\ra* me
l s m bool *»t publu rotntmmu it ion with majors in
|< mi flalisiii and in •litn al st lent <
Srr JOBS, Page 21