Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 24, 1991, Page 14, Image 41

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    Cope’s Suicide’ lashes out at indifference
Julian Cope's latest Peggy Suicide Is pure pop joy.
IU S1A I'l l I i \\ I’ MOOK1
/ hr t u Ml i i- /' ... ’ \ 111 M1!!; l
11111.t11 ( ii|K i mild lx i|i simIkkI ms ,1
vimivoi Hi mu I'
( i >|i< 11 outed one of the tp eat h nylisli
hands id tin late 70s the I
I \|>limlev .mil liillirtvHtg iis demise in 1‘IK‘J
III- (M ill llltlo I'M II HI ( Mil l '11(11" MS M S( ill I
( n|)c prop i is an uiillalti itng view id
|« n|il( ms m winilr. nni to (Limit iIk in. Inn in
ss.un tin in
Ninshcic is tliis mini evident ih.in (in
( ope s 1 1 i clrasc 1‘fggy Suiacii. .in Sd
mnnile double album tii.it l.ishi s mil mi tin
mdilleii in i id liuniauilv towaid the planet
nid n.nun ]>■ ill l.iscs m hui;l.ind u.u and
cm nilniiH tli.il hik s down evervdav In m.iki
lid mi c.ii ill iik in iiiiIh .liable
( o|« s.nd dial I’rtX* 'miI’hit" isavisinii
nl iIk mu Id I had smne months ,iho In lhai
Msi. in | ’( hh' Sun idi is.is Mi it hi i I Ml ill
( (ipe said hi i .died tin .dlmni
Sun liU I ici .nisi Shit hi i I .11 ill is pi n si il mi
I lie Inchest i lill nl mil inn .dim it in leap ■ ill
( npt smiiI lln .dhuni is Ins mess.n;c in (In
"ni Id ili.it I in Ii.ii k I'm lucid 'sell
meMining, .mil I ni mil .in asshole
/Vjjms Siuiid/ i Ai els as a concept album.
Il opens isith “ I* l (Steen. ” a Velvet
I inli ihininid l\p< nine lhai s .dxml m in.m
is In i is I.iIIiiih in love mill lus ide.d woman
Mini lindiiiH out lhai she's not ssh.u he
ihollHht sill- IS .IS Ml .ill
< opi said /i'hhs Suituit is a iilet.iplim Im
lln IK Mlinenl lli.ll Molllel i .11 ill Indu s
11 < >111 I It I >J >l«
( iiiif sometimes deems ii ncicssais in
[>mis i<ii his audit*lit <■ u 11 h ,i sulith s ( i
I (in i-I til .mi.11 maslcrpici c alxml I lit- liuinau
i c MU III li in, I lit* I ulr ill I eliglon in si m »t, i a
it if dt sci tain ms caused In |>i ilitii s.
I‘r'jrg\i Smndt' provides an t*crie himicsjiun
i harm dial combines a garage si mild null
pici |si . ihvdimii percussion I lie llowm.
ke\hoards conihiue null guitais that
v in it* times break nun t hat is Its pure pup
I oik is al mu c engaging and disp.u aging
piielii and depi cssing Ills ilianiu
gloominess is appaient in the bins In Ins
single "( Il.ii loti< \11111 hum I‘*SN s W
\nlii'ii l nilrrgrininrf
knd m ins innm. I in alone m im iihuii
\nd in mi i askel I in alone m ms gloon
and ma\ lie in hen Im awhile, ( ope sinus
mihiihnni pallei. null wh.U sounds hki a
slow. 11 plica I ( cl I u -like tlule.
( >n Ills 1 ‘ t S 7 lelease Saint Julia h < opi
discs headlong into dll' suhjei 1 ol lehgmi
and lai kies it null bullish lenai us
I le sings on die tide liai k, ‘I mel (iiid in a
i.u m a (beaming dlc.unmg aukci side \nd
I was sen unkind I said. mi Im ked us i a
i it lores! and gas e us a mind.
Most ol ( opi s win k sounds angis .u I
soiileious, bul dith u ni limn piolesiaiimis
at I mill il hsieneis I is othei hands
( ope s singing sisle liasn i i hanged nun h
II mil Ills pi e\ lolls siol ks S| ill lotlgll and
l agged and unpolished. I ope bells mil Ills
message with a teim ns dial won I m i an l
ShubiTt Dip
l hr latest bun>}>« in \s<>mir i ki«
the* tiadittnnal house lx.it>* turd j
I • *, k 11 < 11 < 1 .mil IN|o ! .1 little < 1«
il.tiii e a (i<MiH bass i h\ linns
Is Use*
-uiuis iikr |rs11s
|« HITS ill K * M1 III
M.i\U bill 1 Mi s
si mini is tin i| r tliinl
.Hill (lie'll \S 111! Iw Mill
i_-ml.il s i ut tin i >uy»h
thr b.n k IkmIs with .»
halt Ilnur tmtmph.
giving mini inuir i icuihunv Ih.tii nu«si
iutlit' il.HIl I Itlsltill .11 Is
I Mis III t sjiii II . >! vs 111 k less mil ih lliil
111 I In HI II I I i !H I g\ i i uni s I ill nils’ll i I Is|)
■ Hill llillll nil llicil I Ml l rlt'.lsi S ' ,vl/
Ihp I In til si sillier, I iiIkIhv.iIiIi Ii.is
Iii i n .1 lug sin 11-ss nii |mill suli s nl I hr
\ll.llllli nil .Hill nit I Ilf 11.11 u r 111 ml
I In . 111 >i ii ii .is ,i vs I mli i null <iin s 1 Ml s
p.ivsii»n Ini Ivnth Ml.light .ihr.ul iiii k .111(1
gl nn\ i llllllllll il.illi i 111 II SI v I Ml III.IV
Inok vniing .mil lu sh rnimi'll In tnui vsilli
I 111 Ni vs hills hul lilt H II l ii SII I Vnki S .1
tough. (Inninincil. si ll in.nii winking
i l.lss lllnlt lll.ll ll.llllis ll) VI,lls I ill It11 .Hi
si 111 living I.. in mi ui i ■ ( hat Irs
Mil sh.l 11 IIhllS I !' II'■ l nl Nmtll
( .tii(Iiii.i. ( li.iprl Hill
I lu Reality <>/ \/\ Sumnuulnup
1 ishhonc s nets release Pit l\ t ail ft of
\h Suni'U’!.i:riL'\ isihccjjUoiiK o| ifs ml*
l! I Writ \ I il \n In* h in luokt ji uj)
mlu l«mi |».ii is < mi iht album. sa\Mt all "It
I lx Iicm d cm imIiih^ I s.i\s on iclcusion
I cl think likt tin Bi.ul\ Bitint li and cat
\N t ndv s I* m lum li
lht Taicntal \d\imm\ h \plit it 1 vm
lain I lied to the album is Ian wai nin^
to solids sin h as Nil/ ter Ma\ cu and
“{tinkles l'i a\ei
I I .tv t*I IS
supposed i»» hr .i
t.ikt i «!i < mi the l old s
l*ia\ei with l\iu s di.it
le.td ' M\ pllshei who
.ut in t he il.uk
house*, hallowed he
(h\ hilt lies and
INK'S Inline us 1< >i we have INI (until>] iit
sell lfS|K'i I
\ It hi >i i^l i ^,u /iV.i/jA / \l\ Sii mmtuiinp
has some unusual beats and intelligent
Is t n s. it tloesn t ( on11>aie to the baud's
I mlh iinii Vu/album
I'a l\nihl\ .-I \h Suiit'Uiiilifigs is an
i ( li i in nils "I haul imr Intik and ska
It S Intel I Stun; but a bit tun bl|> lui hip's
■ ' ki ■ Ni a' |ain I la: llll^tnll / >ir I hi
7 : ”'s l ut Nell Mi All n
Jesus Jones
\<» l a\h\\h II Jrsiis |« IMII1C .)|
the most <*\i King hands loauHc along in
\rns |< mis |ours takes t \nital. jabbing
™ mwi
.mu t jt< In s\ ni h
tucloilics lii i iimc
ll|> (Mill .1 imh
mi^ilul h\lmii
SiilIRs like
NdlluilH I ell In
Hold 'li .mil "1111 lluming’ siinmci
w ith t old emotion waiting to explode
"Intel national blight Vmiiijj I hing"
•mil Real Real, Real, ur bouiut r\ua
n i icmii.11 |m>|> spiked with sail a'lu Itim
Right Here Right Now" is a pcitei t
matiiagc between jangling gtntais and
soaring harmonies
\\nh Ih'ubl. |esns |oncs has (nine up
mill a inavtci pici e iit onii istn and rage,
pen hell upon the fragile line between
'mail dam cable hip-hop pop and
bludgei uiing iildiisii i.tl encigy
While Iti'uhtis an e\iclient album. Jesus
I1 me' hist album. Ijquuhzn. was a lx-ttci
(Unit I nun the hand and is probably a
lictiei imestment hu tiixinine |estis |ones
listeners ■ Scan 1 eary Th V rthm Stai
Northern llluu us l
(hit <>f hmi'
K I M has always prided itscll mi 11 if
linciMlv i>l inusn.il shirs within a single
allium, and ihr hand ' latest Wainci
Mins irlrasr, thit of IIttif, 11intinurs tin*
1! .id 11 n i n
I lit- tinly |iinlilrin is a lew songs ilia!
till the 11inita ul c\|hi unrnial i livihins
and mh als air just plain Mail
"Slum Happy IVnpIr" is an annoying
tunc indkalive i it its title, saved In the lui k
lip ym als til K.Ur I’it-1 vm i if tin IV.VJ'
mu ( uts mu n as
the pi>|)tilai "I using
M' Religion" and
Hall a World
Wav" conihine
gi eat l\ i i< s, com
plex melodies and
siinng rhvtInns to
pioduie true
is— -—=
K I M Inis
belong is (hr most enthralling song,
saving ihr .ilhunt from liecoming a total
".isle i >1 plastic
Mthnugh (hit of hm/ is still signature
Is 1M vs1111 Stipe's i rat king voic r and
Ivins that don't net essarih t livmr, it
doe sn't compair tavoiablv with thru
previous rllorts ■ Mrrrdith IVtran. Ihf
Shih \nr\. Mic higan Stair I