Only the Lonely Study charts haw lonely ctrilege students stay lonely with dating dntughf Bn ALLISON LLCAS Ihf hmh \inlhurytmi. Northwestern l l onelmess ( an Ik- a majot tat lot leading in had dating sli.tU'i’ics on college i.tiiipiivN, at ( online lo a stud\ done h\ tw<> \( )I tliwrslcm l plolcssotv Noithvvestet n t iiiiinuinii .llion studies IS(»tess«>i Mu hael Rololl and tol inei \sst Biot Kohet ( Bell examined loneliness in i elation to dating sii alegies e»n t anipus hom a samj>l< ot I 7S undergiaduates Students weie asked to e\aluate then loneliness le\ el I he plolessois then « lea ted a loneliness st ale langing horn /eio to SO avoiding t'» Bell, vsho is now at the l o! ( allh a nia I )avis l lie | m »11 then asked how students would puisne a iomaiitK i elat lonslnp and what 111 ('V \\ 1111! (I Vs I IN m .1 inolinlii^ur I *»I a lollrgr < l.itn»v» sen K V; Rolotl said I lie Nill1< I i1t \ Vs r t r I r s s 11 k the < «*li 11 l v ( 11 cm miniris KoloH said ~()n thr othri hand. pcoplr who ,ii < not lonrlv i Imusc situations whrir thrv t «»*11i k.ilm .1 jimmi .uAVeslev.m l loiieh students -iit*n i .iUs.ivs pen < i\< *1 »s |i)||cl\ Stiiiicllliirs the\ .lie Nlevsed . i s independent Hie di.tvsfui k, K.ihn vml, is lliai uiu iliin'i 11 .dlv m*r to knnvs people* People it Wesle\.in I * « I 11 k < the\ don I u .till to put themsehes on t lie* I inf ill the* see ond p.nt ot the studs students wen .isked I< > vsi He out .« monologue |oi .i h\|>odieli( a! vidro dating m-iyi< e I onelict | x‘olf wnr m«»tr I ike In to ^ive mluimullein sue h .«s "luinc .uni niiinlici IW 11 Put il die mini mutton |>, die \ leildefl f«* le.ive H oiil People who \v( ic less lonelv dt st llheel then jm tsoiulihrs .me! 11 ic things dies liked to do. Rfdoll s.nd Non lourls people would give mote *»t .i des< nptioti of uho I .mi -M K)HN UN *.*• Residents (continued from page 10) IuIni 1 .in.i a s< iik>i il tllr I i>! Missnun. < nlumhia Jiud mi Be Mil hrllr \\rmi(■till IIKUr tll.HI .1 W U Hfl IK Ighlw >| h< M >d IS .11 it iss the sinci hum ihr I M • ampus. just hrhmd a nm of h.m inii\ Ik mists Mthough (oltimbia rriendv passed zoning laws miuiI.ii to (.atnesvillc v thr mi\ <*t irsiele nts on Ikiiu hr Hr vsoi ks wrll hone Ik Hr is pirtiv (jmrt ” l ana said W Iicii kids do thmw pailirs. lhr\ 11 \ lo krrp thr noise clown t >U1 UrighlieMs have * »l 11 \ askrd us to trII thrill whit II Illghls we il thlow ,i pal tv so ihrv < .ill go • oil tm l hr e'vrmng .t * if I a\ out thr woist ol n .. T I u 1 C^Jrs wt T( ‘ « ill I )l< x kir tin* stn h * t ^». < mcl \ x h )[ >l< * w< *r< * i jr ir i< itir \ in < ill < >t th< * neig)itx>rs’yards... . I guess we didn’t hvt * i jf) to the >ir sti it u I. irds." —Reggie Grant l .iii.i s nrighbois, both attoinevs gave hrr legal aelvnr to thr students and ru n altrndrd a lew ol thru paitirs lloweu i. not all ( olntnlna irsulrnts air as ragri to shair thru space with thr loudrt. limit t< tiu stmirnl population t In sic i hdvsards, a ( oluuihia < 11 \ t ouiii ilnian, vs as it* a I In I 11 om ollu r raihrt this \t ai altri rmloising a stude nt housing dr\rlopnirnt ne at an alirach rsl.ihhshrd nrtghlioiIkhxl la ss than a month lain . thr \ 1 j>l»a t >nu« ion Pi soioritv putc hasrd a house in a irsuh ntlal aira oiil\ to he i hasrd -ut Vvhrn the n nrighlwMs hlrd a lavssmt In blot k thr vsoinru lioiu moving into thr Ik nisr Hut soiur .nras use* thr stinlrnt irsnirnl irlali*atislup i" a mutual advantage- \l thr l olWlMonsin Madison. ImhI 'Kli have* i rspea l tot ra« h olllt I “It’s pirtty gnotl Inn said (deg 1 aisoii a piumi a? I W “ | he ir’s om l M studrnt on thr town « ouiit il. and th< iua\"i - a I \\ alumni so thr « itv get' along with the students Be>b Hi riinan. dure tor ol I«k a) all an s at the- Madison ( ha: i dc; ■ ( oiniuriir said lh< good student irsidrul irlalioiis air svsrrcnrd In thr uioiirv l W tilings into tovui \ ire rut siudv studs In Kimnan showe d that $2 I hillioii is puinjKii into thr loe al re mitiim h u ai In l W audits Pa.000 students in lat gri < Hits howrui. thr » ollrgr ha I rl\ at ha Is the i< "iioiuv (»roi grlemn l and (»roige Washington l holh in W asliingtoii, 1) ( oltrn air targrts ol loe al neighboi hooei ass. m unions v% In* vs ant studruts to stav on < ampus ” ( >ui i r la I ions vs 11 h ihr I rsiclr ills ai r nol dial good. viid led ( mksU h. a (AVI student I hrv don't hkr us I he v e all the poh< < i»n us whrn we- thlow pal tie s “kvriv vrai thrv meet with thr uiiiu imIv preside uf and veil al him the ultimate Wall Street game You're on the pi u >i le wii 11 youi broker. You're buying into L high lech stocks and dumping ft your energy stocks Your W ix>rtJ< >!io is climbing to ovei $725,(MX) .u id there's a mes sage from a l ISA 11 >1 > AY re porter who wants u > know how yc hi did it. \ dream-' No, it's the Founh Annual AT&'l' C.ollegiale Investment Challenge. An entry fee of <49 95 buys you a ■r f i< i tonal s X* M# *> stock | * >rtio lio, unlimited toll lav access to our brokers, and four months of risk-free tr ading experience. You'll lx* competing for more tlian $2(X),(XX) in prizes, including cash awards, trips to The Bahamas, Texas Instmments calculators, and more. Space is limited to 20,000, HUES'GIFT so call now! Registration Deadline: Octolxr 31,1991 THf fOlWfH ANNliAl Ncr«em£»ef 1.1991 to February 28.1992 To register or rttvivi' a free cok >r brochure, call 1 800 545-1970, Ext 21 COWMOMOIT A/ill 1 ■1 4 ATtT