Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 24, 1991, Image 39

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    I*\l I
M. < Mi l vn
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CMm >mH Hurt
9ftap«d Wortd
I'HpnMi M#*144
Pwpta i Um
KUOC Thm Ruor i
Edf* f <c9 You Qunm
morm (Amen 410
Paul McCartney T ripping Thm
I fw rtnMK HipiloMi
<C**o<» 417«477?1§7«471
WIiNiMy Houetofv
I'm Your Bofey Tontoht
(Arm*) 411*710
Qtoria Eurfn
knto TYw Light
(Epic) 41S-«43
Any 8 Oh or 12 Cassettes for K
* Sm dMati* tmtom.
■ if or « • * , « ,
OftWKM iriwr
» ***«»_ 'V» «>4
«WM.««.rw ..r
m-*»: ! •
A»(t’ UllMi
w »«* THI HAM
Classic Rock Greatest Hits
UMTWU QtJkD j ;• ««
r* imM *01
am/kmr **rn ».«■.
w row ■«» )i>
‘ 446
iMM «j«nuo> ;tw> ;4o
»*•*♦< **®*» »•*’ m r»o ••«< i«w«i *• >»• *mc* numi^ «- a TTr ,,,, ,><„
*#•14 MAM ««•«
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itonmnmtnr .•»' 4j*.
• Just mail the coupon with check or money order for $1 86
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