Life and Art i Wi * B 3 P tas H53 «n »i i» S3 B * ^ Cartoonist pokes fun at PC world IU KRISTI MCDOW H I I'hr l umhriaik \mthem \rt/ona l Sup< the tors used to leap tall buildings in .1 single bon ml .iml dri\c <«»«»1 (.iin mil ol e asrs Km |< It Sh< si »ls mi idem das mi|wi hen> Politic ally ( (iiio i !Yi v*>n, is uioir like*Is n> ((initial ethnic slim and i hatnamslii t .ii» alls than to fl\ an msisible jet m mate li \% 11s with a |K*n^mn P ( Prison in one «>1 the • haiai iris in 1 hale h a (iiiuk still) ssiiltrtl h\ Shrsol a l‘n| graduate* >>t limwn I I he stni) which features J “I hatch" I hate hri. t hronie le*s the* dials and irihulations of students at W a\ land l I hate h" hi oke into the national sjHith^ht when a It te nd of She mi| n wrote- an aillc le about politic al court tnrss tot tile \') ik I r ■ and submittrd some- P ( Prison e ai'te m »fin with It Shrsol said lie llrsrl e \|h*c trd to v e thrni in the / iwi “ I he \ tan it and the s tan it hiy» She sol said I he media spin slatted lolling and sutpnsin^lv it still hasn’t stop|wd Shrsol s P( wt»ikN also writ It aimed m l hi Wall Sturt ji ui'i i I hi lu'stcti (.< sh•»w s I' ( I*« i soil living i * * pflSliadc 1 student to i llUHM \ 111.-1/nil ( nine h nr < i cm in instead of i In m i »lafr « I up bet ause it is ihr c nvironinrniallv sound * holt e I .ifi i I' ( I * r is<»ii is troubled vs hcii In disc <»\c is Insensitive M.m telling -» I* >v to < all trill.lies “i tin ks \\ < (i«>n I i .ill thrin (links' ( )i mils' I lin ic I* ( IVisun s.t\s When ilu b*»v points out that ft males air *»n I \ d w .ii s old. 1’ ( I Vi m mi i r plu s \S t 11, tin \ n pi r women Slit s*.| salt! tin issue has n at lied its [k ak in tt i ills (>t mrtlia atlrnin mi \ think |M has Iwrn ovriIiv}k d it s not as oppressive a problem as mult umv tvttiw |*»umalists base inatlr it out t<» ht In said I do think it s Im r n ovri blown hut I | " i Politic at (an i tt mess) delimit l\ tan hr taken to an extent when it . an be damatpn^ h\ thi calenin^ t ultut al liei ita^t l>rinj» insensitive *»t saving something that ttmld lx mtsmieipit i* d she saitl \ltlmugh Smith said slit is unsure < •! he? own \lew of the movement. she said Slit-sol's l‘ ( IVixoli ships writ an etlrt live wav to » lull at let l/e l*< Shesol m u^ni/fs tht politieai mt on ta tin won i mnpus as well It exists.' Sht sol said It s a piohlem and people need to t bailee then lx hauor It s not as it vou t an t dis< uss anvthmg, hut there an limits I heir it alls air things vou un'l talk about lit listed alhimativt at lion and a lathe 1 s role ill an id m MU* Ml as two tainh» (list ussit mi topic s RMi''n COURTESY Of !Ht OCNVERPOST All CARTOONS BY SHI'SOl < iiCYRlGHT B' AM >'" ■ FROM-THATCH FEATURING POUTlCAUY CORRFCT PERSON VINTAGE BOOKS " Jeff Shesol gives a tongue-irveheek look at the PC movement In his book "Thatch. Featuring Politically Correct Person." I hr Ik i^liu ncd awairiirss til ilir [kiIiik al i III I ft I Hess issue i umlimeil willi I lie I' ( I'ei sun i .1111ii ms have In ought a wave til |iul)lli il\ Iiii "I halt h " I lie cailiiiins dealing vsilli political 11II lei 11 less III Ills Ih h ik make u|i less 11 la 11 III prirrnl ut the bonk bill .mount bn ' ' |K*r< t in t »t the pi i bln ii\ Stu M»l vii(i ll s gtMxl .111(1 had lc hr !\jx nij wouldn i haw hrrn nntired without 1 I See CARTOONIST. Page It JOHN Alt KANCHM IIHMAS: a Not all neighbors get along as well as U. of Florida juniors Dani Thompson and Mark Wall and nearby resident William G Pothier. Jr. Zoned out: New ordinances help give students the boot BvJOHNCHKYKS I hr l i'I Miwoun. ( nlumhta l'«>igei i inimmm .ituinioi ami t ullui al (liveisin I hr new tiend on i anipus is /iillllli! laws < m loiini ils. tiled ol di aling with strained il lations between town residents and oil t anipus students aie du luting how students Ine I 111 se lestin lions whir h liiint how mam ..lan d people i an Ine in one house, will ■one some students out ol their homes \\ hile the total rent lemains nnatlei ted the amount paid In eai h resident mi leases /"HIHR laws are the latest twist in the student i esident I elatlonship. and thi s helped one align neighbor throw the book at Keggie (.tain a serum al the 1 ol Florida in (.ainesvtlle "The lot .tI /uni 1!^ laws ' a \ unit tinc uniclaled people i .in Inc togcthei (.i nn said "I5ui we had live and ul emu sc "in lielyIdnn s i minied us as we walked in and out " I lies repui ied us in the really coinpain We were lui t ed lu nm\ e util nl ml! In nisi Irct a use I he ownera wntlldll I lelicw "in (■lam thinks he knows ihe icasoiiing Irehind the det isiiui “ I he owners knew we were having *hes« pai lies Ik-i ause the i ais were all bitk king da siieels. and people weie in mating in all ul du neighbors' yards.’ (.rant added "It residential area, and I guess we didn t live up to then standards." Nut all students are tat nig confrontation' with ielut taut neighbors. See RESIDENTS. Page 1