I III Ml IONA I < Ol U'.M NfrUSPAPKK i.*n* hufMbrthttl < •* K..,^ .< imiN»S ^SliHUHUlUl IMUM H»K nti'MncxT isim iiNim IUMMM. HtffHK U..M UMHUI1 IlflTtMt Uit »i»niHt%o\ IfliitoMfir \ ilrllr I imki 1 *'*v !V * l> ( •1,1 ■» '(ft V. - k< . i» l Hvtfw-., |*n.c* VUImxil lOTORUt 4lft RORt UH St 11 I-m> W Jm. I* I'metUtnr Dun i.* \ w. u'nl < . Jirgu - hri* i* Im**IS V'U. .• h*Og**i /*ss1 I ll^mlRcr*! Si« « !.« I . iirvMl* I U ! fc*t.N i 4UT s V,:> ? n lUiiw -u t Mr4Hnt«nr HMN > miamiirnj > ±.‘h l 4 ‘ »» '* *!> -li Vl-4.4 t J«T1)I Ifcir. ■ A SuuW HI J*uhi». *!!»*» tkuh ]“*&*. I 4 % -uiht-Tn ( jlihxuw ! h I f allt K*j(uUI« 'I SfmWi. MmIu * hrjf.*; V*!r l |*n I < hikltri* Ihrn i.* .4 Muttrni f*uMw *lk«u f *i i+*urt / Va.N IfU^Tfthl H H « j*rs PiiMrtlwi l\tlteat* hum* • I'<*j 14 <-tiwt*1 M*na*fi .'•wt/fir'U*"*; Jk«wfcj l .»IW«l4 IUjts t .cf«rt*l Vt»rui(fr* 7\t Rni *+4 ?-> I I f«**mu (Vmt h |iuW -J Vmlrtu SfeUV i'ru \ii;hj Vj.1 t K* l.jutM I .tk I - -.r.• «i \|«i.j^n S4it«kii! t‘uMi> /W/m*A I nan l 4 I r\*» \ winii uttMUmSMWHKH Run \*»4»l*n( ; V M*i i 1K< l MTK>\ UA\A4.»* U.-...U K( 4 \movu m»\ miisiv(. uirwtor Rut. \i•*.«*> WARM nv. WSSS.IJt I -» Kr nttrUrrg SU»t*m« I S Utr(.um(hn»V> t lASSlMlI* Sf»i l\l M4THIS* I .V • S'. ... , \*i„ II. 4. It f'. ftH MH« Mini r iJiiiittfri t t« mm tuun 4 wu \mm *»>« <4r^uir S. «<l«k \4S UlSdSUI ,2-Ugi ADAM WILSON. Aii ' i'l NNs■. VANIAS • • • V. Being PC is tougher than it looks !l\ I 1NDA no\S I ht (M i.Ju>trui l huh 1 oi < )kl.ih« mu I .un suite img ln»m triinin.il weiidnrvs tins morning l( til stalled l.ts! \m t k 1 was • m the* phone vMth iu\ hesi huii Maigaiet doing mv hovii ic »iti s dishe s lie u | u.ts Ntnu k )>\ die poll in .il iin oim inc sn id in\ situation I immcdialels tontrssed fm tiansgicssion to M.u g.uc i i ih.it hr mg die it cling tti.it I was plasmg light into the I lands ol this panic ulai man s male supmnatA in allowing him to tish while stiuuliaurouslv grumg ins dishesdone l>» m\ JM isoii.ll delight Margate! pointed out that I would Ik doing thr ex.tt I saint filing it I vsrir a Irsinan and mv gitliiiend was fin "in who did all do i talking instead o| mv Uni trend \N hew I thought 1 hal was a i lost one "( ongtatulanng mvsell on mv nrwlv tlistovt led abihts to at hirvr rtjuanimitv in a |>t isonal irlaftonsili|> I looked down into die dishwashei anti lo mv iioitoi. tiistoveietl anofiiri big tune tiansgiession in die aira oi Jiolifh al i oi i e i lilt ss \| 1 of (host mitre < ups I ti he t n washing we ic made in loit ign toimiiies N e s. liiat “l lit s a In it h then vou tile" I UJ) was made in Japan " l he i ai Side ' • il tooli t up was made in I aiwan 1 lie- R \ R R«*oting( ompanv tupwasinade in i nglantl In ms da/e ii astonishment, I emptied the Iasi of that ( olomlnan milrr out oi the Iasi oi fin Japanese t oiler t ups and made tot the I t llltiix d into liit diivei s side oi Renaldo s !oieign spoils t ai shoved llappv Mondavs i el am t Is new Bl itish lot k group I into tile la|H drt k and slammed on tile gas 1 i e tli/ed that tin molt pohlit alls torirt t dung to tit) a! fills poult ssoulti Base been to i.ui**ol aiountl until I had ms thoughts molt fogt thei "i perhaps esrn walk aiouud toi awiule huf tome on let s Ik- leasouahle |ust whi n I had begun In arirpl ms hctet nw xualits I was iuuhimil d wiili di<‘ tole dial I was plasmg in dir i riMliun nl ilii- maxsise Im rign I rail r dcfii n hi n I In- gas pedal Ik in .till IIIV 11 mil Ssas all.n Ill'll In .1 ft M eigll i .11 I In whole issue nl |>nlnn .il i min im-ss has Ini n making tin | ml lilt i mi lake Ini instant e ms i liilclii :i Ms 1111Idii n ait Mucin an1 Hell dial is in sa\ that mu i \nu gel past dii1 Irish and hem h blood, dies ic pu lls Mnciuari (II i "insi- 11 might U- mm i- |x >h(i< .ills collet I In U" imi and adopt some un \nu in all i hildicn 11 mu I Ini d Um Id i minii u s. Inn if | i rails wanted anndn i lai i aioiind dir bouse. I'd |iisi ,;i l nd nl this kirni li II 1) ()l i tntisr dial Inmgs us to anolbei |mini. w hi i h is t ha I I would sun- Is disregard all Intel);il Hade di lii Us in use Kl ISO, the In lull a l)oi I in n pill, ll llu \iiuiuai! gosrt time ill \s Ini h oppi esses mi* would jusl OK it. \ll nl dus la Ik is i rails uniiri rssars, ai I lulls, t nnsidt [ mg that Reiialdo oni r pm i li.isrd ind still nssmi a i^inid old-fashioned Unciii an s.im-1 omis hul oh well Sn aiiswas | ssas timing aiound i onfused. i < i hi' in lie i Mill a while, I (naliiialls) got huugrs fnsl I iniisuleied slopping loi a piy/a and a < nke lwh.il i mild lie more \uu in an-). Inn llu n I u inemheied that ( nke sweetens apartheid so there went that idea I hen I figured 11 mild slop al Mi Donald s t no Italian Inml then , tight-), hul I rcmrmbctcd dir rain lorests and wi ll, sou know. (I would like In add un idenlalls, that pi/va is leads pu tts \niri u an d sou i onsidei dial the Su ihans dido I hast- tomatoes until dir Hnush shipped sninr osn hum dll' Nrw Will Id ( >t miusc, 1 l'»J isn't reads the sear dial Wncriu was dis,nsrred hul. hes, il we re gonna gel mm i mu . img Insiois. we ll In- here all das i reliiger. 11,ere in die lier/er was a inn < >1 vein* m Now. (his is politic alb inii'iin l in >t "ii lv be< .iiisr rating im .il im am eating animals ic\( use me, air those Iratlin tennis sines \"ii r r vumi ini’■) hui also hri aiisr this particular animal had U rn alive «ml then the w I do that liuiltris lontnbulr $ ^ imlh"ii a dav tlu* pieservation ol wildlife So thru \hout this time. ni\ lawvri tailed N«>w there’s sonietliing to Ik- proud of. tight 1 hast toniiai ted the scivkesol an \ineiu an law\c t < )| i ourse. this is prettv t omtiion lx * aim |K*r( enl ol the woi Id's lavsset s are \ tiler >' ,n Inter estingh enough, 70 jh*ii rnt of the woild s garbage als< > is genet ated h\ \met n ans \hoiit this time. I am coining to gnp* Kl!'1 the t.u t that I am suffering from a hem '< disease o| the si ml Something has to Ik- done M\ lift* must (lunge It’s beginning to let » little It m » halka < s<|iie 1 turned on the (Sons) television, uniting thousands of \ merit an-matle loiniinn 1 •1 •s into mv field ol vision I was lighting up 1,1 \ merit an i igajette when I irah/ed that Philip Morris put huge bucks into |esse Helms |>o< kel last veal. I vs as ahout to pull a Sv h 1 I’lath vs hen I teah/ed that all the knives m tl ( house weir < K*rman-made I knew theie was on In out* thing 11 ould d«1 •' this point and strode over t«» the Inpi"1 tabinet I line, between the Kierub t: (iemian wines was all the bard stufl I couldn't dec ide In-tween tlit Russian '• M^-: and the Kntish gin so I just poured a little both into a big stvroloam t up, added a huh ( anada Dn (,mgei \le and proceeded t" 1 on an old tashioned Airier it an drunk Praise the laird and pass the ammuiiitmu