Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 24, 1991, Page 7, Image 34

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(continued from page 1
lea. h ininiu II\ l< >|>i< s .mil wm king In light
i a< isin through su i .illcd "h.Hc spcei h
|K ill! u s .nr .ill Oil tin l’( agenda
Rugci 111iw.ttd. asso< late <li Mil nl students
.11 lllf i I it \\ IS! I l| I SUI . M.lltlSI 111. S| IS | 111 l’(
movement .i till difteienlls 111ns ..Ml
l llllteilds tll.lt l’( Is .1 hll//W nl 11 Ini those
who group togethet a V.II lets 11| issues
I think this I’t stull is a tousinn lion nl
those people who ate pulling a lot of
ihcoiies togethet ami liiinpmg them
I oge t he t . ' he said “I here is no l’(
It s an effort to deal with a niajoi i hange
III I Ills SI II lets I In 11 an leal Issues to .11 gill
a I» ml. mu made up aigiiinenis like I’t
In an ellolt to address some ol the so
i ailed leal issues die l ol Wisi nnsiii has
made an elloi t lo en.u t an oflii nil speei h
t I llll"
I he i odi nine nils i halletiged In the
\ met ii an lull
I ibei ties 1 mon
pi ohibiis si iidcnts
In>in m.ikini’ dm nm
in.non 11 miiiH'iils * hi
i allium Some
Ntiulrti!.' find ilie non
iiido i ague a nd
u in mi si ii utioiial
I tic \< I I
a vs ail I m; a dec imoii
111 mi a todoi al (i mi l
judge m Milwaukee
t< i v < it iIk ( mu t agires with its .ugumcnt
1 hr ink* has a lot o( ambiguities %.tlcl
( •li lt hrii Milln \< 11 's U*gal (in ( i loi lot
Wisconsin “Oil! huh ( 111 IN tll.lt It would
inhibit tier div iisM' >u that c * >llegr students
would engage ill lot i v a in j> 1< tatial
haiassment We think it is impoitant that
students be able to talk to rat h othri alx>Ut
this ivsiu 1 his kind ot mlr will inhibit this
kind < >1 dist ussi< >n
Smith t olh H(- lias tollnwc d l \\ s h ad
piepaimg a handout that details spe< du
"manifestations ot oppression im hiding
“pirtel led tel ills lol milloiities
hut irpn s< ntalrvc s at the Massai husells
women’s s» hool sax tlie pt< ss has dtsioited
the put j m >s( ot the handout Dr hi a Biadlex
news duo toi at Smith, said I he pamphlet is
meant as a “spi ingUuid loi (list ussu»n
l iiloiiunaleh she said, it has been
drsi i tlx d as a speet h i odr ll 1M1 1 a spre« h
< ode at all It s an intoi mutional tool
\\r ti\ to ediu ate people so tin s ( an hr
sensitise tow aid othi i s Non max |h >kr tun at
11 it was these .in pliiased lull ihc i mu cpt's
I think the' hasi i Ini iit %.ilulit\
Statiles Fish i h.m iii.in "I llir hull
I nglisli depai ttucnt .uni .1 iii.m iiticn
pi n li ascd m uiaga/ine .ii tii les as being .it
iln I.iti limit nt tin- I’t miisi until, agues
that the media has a gnat deal to it" vm111
tin- I’t nimnentiun
I Hi hi ha> ii' eis id huge vv i in ups hi I’t
a111ill’s rtationsndc tin auti- ut a test
s( tn lints la hi dining orientation Vsutkshops
i a 11 ii 1 I hike s \ isnm
1 lit- test. win. h 11fsi II 1)0s tin olftt lal
uId i|i igs ut thi’ uuiseisits as imiltti iiltiiialrsui
has nu i ■ n in t i n inn m it t answers Situ tents
also must atteml a pust lest seminal Seim h
inilltnes themi.ilsut tin institution
Imn a Kiiliinsun president ut tin
\ssi« i.iteil Students ■ li I hike I ill-si Illn d
the lest as a "sell test" a hoot insliuitiunal
goals “()sei all, inusi Iulks lei I a goal ol
niniln iiltntalisni is a good goal, she said
Ii is daugennis to begin In uiandali
peupli S sped h. bill Ihlke has lint gntie 111
tlint duel In ill. she salt!
I- ish t unlend
Fhere is no PC' movement.
It's an effort to deal with a
111, ijor el \. n tf>,< “ in this stx :i< -ty
Tl ier< ■ < in.* re. il issues to
.*rgu<; about, rlot madiMip
. irh.i mi*it its likt ■ PC."
— Ro^er Howard
mai |x ojH( \uiu
» all his aiitl «>lh< i
iiimri situs l’<
mtcsud .ut
niisintoi mt*(i .111< 1
< i i o n t* u u s
Hoi Ml! Slot It's
,ti ( cmlU-ssIs t n
(til.itrd tn<»st • >t
iht sr ai tit It s .ii r
fj.it as11 m tin out
t isn
.Ill'll lit I
sate l ()nl\ i me slots is Ikmii^ v>i itten, .nul it s
wntirn n\n .mil o\* i a^am \nd it eontams
v* is levs il« ins
\1< isl o! these n poin ts have lieu l hre II
within 1 JHW) mill s <*1 thr « arnpusrs this
s|K'.tk so tl i rl\ .»!m ml
lie a 1 so s.ml in .ms "I i In' .tl in It'- jit
wuucii with no sense ol hisiois .is il
r\ciMhing mi (ampus was pnln I l>eloi» a
trVs “t I .*/\ pet ipic* sin »\st <1 Up
Mthough I ish sate! Mime rstirmists exist
on t .unpuses hec\jK < is llic* i oniio\rt s\ t«*
dir down
When sours th.it h.tsr hern toi i I• mu
lime silriie re 1 I malls get a e tun* * -to speak
the \ some time s sjK.tk in vsass that to thr
opposite' rnel ol tin spretium \\ h h h
opplrssrel them lit s.eiel What vs 11!
happen is the- mj»i m s ol these sole i s \siil
le ssen as thrs bee oinr mole assimilated into
the s|| ut tUM • *1 umse l sits Ith
IVut I i« ivsai *1. Vs ho eioe sn t * an lot the P(
lal»e-1 rtlhri ehsa^le-rei \\ « air golliv: **»
stiu^lr vs it It this tm some time
News from around the country
Iowa State's heterosexual society...
\ gioup of students .»i Iowa Si.tic l
have Im mr<I a I Icici i »se\ual Si k ic*I\ mi
thru eampus. sp.ukmg he* .tied
debates ai llicii rut (tings l >c \ nn Ikn kt s
who 1 ou mice I i he m h tetv eai liei this veat.
%.11<t hrlei oM Xiialitv is the onlv
bn dogit a I Is eoi'tctt 11 f est \ I e I Isa
Waldnct Haugtml. a gtaduate student
and icai hmg assistant m s<>< tologv wh«>
son e el disa|)j)io\al of the mm ictv saiei,
I he leasoll lhe\ i e slatting die gte Hip is
I lic\ doll l like gaV penph Janies
Sihalei low. i Stale s l esbian <*a\
Bisexual \lhaine piesielcni. >aiel he
h« »p« d die I letei oseAlial Sot lets W oil It l Ik
a stii»|Mitt group In deal With heterosexual
issues lathci llian [list gav hashing I was
Imping tlies d he mot c pi • >a« t iv e than
ft it tivt he said • Jeff hwoldf / t Slat
I lath. Iowa Stale l
Please Mr. Postman...! i.»l: Hum Ii
meet kcllev MeDuttle a v» a 111 When
11.11 st h a l‘h>l gtaduate of tlie l ol
Wisconsin. SnmL maile d photoe opicd
lettets to id Westell! kentuekv l
students name el kt lie \ he < olisldei < el It a
"shot in the dark at finding the woman
from We ste 111 he III e* I timing Spllllg
Ihe ak liaise h wasn I ojitimistie he e arise
he didn't know hei Iasi name- oi how I *»
spell In i lust name But his e Ifoits paid
tiff when he let eased a i all lloiil belles
M< I ladle Well HI !• "Kiel me she I' 'Id
llaist h liaise h saiei (lie \ talked about
st bool ami sptmg bleak when Me Ihiffie
• ailed him I was prettv sutpiised i<» he al
fioill he a he vtiel 1 elieln t icajh klioSs
what t • * vis I lai st h saiei from m»w on
the s holll will Ik Willing cat h Olhe i \lie 1
fioill lie iW oil k' I lev won t he- getting
II' llnahl, Western kt ntm k\ I
You pee. you pay. . I : > m
peeing No matte i Imw vent sa\ it
uiinaitem is some thing that slmulel he
kept behind t h>serl (lotus, ol a! least
i udo< u s 1 fiat s what the «»11 n « t s a i
Mti higan Stale I s 1)« pat tmeut < »t Public
Satets .inWas mg I think dies gise out a
« onpI<■ tic kets .1 night lot public
uiumMom. said pimoi ( i.ug \pp< 1 MM
Mipliotniin lobm Yagct was apple
bended h\ jmltt'e tol puhh< ruination I
spent the night in j.ii 1 toi it, In said I
had just i Mine out < >! 1 *« lies s. the big bat
up hei*- and I was taking a Ic ak I didn t
haw am deh use Public Satets < Min c i
Kniiald WresieN denied that MSI nttneis
Issued two (h krts pel lllght bit pllblu
urination I would be smpiised it then
vsei e JU attests pel st al Weewes said
( .eiu i a IK when tin \ Witte a • nation It s
undei state taw and thr\ ate < barged tol
something like indecent exposUlf ol
disoi del Is c ondm t, he added I lit
maximum penallv lot indecent exposuic
h x .‘Mi ,| one \ < a I m | a 11 ■ Melissa
Peel less and I anil Poliak I hr Miihigtin
I)iii\ I ■»! Mie Ingaii
A jolly old trip to Ireland...! )n» w..i:.an
swallow eel M7 goldfish, a mall ale ■ 'b worms
and anothet jk-isoii dose lioiu a laddei
into a gteen sheen ake as pail o| a What
would sou do to win a Hip to lie land
(oiitest at Penn State l Phi Kappa Pw
It atei nits and Kappa \lpha 1 he la sol oi its
oi i*am/i d tin eseiit, vshu h taked m
SlO.UtMi tol the \ssoe latloii h »l Retaided
( lll/ellS 1 lie SWIinei . i‘MU Ml! all, Ssauled
the tup enough to gulp doswi **/ goldfish ill
• «ne h< nil Mike \ hr all is /'//', f : :,jn
Pe-miss tsaiila Stale I
Expensive parking ticket...smd< wh<
paik 111< 4a 11s at Brigham Young I could
end Up gelling booled out oi Si hoot
\ldiough no one has hern expelled tot
violating the rule, uniseisils Matin
of lie et s said H i an he done Bs the I mu
s\e get some people III tide- dies llteialls
hast tumdieds of dollais in e nations
said ( apt Mike I lai! mill. dli e « toi ut
i ami >us p* »he t it at tie . said I << time alls
it s a siolalioii ot the law and a siolatoi
i on Id end up going toe mu t and getting a
i 11 m l n a I I e i old I losses 4 i , s% ( 11 s to
' . ... ■ he i > ■ 1 M ■ K e ;
I hr-1 hi:,\ I ’ ' e;sr BfIgh.Ull \ otltlg t
icontmued from page 3)
i .lining .ti .1 irirptmn Ini Ilu- prr'idriil ' urn tnnli -Old
S loon m ill \ i leaning Inllv ,n i uiding O' Siahlni 11 ■. in as
nllll r
Kill gmri llllirul nllii I.ils sail I iiiimim ■•! um an li IninK a I '
mealed al all nl llir mu’sligaird ■* hi» >lv un I nr I mg s II 'Hi"
al 11 n Mas'i.u lniM'tls InsOlulr "I I n linnlugi $ a Ml.nun .,!
| |,l I \.II (I I Mrdll al Si linnl .. al 111! I ul
I‘i'll I is\ Kama anil $‘Jt»n,nOO at I lir l nl Pillslnugli
\l Ml I ill\ cnI igao ns i r \ ralril 1 It a I llir i n a|i|»i u[ n i a o
1 liaises lilt luitr S- 1.000 Im lulu linns al llir (tirMilrlil '
hull*’. $1:1.1,00 |m llnweis III llir public inrrlliu 1 ,m I""
llir |nrsideill\ Irsideni r. $‘J,. U , tui legal lies t elating l"
trdrial hearings and $10,000 Im van,<ns gilts
Indirect research monies also funded this shopping center
In l lie .11 nil! i >t I'run \ 1'isT < \|* >m loiivniMinimnnl
niinil.u » ii.n ji n M'ST.'isu in u.i-i s .uni f><■ 11<-|11- lm .tliiinni
nl.iimns |>« rn..niit-1 $'hil lm alumni mailings SI'M I'"
alumni [i.iniri allci i\m> luntliall ^anm SI i >IHl in liawl
c\|k uv s anil 57 t HIMI in aiimilil'li i iiu; uiIIn uul II u\l'
Viiti .ii I'm. un.illtiu.thli' i Ii.n.;cs hi I!'*** ini Indcd. .mumy
iitllci lluiHi' s.iI.iin .Uld hclii'llls tut tile |>| esidclll s «111 \ ' I
.mil i Ii>i tlic |Hi wli hi s< Inisim.iM .nils
S. inn i it (lie icjMHli'c! expenses .ii* i Ic.h In lli.ippi*>|H i.tli .
.mil .ii I tin ii Mi .ii in v .iiit il»tii<- iIk in in miim .ili iil.iii' ms ■ ii
.ii i mill 11 mi; dims w lull uimciMlN .mil i|n\i I n incii l
.iiimuii»l i .ii• >t s hi.mu i illii i nt SI.iii.i^imciit .uni I *11* I i i
HUH It lilies |i II 111.11 IN ii! lllllllsi II 11,11II Its
‘ll x lllllml t.llll Ii i 111 lie ill.! I 11,II I 1 >1 llll | II i il ill'll I ill.11 .ill "I
lls see is Ih.11 ,i Ini (it I (he lesi .Hi II i mill .11 III1H glllilelllli sl
.He , ijien In mil l|ili i il H HI, s.iul |i -us Men.i i I "I
( .llllI It 111,1. Iiel heleN s|M lkeslll.llI
III I III ill).11 I lie inisllllilei sl.i ill lilies. I * SI H Ills he Hill I
IlNlslIIlH tllf lilies l"T |l Ill'll IIU Ns I l.l I ex pi Uses llll IN 1-1 111111 111
iiiiisiilcis ,i|i|ii i i|H i.iie Sl.inli ml. mi ,i I ins II ili. ns ill 11 ist it i ili ,i
sNslelll ill i llll ks .Hill h.ll.llll es in H N ,1111 [ i Its llllllle, | I , isl s
| II I M ClilllCS