u News and Notes 2 B PC or Not 2 B PC Welcome back. college men ,tnd women. (>r is it womvti and men.' Aw hei k. whokmnvs now,k lass As you ( an see. tins veal s liist issue ol / is < rammed lull ol |xilil» al nuns mess — the movement that has swept at toss college campuses, seeped into < laxsioom (listnurse and confused everyone in its wake. S' nne < all IH a new Nh ( ai thvsim that threatens to redraw the boundaries ol tree speei h ( )thet s t all P( a unit h needed torret lion ol hrstont al ou t sight and insti tuiionali/rd rat ism (idlers sav it s just a hunt h ol media In pe Being the media, we ol i oursc leseilt that notion Behind the Scenes II vou tome to Santa Monita, (..till , you tnav meet the new stall ol I ediion.il tellowrs wandering around Valerie, |ell. I am el and I wete pint ked Irom middle Xtnei ita, transplanted here, and given the power toseleet, commission. edit and design llie lies! work ol t iillege joinliallsls at mss die country. We get a Iree apartment one block Irom the heath, editorial control ol a puhlit alion with a 1.4Mw) circulation, and o< i asional lice In kels lo Dodgei games lisa lot Ix-ttet than standing on the street comet holding signs dial sa\. "Will edit lot tood " You see, the entrepreneur who founded the papei five Years ago was adamant alxmt hiring Young journalists whov litlgets ate still on the pulse ol the collegiate student both (or at least v m lew here near die wnsil Ihatw.iY.we don’t hast- a hunt h ol slutted shuts in txiaiil-rooms vising, “Veah. I lerh, I think college kids want to read more articles alxnit mutual funds... Lots at New Stuff And n gets belter. I his year, / is nuking some < lunges tor the lx-tter As well as reprinting the lx-st articles (mm college pajx-is, now weir sending mote college students out to write original anu les for us, (ktnil ol like I line, except we re not owned tn a vertical media monopoly.) I here’s even going to Ik- a new entertainment magazine, In, which will Ik- a sister publication to I (<>l is sibling publication more M '■‘h lit addition, this vcai we editors get to take turns penning this "News and Notes" column, when- we c an write alxait the hot trends and issues we uncovet while reading every ink-stained page ol more than 400 college newspapers So, kick luck, ic-Lcx and enjoy the hard work ol die 53 college jounulists (count ’em) who worked like c ra/\ to bring it all to you. —Ty Wenget, Fditoron Fellowship. Ohm Suits I RAJIV CHANDRAStKARAN 'V The Office of Naval Research says Stanford has misspent $200 million In research appropriations. Including funds for this yacht Probe cracks down on research IU ROYWM PATH /huh /Vn i; sx/emiimi l ung Sslu ll tcdci.il ailiillms uiuuscied vs ll .11 (lies behest in lie S'JUII 111111 It 111 "I ll 11 lie • essats 1 liargcs In mi Siaiitiml 1 smII siiii r Is limn ilit- aiiiniiHi id gnscinniciu iikiiics mi IS cl si I les let else tm 1 esc ai i li 1 elated C\|K‘IISCS Xiiimliiig 111 Dennis Fii/gihhons spokesman till t Ilf 1 niigicssional snli (iiiiiiiiillcc heading lilt icsless, si hools have iiiiilm mis misuitrl pitied "s.igue Icilcial guidelines. 1 .iiising admiiii.slratuis In misuse Iax|iasci s motirs at numerous insnuitinns " \s |ii!m Dingt'll D \ln li , ami head ut the siiIh niiiiiiii lee I said Stanford is lllli ill I ll 11 a I e Is lume the Mile lll.itl llie rn f|>1H ill. i lt/^itll>lHIS s.illl I hi 10111411ssiDi1.il }> 1 iilii involves I'm 11 mm-111 si 111jii 111 1111 into 1 m liidin^ .nlin 1 ms 1 i nnr .uni iiiMiiitcii.tin r msis ,u 1 1 m i I 111 mi I nil 1.11 h 111 nil 111 n si .111 11 I first r\in nsrs m.tkt up imfiiti 1 ttstMii Ii mrilir.iit, tvlin h is litoncv Mililtil In .1 II si .111 Ii 141 Mill fi 11 sill 111 nil! 1 tst.11111 si 11 i|b h I 1111 III ti I 1 mi lit.nl I .ills 111I11 Its 1 ii .iltt'iii its .tillmi 11st 1 Mint 1 \|»tnsts .mil iii.iiiiltiiMiii 1 rsjltllscs Mini Is l.lt krd onto tu n Ii 1 It 1 ll itst.in h 141.1111 \ 111111111 s 11 .inn sii|i|)ini 11 ii nits is used in |i.i\ itst.in fi assistants and .kIiiiiihsIi .uni s who s|itllil lilt it nil p.tl t It til.il | >111)f( Is 111! iiiainitiuiii 1 inniitv is iistil Ini ilit ii|»ktt|i nl itst.in li buildings .mil hrljis ji.it lm 11111II Il-S t(|lll|)llltlll Mllll supplies St.iiih 11 d s 11 ii1111-1 1 mi rhi id i.nr vs.is s pci < till Ml lilt st Ml I of lilt jllnht, vsllli ll 1111 .ms lm even Sinn .1 itst.in In i it. tin d. llit uimtisiiv ^i il .111 mi Id 111< ■ 11.11 S7.s lm sii|i|mii 1 11 isis Si .11 dm d s 11111 tin nni lit .id 1 alt is v. '11itn tnl Dm uiji the |>*1 sI dti Mill Si .inlni 11 Winsford acquires majority ownership of U. I he l.o\ \ nge les based \\llisloid ( 4 ii | h h .i I if in has ,u <|tnt <-/ I ■ \ngrlr\ and a senioi r\r< tiiivc *»( I hr I nbuin < otnp.im "1 ( tin .i({i»1 h.is hr r 11 ii.unril |nrsulrn! .ind puhlishri Mi S< hinnl( in .1 In*» i iin < * 11 »i .1 ml nIi.iirli*»1kl< i Svsrrtl.md. who w.ts pir\ioiis|\ I iim \ it < I’icnkI* in Imrsloi .ind M< ill i Relations loi 11 1 Mmi.iiis* »n \ < omp.im .tiul 11< *iii* S.t\ m^N * •! \inrf l* a. will hr thr rthtoi i.il dilr* l* H • »l ill*- ih’Wnj ».ij k■ i .idminislratuis used hmulicds dI thousands III I .1 \ | >.l\ I I S I lull.! I s, 111 U'lltll’11 in I os fl iniilii.nl null 111 liiiiil ill! campus slumping i i iiii i .uni fi»i ill |iici i.iimlit < if 11ic SI III M l| \ \ .11 111 SI.i111111 • I I'li snli in linn ilil Kimu ill tesigned in tin wake ill the Si.inliml myestigaimn. saving 11 would Ik ilillu nil in Ii ii| ihc uniseisiis with ihc kiiiIihu iw sin n nim In ii; his 11 'Ii' is | ii i siilent Uni Si ,i nli ii ii spokesman lens She j >.t i ■ I said [lie SJimi rnillmn the unnenuty m.n have inissiK iil is in iiis|hi11■ li\ .ulininisli.urns wlm l» lieu Si.uili ml should nut have In pas I mi k unities ilic giiveitiimmi alli-.hIs Ii.is ajij>i• isc7,UUII in linen Ini the plesldelll s hoiisi $_* Non In tel ill hlsli a gt and pi aim, S 1.1 Mil I Ini a i eclat lined i lu st $_‘.htMl a month Ini llmseis ill dll plesldelll S Imllse Si IKHI lot See HI SI ARCH. Page 7