RIGHTS Continued from Page 1 of what fu; called "true minor ities," then the true minorities will suffer. He said "it is a shame that those who are trying to pull themselves out of their circumstances am tied down by those who cannot and will not control their own passions Fred Simmons asked the C'itv Council to put the gay rights is sue into perspective He said "the gay issue is just one small fiber of the rights that this city needs to protect ” He advocat ed reinstating the Human Rights Commission, but this time with more power so that it could function in more than just an advisory role At times the debate' took a distinctly religious flavor Kng Iisli said ili.it judging from pa - pers like llir Kpfiislcr-Guurd, which he called the Red ('.turd, i! was Christians and not homosexuals who wen- the victims of hate and bigotry Hut this was not the first time religion entered into the pit lure Karlier this month, intend fico messages written by < turn il member Half Waters showed how frustrated Walters was with the laik of "traditional values" in the local govern ment. Another message, this time from Schan/.. said the the Mu man Rights Commission had an agenda to indoctrinate the community with its version ol human relations, multi cultural diversity, homosexual rights, etc " Schan/. also lamented the lack of Christian involve ment m City government Rail I Ptwlo by Anv. Wojcik. Wal lets and Schan/ outvoted council memliers Lee Beyer and (Javlo 1 )ei ker on .1 mo tion to dismantle the Human Bights (Commission Berg w.is on vac alum Orey’or1 Daily Emerald i\ M.tir.'.irernE ? >***.,-■ -.i‘ (>n y | ’ *> ;■ ?> .'«*! i t y Mu'«.1ay y«nr and r .«**.ng tf» % ”t;y i ! .»: ’••»i Urwv«'N ty o' < I ..gwm 0'uy°r !‘u I "’u i«J • of ;•*# Uri'vWMty « •* *« , > | '• M*¥’ • tii 1>V0' <«-«1 % a •’■un\lH*f of ?h» AfcStx a!ix1 P'»*-,s i‘ 4j l • o'tixJ •» pnvulo property Tf*» ufv.wr! J ’U'^ovdi ty uso of pap«* ’■>> .g'1 f 'day -.I ■ ,j n»» •- ' >«Oi *»y«nt<»is J*ff Pas ay l ayna I aKwfvsh Christopher Btajr N«wa t da of f ditonai ( ditof Sports f drtor Night f ditof 1 • • Doo Poiwr* Jafc# Bury ( hn% B< ••: Aaaociats I drtor* Community R»» hi l >»h t Studsrd Government Activities i a i, i, ,*» Higher f dotation Administration ( on** Dennett Reporters fa" y fi.-ttuy C harbor •■«„» (**»•• • f t/y»y«lcf i iy ► ••• I .»s. I mi M n* ja/ Hope Hn-i’vxv Co-•-«**?• fH.>' •g Photographers Jrtna Hi* '*n A/vUo Manor Advertising nw Bnyltoy ‘-otf D-ira l u f .» H» ta>n h--r> I am l *m* (■ l ?.« fig Hard- •• H- «»y C.i:’«»' ♦» f toy u M.try ►andorson t ry> *h0'‘*i. Sofvervwar Judy 1 onnoify Production Ingrid W* to Production CounhnjUOf Jw' Hh Arcfuy HmJ Hownid/ i a-**. Jar f ,'Kh. C M' * ■> M.i" Mono j*»- '«i Mo*and. Don fktatt. Mg'.n.U# Smith. Anna 5ilophon«Ki Su»v*» fox.-^yyJ !’.r.,r. IiyklWaams Ganaral Maivagar J xTy Mmdt Adv«rti*ir»g Director Bryan M CoppuUy* Prockrction Manager Mi fvu*«j How. Nawftroom 146 SM1 Display Advarliaiog 146-3/12 Bu • in — Off tea 346-6512 Clatarf iad Advertising 346 4343 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON 1 Whoa' Mr Lewis! We don't know what that thing Is or where It came from, but after what happened to the dog last week, we advise people not to touch it.