i9i TRAVEL FREE TRAVEL- Af counwn «r«3 rj\nmhtp* Student* m%o rx**uxl Christmas. Spring. and Summer kx Amusomont f^rv employment Ca>l (B05) 6ft? 7556. E« f 1451 ODE CLASSIFIEDS 1 STOP SHOPPING Tokyo $969’ _ Amsterdam $979* London $282* Frankfurt $304* Costa Rica $«75* Auckland $449* Sydney $499* fares an- rat h wary based on a fotett Jt nr) port t *rvc and are from Portland (teurxtronsepptyend trues not included Council Travel 71$ SW Mormon »600 Portland OR 9790$ 503-928-1900 800-998-2854 Book for the holidays now? _ ?oo RIDES & RIDERS f rom Corvallis to Eugeni) carpooi mumpers rxmtUni wrwrtuJays I ipensrn sh.vtxl 753 491 7 eve* Traveling Soon? Apply for a cradH card Fly anywhara in tho USA for 5180 loan CaH TODAY'? 485-8830 ASUO t» cummtfy accepting applications tor Student PottUont min the Campus Recycling Program Sludani Recyckng Allari Coonkneor <1) Dorm Coordmakx {\) Recycling AilltUnli Derm and Houeng (4) Gwa > 1) f MU (1) f (kXMOO (1) Appitcaiiona end }O0 description* lira available m the A SIX) ofrtcw Surto a, f M\J Denrikno lor nppixatKWvs s Monday September 30 1991 *u *, DO p m ASUO *s at' Athrmeuve Anon 1 d additional votunteor opportunities ar© avo.Uit>ie for a edit Drop by our offxo in ttie ASUO Women s Center, Suite 3. 1 MU or call 346 4?39 for more information OPPORTUNITIES ?05 OPPORTUNITIES Bui player singer an> influence* 343-6656m *g _ Career Counseling Internship «vn i»t>«e »cx T’xi 1091**? wnrio^r year Open to g'adixae students in lndmunai Metaion* Counsa^ng. { duc4K*>n o* '© UWerl (1 -v. ;>»• **> A stipend n» ava.'aba* Contact G*na MuV.yr by Sup kKnbc* ?4 for WAtcKvym 346 6008. Ca '«»w Kannmg «:*3 Racpmort I>erYng Jr Go*obr*»!»on CofTi'Tiir.on TftsM m cKtUt taking mm jiur, owng & gerayaJ rr-vstanoe Vo*un!©o* audV cx work study Contact f ran* G<*>'■ nry, 346 4QQ0.____ HELP YOURSELF RflP OTHERS! Good income ui home vorvit.ng pro sold M«c/o !>**< cuslomer* Gai. Cha/.o Independet* Moo Out advmx, at 686 4406 "Know Before You Go," where to woft, Irva and ah I fraa tn Colorado a raaorta Currant Gutda lo Aepen, Vail, Breckenhdge and moral |16 95 Call 1-600 766 €1 74 l at a talk if you • VXd your now home • look back knanong • wctAd p^o'or cash ixrw [ ocal coup** w .’mg to buy ftl or pad of that note _Sm daaQtc k^50 3■ 726-7772_ Soccar rafaraaa needed afternoon game* B«H 464 ?406 or Kxtspods 683 23/3 l ** I im. 1 tl) S Slip in IIiuimI.ivs I.H.iimn I.D|*»5 (.'mills IH. I’/NI' Sij'u up al iM ()n j;dii 11 ill I m mm. inlmm.itnm . Jot) raqiAramantt mdud® 1) Ropomng and caHbrattng oiarironic and «*ocirt> mochamcal oquipmant (ifms i'kKjOm trout)*® shooting analog and digital or Guitry to If4) component ^vt» , ?) Con Struct «ng on* of a *uncJ SOOntfhC rtstru moms 3; Mortify »ng oiatiog equip mar# 4; Manianmg pitnisn and p®r sonai computer* 1 5 20 hr* W 17 OG-tv Miol ta* a IX) o' t CC Mu Oont II interwatad. contact D«v» B'umfctey, ins‘.data of Nauroactenca «i 346 4516 Graat part lima saw* po*«on t>«montiraia KIM kXJdspoak*' »n r«a •nywonmant 1 ? wookorxH p®' month No aiper«nc« necatuary $7 par hour ♦ bonus Pteas® cafl CAmeron coftaci (206) 83/ 8295 or mag at 1 600-9A* 195/ GTF POSIT ION 9/16*1 «/lS*2 20 F It Maniorship Program Coordinator to aorK *r«h Doan of th® Gradual® School and Gradual© M;norty Advisory Counctf. coordmatmg nrm montorship program Otxam )ob doocnpfon and application ai th® Gradual® School. 1?5 Chapman lUti, Application 04rt Advisor today at 686 044/ ATTINTION BUSINISS/ MARKiTINO MAJORS GET PRACTICAL SALES AND MARKETING EXPERIENCE Need a challenge? Earn up to $2500 term managing credit card promotions on campus. Flexible hours. CAU 1400-9$0*I47J til.JS RAIS( $500...$1000...$1500 FOOL FUND RAISING f » vo ba'cr® and aha* %CT*XM. non *rro»ty own car Room A board m •> cfwngo ky 3 4 bourn p93 r 3 Now accepting applications lor RIM football, volleyball, and soccer officials. Pay range $4.75-$6.00Tir. Pre vious experience desired but not required. Training sessions provided. Apply at 103 Gerlinger or call 346-4113. Outaida aatea F est growing marketing tern representing F irustone looking lex outgoing energetic people tor tale lemoon A ever.sng hour* IlS^TO-Tx, we guar ant— UL'*'’ i 800 3?3 765*9 f’art tuns AutoCAD position »n iranspodotion engineering firm f > peftence and graphic deiugn siuils nr© pk/» Sated on begins Sopiarr h** 26. 1991 Sand of bnng resume lo JRH T ranspodfitKXT Engineering, ATTN CM f fcrm. 1177 EWl Sr '«« '’h ?hC. I ‘*oana. Qft. 074Q1 ftersonal Cars Assistant Respon vt>te person to spend lime with young man in f ugone with muRipte cksetxMes Pert time 10-15 hours who*h V SO hr> ■ ’ K aihy. 936 80 i 8 Posts! Jobe available! Many pt»ns G'e*’ benefit* Cali (805 ) 682 7666. Ed P 3309 WANTED: CREW COACH Man s and Woman's Varsity Craw trains at Dexter FTeservoir and com petaa with Waal Coast Schools For mors Information contact Sandy Vaughn at Club Spoita. 346 3 733 .Vv» ^ U 0 WANTED: JOURNALIST CLUB SPORTS is looking lor a STUDENT Journalisl lo represent us In the media (Emerald, Guard, and oth ers) and publish a term newsletter Practicum or sti pend available Call Club Sports, 346-3733 O slop fry a.:' t>"nt " •*»> I MU Weight room supervisor Weight training knowledge required Will train Work study required Contact Maria 346-4113 or FTlM oft tea |7 60 hour OsoPtod temate rx«ds helper* over brunch and dinner Near UO 484 6423 after ? 30 WORK STUOV SAFERIDE NEEDS YOU Now Hiring For Academic Year '91-92 3 Dispatchers: 12 to 15 hours per week. Evening shifts. Work Study only please. 1 Administrative Assistant: 1 5 to 20 hours per week. Work Study only please. for more information and an application, come by Suite 3, EMU, Women's Center, or call 346-4239. Application deadline is Friday, Sept. 27th, 5 p.m. Project Safer ide 11 an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer ?is WORK STUDY EMUB OFFICE MANAGER Work study student needed to assmi \ rt> MemonaJ 1)0*00 Roant of [>voc !CVV to record and type mtcjiwi tor boa'd house and budget comr»vroos and pen**',! o" guide' Naed halp g work study Qualified stu dents as ohioe assistants to type fie. and genera. office duties J6 50 per hoor Op pod only to team computer wont processing sktfts Previous office eipenence desirable Need some (not mi) or these hours 12 to 5pm MlMfThF Fill oui application at 320 Chapman Han See Jan*ce, «6 2514 WOMEN S CENTER Admrwtratve Atwttant Staff ot Womens Resource & Refer* Staff of Safe fVOe Women in T raneton Co Oireclor Closing 5 p m September 27th Application available in the Women s Center l MU Suite 3 ASUO Office. E MU Suite 4 3*6 4095 AA.t OE _We also wan: volunteers1 ??o HOUSES FOR RENT BIG HOUSE t Block From Campue 6-8 bedroom, 4 bath Over 3500 square leoi. completely re finished on inside 2 living rooms, huge kitchen and dining room Unfurnished Si696smom h 663 9104 Small Brick 2 Bdrm 10 blocks to campus 6695/tnonth Un furnished 683 1904 EARN MONEY Rending books 630.000V income potent iaJ Details (1) 805 962-8000 * *t Y 9642 CLOSE TO CAMPUS 1697 Orchard St 5 bdrm, 2 bath house. which will t>« completely remodeled & landscaped by the beginning ot school 61250 Call 343-6000 FURNISHED 490 l 34th 3 bedroom*, i baths. plus s!>x)y *'replace garage. weather .-ed utility room $725 2980 OL tVE 2 bedroom* . family room (or third bedroom) Ava.tabM» Oct 7th $750 UNFURNISHED 3639 E AMAZON ? bedrooms. garage. $550 3942 PAM 3 bedroom*, 1 bath*, appliances, fireplace, fenced, garage $615 3455 POTTER 3 bedrooms, fenced, garage. pat»o $630 1250 SUNNY DRIVE River Ro 3 bedrooms wood Boon* weatheri/ed hoi tub $795 No Pets Shown by Appointment Spyglass As social t*> 345 West! Oth 6B6 11 30 2?5 APTSPUPLEXES A LARGE, CLEAN. QUIET 2 bdrm. 1 bk U ol O Available now Turn . b*g kitchen. DWtJrsp. t*g do* els new carpet/bnoteum. lots ol parv mg. laundry, 5undeck 663 8919 Desperately Seeking a Rental? THE RENTAL ASSISTANTS 1217 Oak484-4055 NO UTILITY BILLS S445 include* f'ieal. alecincfly, and ca txe On me laundry, parking, and oitra klorage ( ievalor kx your oonwuance SHORT WA1K TO CAMPUS Eugene Manor 1040 1050 ferry 484 7441 STUOIO»2«5 785 I asi i fun Si 48S8S91 K?5 APTS DUPLEXES FREE RENT Rent tree 1 w November 1st 1 750 A*)*v ? bed'oom $545 687-0684 7 BLOCK TO^AMPUS^" 2 Bedroom Apt Beaut fully 'emodeied wrth nppi> ance*. parking, furnished optional, and n grant kxaUKXT 145? and 1456 r 19th $!>?C $550 Call 343 6000 1 BLOCK TO CAMPUS tg 1 bdrm apt a 1/2 I k from UO In very clur\ quiet compUi B*g kitch •n w center island, separate vanP tybath. 6' wih in closet, fully furn, free covered parking Taking raeer vationa for fall Larry, 484-4103 Cali Now For MOVE IN SPECIAL New & Beautiful 1 & 2 BEDROOM FROM $505 A COVERED PARKING A WASHER DRYER HOOKUPS a EUROPEAN KITCHENS A FITNESS ROOM A CONVENIENT TO VALLEY RIVER CENTER 1811 Kingsley Rd 343-4549 NORRIS & STEVENS Management Co ONE BEDROOM 1187 Wos! 81 h $200 1668 Ferry Laundry $340 TWO BEDROOM 1 liO Wos! 1HM $550 THREE BEDROOM DUPLEX 1862 Kincaid l ower level $750 ROOMS 2140 Hams* Includes utilities and krtchen usa $185 * Non-smokers only No pets Shown by appointment SPYGLASS ASSOC IA T E S 686-11 30 2 Bedroom - $375 1C bix.ks to campus Vary largo and clean lease No pots Unfurnished 683 9104 Small 2 bdrm furnished api near Music BWg $370 RelertnoM Cali after 2PM Ridgewood Apts. 688 5769 Spacious Studio oondo. garden sot t>ng y months lease $336 month $250 returnaOto deposit 599 Coburg fid 344-0777 $150 MOVE-IN BONUS 1 bdrm. largs and clean 1085 Pan arson $335 1210 Villard $375 630 E 14th - $395 2 bdrm 500 E I8!h $530 888 E 18th $610 (furnished) Von Klein Properly Mgmi 570 \ awrerxTe485 7776 1255 Mill, large, dean, classy 2 bedroom, carpeted, drshwasher. quality furniture, privato pato. frss cable TV, walk to school but covered parking tor that special Voikswag err Resided Manager 92 343 5867 Keystone Real Estate 746-1402 2 bdrm fum, dean, quiet. D/W. drspas ai. laundry, covered parking, $495Ano 1200 Ferry 343 3318 1 BEDROOMS Very dean! 2 Mocks to campus, oft street parking avert. $355*nonth Will go last' Ballco 345-2255 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU 6000UJCK you TWO'MPf? M&M0BR, 5TART CMK Bt&'N 'founavmup fKOM SOWW ! I 6/MMf A BREAK NO, I THINK SHI'S RJ6HT. FT'S THE ONLY (NAY DtmMD. >ou SWULPASKME OUT ON A HAST CATE \, THAV5 STUPIEY rVE KNOtUN flU EOR YEARS1 forget it1 IN THAT CASE,tit HAVE TO ask you TV LEAVE OKAY, OKAY! HEY, BOOTS#'1 houabouta ROU. IN THE k&££" THE HAST cm, you JERK, NOT THE9CONP! \ f/ FOR INVITATIONS BROCHURES FLYERS POSTERS RESUMES AND MORE l £ r r e r perfect Graphics 346-4381 SUITE 300 EMU