REGIONAL BRIEFS Frohnmayer's child listed as critical EUGENE (AP) Kntlt? Frohnmayur, tho 12-year-old daughter of Oregon Attorney Gonoral Dave Frohnmay er, whs listed In critical condition Monday at a Eugene hospital. Kalin, who has a rare bono marrow disease, suffered a stroke Aug 3 while on a trip with her family to Salt Lake City Hor condition Improved somewhat after that and she was transported by air ambulance to Snored Heart Hos pital in Eugnno on Aug. 27. Howovor, a spokeswoman at the hospital said Mon day that Katie’s condition had been downgraded to i The spokeswoman dor liner! to provide further details. Katie's IB-year-old sister, Kirsten, also has I men di agnosed with tho disease, Panconi's anemia The only known cure for tho disease Is a bono mar row transplant, hut the family's search for a compati ble donor so far has boon unsuccessful. The Frohnmuyors have turned their hopes to scien tific advances In gone therapy anti have founded the Fanconi Anemia Research Fund to raise money for fur ther study of the disease Man steals ambulance, robs store PORTLAND (AP) — A man stole an ambulance on a rescue call anti later used It in a grocery store robbery, police said Monday Unit "Rescue 3" from Portlund Fire Bureau Station 3 hod been called to a northwest Portland address Sun day night to help a 72-year-old man who was having trouble breathing when lilt; ambulance was stolen, salt) Neil Heesackur, fire spokesman. 'I he vehicle was taken at <1 4B p in and recovered at 10 52 p m. in a church parking lot It frail linen dam aged from a minor collision in tho parking lot of a gro cery store that hud been mbbod while the ambulance was missing, Hoesacker said. The clerk in the store said the robber was wearing a firelighter's coat with blue jeans and construction boots. Hoesacker said officials are considering additional security to prevent such a theft in the future No suspects had been arrested this morning, he said Few show for mayor’s fund-raiser PORTLAND (AP) A black-lie dinner aimed ut paying off Mayor Bud Clark's $71,(150 campaign debt drew only '*<) people to the Oregon Convention Center Saturday night Clark supporters sent out lfl.BOO invitations to the S100 ahead dinner They had hoped 500 people would come (dark said hi1 incurred most of the debt through tele vision advertising for his 1WB re election campaign. Although the turnout was relatively small, event or ganizer Michael Burgess said many supporters sent < ontributlons instead of attending Council to vote on salmon plan 1‘ORTLAND (AI’J The Northwest Power Planning Count il meets this week to consider increasing flows on the Columbia and Snake rivers to help salmon anri steelheud survive the dangerous journey to the Pacific Ocean. The council will hear a far ranging staff recommen dation when it begins its meeting today Members will go over the proposal on Wednesday, and vote on u re vised version on Thursday. The proposal, which would amend the council's Co lumbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program, will he subject to a month of public: comment "I think it's safe to say that this is one of die most important decisions the council has ever made,'' coun cil spokesman John Harrison said Monday It may he one of the most controversial us well In creasing river flows would affect all the Interest groups that use the rivers, Including hydropower operators, recreational users and farmers The National Marine Fisheries Service has proposed that Snake River so< koyo, fall chinook and spring sum mer chinook t>e listed as threatened under the Endan gered Species Ac t The council wants to come up with a plan to save the runs before the federal government imposes its own proposal. Juvenile salmon and steelheud are more easily caught by predators if the water is moving slowly Less water also means higher temperatures, which can kill the small fish. The staff report says some reservoirs will have to lie kept at minimum levels to boost river flows. It also says schedules should he written for install ing screens to keep fish from entering dam turbines. The report also calls for reduced harvest levels for certain fish stoc ks, and suvs law enforcement should lie stopped up to decrease; illegal fishing It also urges curtailing use of ocean drift nets A number of projects should tie undertaken to im prove hahttn' for the fish, the report says It notes that a third of all salmon and stoelhead habitat has been lost, and that much of the remaining habitat has been degraded through erosion, siltntion or changes in water quality and water temperature Salmon and stoelhend need improved habitat for spawning, eating and rearing offspring, the report says Harrison said ho doesn't export federal agencies such as the Bonneville Power Administration and the U S Army Corps of Engineers to oppose the council's proposal ''I haven't heard that anyone's balking at it," ho said Under the Northwest Power Act, federal agencies must lake the council's fish and wildlife program into account at "every relevant stage of decision making," Harrison said Board calls for inspection of 747s SEATTLE (AP) — The National Transportation Safe ty Board has called for inspections of the cargo-dr wiring on :i(>0 late-model Boeing 747s, reviving a con troversy about the doors' potential for opening in flight The NTSB recommendation was made In an Aug. 28 letter to federal Aviation Administrator James Busey, The Seattle l imes reported Monday. The recommendation was prompted by a June 13 in cident at John F. Kennedy Airport in New York in which a stray electrical signal from chafed wires un latched the aft cargo door and lifted it. No one was op erating the switches on the 4-year-old United Airlines 747-200B jumbo jet. As a result, Chicago-based United — which lost nine passengers when a 747 cargo door tore off in a flight near Honolulu, Hawaii, in February — discon nects all potential sources of power to cargo doors on all 74 7 flights before they depart. After United cargo doors aro closed, a mechanic opens a circuit breaker and disconnects all wiring to the cargo doors. The move is intended "to maximize the safety of the operation until a permanent fix can be applied," Unit ed spokeswoman Sara Dornacker told the Times. "It is extraordinary, but it does have FAA approval." FAA spokesman Dave Duff said he did not know whether other airlines are tuking similar precautions. Tho FAA so far has not required any 747 operators to disconnect cargo-door power nor to inspect a flawed conduit blamed for the New York incident and consid ered susceptible to potentially dangerous cracking. The NTSB. which investigates accidents but has no enforcement powers, sent a copy of its Aug. 28 letter to Boeing, which forwarded it to airlines worldwide but has taken no other formal action, said Boeing spokes man Christopher Villiers WhiMQMBsWmulBmw. _Ja FROM THE SUNDRIES DEPT., MAIN FLOOR HERSHEY CANDY BARS, M & M’s, MARS CANDY AS MARKE D IN STORE: 3/99c GET ORGANIZED! CLOSET HANGERS 0 10/99 CLOSET EXPANDERS POCKET & LOCKER STOCKERS 20% OFF HAIRCARE APPLIANCES CURLING IRONS HOT BRUSHES BLOW DRYERS A f/20% OFF LOOK FOR THIS LOGO! You will notice this new logo scattered throughout our cosmetics department, letting you know which products have been created without the practice of animal testing 20% OFF PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS BEARING THE ABOVE “NO ANIMAL TESTING” LOGO price* effective thru Oct. 5 UO BOOKSTORE '3tn and Knead Eugena. Oogon 346 433i Ml 7 30 6. SAT 10« Closed SUN Special Hour* SUN S«pt 22, 12-6 pm MON 5®pt 23 7 30-9pm, TUES S«pl 24, 7 30-9pm WEDS*p1 25. 7 30-7pm