Goof robs district of state money GLIDK. Ore. (Al’J — A one-time ixron to the school district from a $1.8 million tax settlement was mistakenly Identified in paperwork as con tinuing income, so the state figured the schools in Glide didn't need its money Wrong. The Glide School District can cover its payroll, but things could lie tight until the state pays up. business manager Kris Aanderoud said She said the state has assured the district it will receive the money after the end of the year, when final property tax numbers am compiled. Glide schools would have received about 5730.01)0 in state money this fa 11 to replace rev enun lost under Measure 5 property tax limits But a Pacific Power ft Light tax appeal settle ment was recorded in the county assessor's offic e as a continuing offset. Aanderoud said. The paperwork then went to the legislative rev onun offico, where stall’ tax economist Torry Drake saiii Ins officii douhlei het ked the original paperwork to rnaki’ sure it wasn't a computer er ror. When the offset was plugged into the computer .is continuing this year, the computation showed (Hide should not receive any state replacement money All Douglas County districts, except Kerdsport. received some of the money They also are affect ed, hut on a much smaller scale (Hide, geographic ally one of the largest distru Is west ot the Casc ades, got the most money from the settlement. SUIU.OOO, because it includes the most I’I’&h land, Aanderoud said "There some other errors, hut this is the only one of this magnitude," said Mike Si hofield, Douglas Kdin ation Service District business man ager Police to get copies of drivers photos SALEM (AI *) Noxt time you smile for the Motor Vehi cles Division's camerus, your picture will end up in state cus tody 11s well as on your driver's license. On Monday the division be gan keeping duplicate copies of drivers' photos on file for po lice. The program was approved by the 1989 Legislature to make it easier for police to identify people through driver's li censes and more difficult for people to get phony licenses The system didn't get under way until now' because the di vision's photo machines didn't have the ability to make dupli cates. Officials waited until their lease for the old machines ran out before ordering new ones. "We actually started using the new cameras today,” divi sion spokeswoman Ann Snyder said. "They're up and run ning." Hunks .is well as polin' agen cies supported the hill "There; are a lot of phony IDs floating around," said state Rep. Mike Burton, 1) Portland, who sponsored the legislation two years ago But the Oregon chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union is wary of tin; new program on grounds that it might infringe on people’s privacy rights Stevie Remington, executive director of the state ACLIJ, said police should not he able to ask the division for pictures with out u specific reason. "It must lx; a legitimate need to know.” Remington said "I don’t think it’s appropriate for police officers to come in and ask for all the blond, blue-eyed people It s a little like making everyone come in for a lineup Because other states already bad duplicate photos and tougher license requirements, Oregon was considered an easy mark for those wanting a phony ALL REGISTERED STUDENTS COME USE US (even wl ion you i« - l" all I is1 WE RE HERE TO SERVE YOU YOUR Student Health Center 346-4441 lit ense or vehicle registration Burton said during legis lutivt! committee hearings, law makers heard stories about peo pie armed only with a library card being able to obtain dupli cate licenses When people ask. for dupli cate licenses in the future, they will be chci kod against a photo mug already on file if there is any question about the person’s identity. In those cases, a temporary li cense will he issued because it takes several days to compare photos, said Mike linger, man ager of the division’s driver’s It censing section Unger also said that only law enforcement agencies and the division are authorized to use the photo file, although banks can obtain pictures through po Clip out Oregon Daily Emerald coupons for big savings! Thk li-LANE-O Accoim A Bkti kr Way Ok Ciikcking. 1 I ‘'O', mloicsl paid In s mi on s iiiii loss monilil) balance • »• llimitIHUII Ilk (.(III llllt lt si I J \o SO I \ It 0 Iff ll soil *“ • III.Hill.nil .1 VOO h.ll iik o You pa) oiils S i 11 s i mi hal.iiK o drops Mow S2(X) o, I , Ik > k l CREDIT UNION I . I llli A Ecu v SI. I.X7-2.U7 2K4II \\ ill.iim tli Si. 41.5 X2N2 4. I uv Amor u .in I spioss I l.iscld s i lio ks 5. 24 In .in css n> \inii .a i mini iIihhii'Ii I he I si h.inpv .nnl ( ii i us 111 ! II11| ks 6. 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