COUPON For U of O students only FRHF HHLMFT or U-LOC K with new hike purchase. PAUL’S ' B1CYCLK SHOP BICYCLK WAV OK LIFK 2480 A Idoi 342-6155 152 W 5th 344-4105 Mediation Program When conflict gets out of hand and you need help — contact us. Rm 318 EMI! 346-4240 FREE conflict management ‘ Roommates ‘ Student f ui uIt\ ’ l trK.mi/.ations ill U.S. forces to remain in Turkey ANKARA, Turkey (AP) ('.round trcxips In the U S - led force based in Turkey to proton! Iraqi Kurds will fx' withdrawn, but allied warplanes will stay at least three more months, the Foreign Ministry said today. The agnx-ment on iwising till! air and ground force in southeastern Turkey was to expire Sept. :t(). but the government announced Saturday that it was being oxtendnd (X) days That announce ment suld the force’s components would bo changed but did not give any details IJ S military officials had hlntad earlier that tile remaining ground units would bo removed, saving aircraft were a stronger deterrence to Iraqi assaults on the Kurdish areas across the border in northern Iraq. Iraqi Kurdish leaders visited Turkey last week to ask tiie ullies to keep the deterrence force after Sept 30 The force’s extension coincided with U.S plans to ix-ef up Its military presence In the Persian Gulf area to pressure Baghdad to stop impeding U N teams studying Iraq’s capability to produce chemical, biological and nuclear weapons U.S officials declined to say whether the decisions were connected The allies have based 4,GOO soldiers and Ma rines at the Turkish txjrder town of Silopi since July after a larger coalition force left northern Iraq The coalition troops helper! the return of 1.5 million Kurds who lied to ’Turkey and Iran after their failed March uprising against Saddam Hus sein’s government The force at Silopi included 3,2‘)3 American soldiers as well us troops from Britain, France, It aly, the Netherlands and Turkey The United States based 75 support helicopters at Batman Fighting rages in Yugoslavia /.AGKT.’B. Yugoslavia (AP) As federal troops and Croatian militias tested u day-old cease-fire with gunbattles Monday, offic nils said neighbor ing Serbia was pressing for an agreement allowing It to incorporate key sections of Groaliu News reports spoke of fierce fighting around the central Croatian towns of Nova Gradiska and Oku< .ini. with intonso tank and mortar shilling of Vukovar, a Croatian town on tho Serbian border. The Yugoslav nows agency Tunjug said Mon day night that the fighting seemed to he ebbing, except for sporadic clashes in the eastern region of Slavonia, where Serb insurgents have fought Croatian militias since the republic declared in dependence June 25 "Croatia has shown its teeth, and a completely new relation of forces has been established,” said Croatian President Fran jo Tudjmun's top adviser, Mario Nobllo, explaining why he thought the truce would hold. “The onlv language that (Serbian President) Slobodan Milosevic can understand is the lan guage of force, and we have now shown that will no longer he effective,” Nobilo said. The federal urmy may soon pull buck from the fighting and settle into Serb-held parts of Croatia where the population "recognizes it us its own," said Borisav Jovic, Serbia's man on the eight member federal presidency. A Western diplomat, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Serbia seeks an urgent meeting among Yugoslav loaders to approve the partial army withdrawal. Hondurans score drug bust TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras (AP) — Anti-narcot ics agents intercepted a car carrying 143 pounds of cocaine worth an estimated S10 million and ar rested a Venezuelan man and a Guatemalan wom an. police said Monday. Cupt Cesar Augusto Somoza said the drugs were confiscated Sunday at the El Cuasaule bor der i rossing with Nicaragua, when the car tried to enter Honduras Somoza identified the suspects as Rafael Enri que Cuardia, 42. and Maribel Vargas, 32, and said the two had driven from Panama. "We discovered 115 packages of cocaine con cealed in a false bottom built in the hack of the car." Somoza said For years, Honduras has boon a major traffick ing point for drugs smuggled from South America into the United States. apt . 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