.ts apt$ duplexes Studio, on# and two badroom aparimant* Pool laundry ••cilft *aath«ruad Fiv» building*. 15th & Hilyard location 464 *922 UNIVERSITY MANOR SOUTH RENT NOW FOR FAIL' a CLOSE TO CAMPUS a PARKING a ON-SfTF. l AUNDHY 2 ♦ badroom* $575 3 badroom* from $685 Call 683-0729 NOW' Janmncis ♦ Co 683*4210 WALKING DISTANCE TO CAMPUS * ALDERWOOD MANOR * 1860 1 HIM Akim ? bedroom orvif, s: nv«» .ib«i 2 txxJrooms VS9S Cali Dor at 344 S69'j ♦ Co. 1210 Walk to campus Spacious " * bdrm Balcony. oft SUOOt paring. a ;n Ory. $3,‘C ♦ ? Bedroom Fiat $3«»‘ POOt PARKING LAUNDRY Catt.N-.no 344 *>583 Jennings ♦ Co683-4219 $150 MOVE-IN BONUS 1 bdrm, large and clean 1085 Pan or son. $335 1210 Viilard $3 75 6301 Mth $395 2 bdrm 500 1 181 h $530 888 1 18lh $610 (furnished) Von Klein Properly Mg ml *• TQ t nw'nnin4as ' ' ’»• 1 1 2 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS St jdiO. on s3e laundry lac ty $295 month 484 ,’393_ 1255 Mill large dean. dasay 2 txjdroom. carpeted dishwasher quality furniture, private pane free cable TV. walk to school but covered parking 1or that special Volkswag on" Res tier* Manage' W? 343 ‘>867 Key si one Reaj t state 746 140? 2 bdrm fum, clean, tv.net D W dmpoft al. laundry, covered parking. $4'.15-mo 1200 Ferry 343 3316 1 BEDROOMS Very dean1 2 blocks lo campus. ofl 84 root parking avaM $355-Tnon’h W go last1 Ballco 345-2255 ?5 APTS WPIEXES U of O, £ ifiih »4 Two bedroom * • • N*rw vrp4K prt "-' SViO *o10.T Campus, 1 Block ? bedroom, S44'j 1 bedrooot Very .rgo and «.n U» •.*•»*! No :mv-. lease 681 9iQ4 2 BLOCKS TO U OF 0 Millrace Apartments 1805 Garden Av• ■ * ” '.t • o ”* P’ »•.*:»» ;>■.»* 2 2 sJ >ry 'uwnbo *-«•. PA 1 * PARK if* , * I At ‘Ni 'MV r»n« qt, . > y OorM m \s Ou!1 C A): Don now 344 Jennings • Co 683-4219 4 Bedroom S’ W U ! ♦**. • * niMd RaS4»rr>«*n? a;u',r*’«KM 1 tw* » ■ 1 txjrm turn, iUM- q ,m t> W, ,'. & 4vt}«1 ’hi! . .1* j ■ is Of F STFU F I PAHKINT. All UTILITIE S PAID Just *.*15' Ca 144 «?9C Janmnga ♦ Co. 6n 1 block from campus Ntoi «*'X3 1 «> v '00m $235 p«f month PuwtfWi buy f”y contract Call TaKaahi a! 485 0980 CLEAN, CHEAP, CLOSE 1360 Aidar St 345-S94W Ntco. ctoan. ww«i marntanad quarts availably * F urmshad utit paid * laundry facility, covarad parking 4 $2l4month CALL NOW! 245 ROOMS Room and board n exchange lor child cam (2 cMWran), Mon f n. B a m noon 344 70/8 250 DORM CONTRACTS Do you want 10 ujpanenco dorm I '*i during tali term** Corn an NkbK* at 346 8415 ssRQQVWTES WAVTED Fmngl* gradual# atudant wwmui ~j\ n Va • ti*j *o V'-A U Nm.^iJu HfMCKOUS :>v' •- l <{ .,p«o* Vary «-g« t**i ■ -,»r' On* t?*U^ $.11 5 r*ni . „f ls*rv ♦ d*»0Ofl>3 .W ’ Matur# rnpomW> •** nttit ■ • * ■< \. «i rxlrr’ «;s? wn q v"\) V ’ »»>' o D*H\ NO.V 't*?4' rVXl Two activ• wom«n •»»! -tl * >n»v»* , iki! • • .<> (k**u* ?0 i-*« •’;> *. $.'*>0 p < *4% ( >44 «vof'.r>g-. $187 33 • bids Av.». iit>« irrm*Cio;u«y room •'' *Xk<*.« ? t>HXXft from UimpuS c&i 442 I '01 ? bedroom. 1 ’ » bath bou%# McK«»•■.• « R ■>•*»' ’• '*•• 'tm to c«»■"'v i\ :• ix:hr. \t tx>*« .• « ( *■ .»•. •■«!*» W A 0, r ,;«> »*vt1 pr v.ro ha*u <*rxJ-rtQ on r>W ' «r t) *>■ *1 *IK' 4'iVM ’*M».‘y4r.» - ! *m IX' ;;<.*? .»:« * !•'■ MBA and »‘A *. «**» month p*-,s ’•» • »! m C«! i .vo»i rt! '4 - 6801 ?fn PEAL ESTATE R#po»»#»»#d A IRS fortck)*#d hom#t *r»ui >: &*»>’*» v*» O f 4»”t «N*.< A4W>gv Yom '«K*W A W3 SAl DAki'jl p#op ■« I'*. DV • .*/ W ;*> :cy.mtM»}« %* • 1: -» ,.$4C-.: $*‘■75 /'Opton • .i $1, 75 l>*»v«d Old couch ?7Q CHILDCARE [MAGIC 'TREE DAY CAJ 21 at and Ayala rmKN^.wv -a* jmtmnrQ. *uakxxfc) ) Wakiotf oftfitMtkMi Call Kin* 687 *173/ ii ^ .unity n**cj» «ft«r school car* ai S Eogan* arm* Mom* M F, 2 30-5 30, non imoker, n**d auto, 667-9329 Family rnr*y CtiWI SI ‘Off TS : Cl'JS S^CPTS ~~ BASE BALL MEETING ' pkvy P Spo** Ixwo&aii munt ■ <»"«vxj Into mo«f G CK> T * S4H>? n • » ' ■ ' ■ y- * -V ' * l varybody ra m*l« omi to ra aatabkah tha Womtn a Rugby T aam For mofi Information, plaaia contact Club Gfjorla Oftlci 346 3/33 or Patricia Kruagar 146 d/60 ODE CLASSIFIEDS 1 STOP SHOPPING MEN S ULTIMATE TEAM Informational maa ting war«il ha hald on Wadnaadfly ‘iaptambar ?) in Cadar f Room, I MU at 5 00 pm N.* <; o lmt«i;>omU«' ’ M t>*»t /VJvflRKj*! fVM• 044/ laUj 3?o SERVICES Ba< mis jw»of>*a car* f (•• prayrxamry taatioQ CaU Birthright, t>#7 8tib1 famporary haatth tnaursnca Uv.l WlOki at m!u-. JO (Viy'i K.StJay. Ramiy RmPui 4ti‘) CfUil (tt am ‘> pm) 37 y#ar okl pA '.r . » aroM'a. non *mo*ur avaiWihtu to fKXj’.ti •.j'»»f**j 48*> V>’0 rtvu x;"* CROSSWORD By Eugene Stuffier ACROSS 1 Be an aceom plice 5 South Seas isiand 8 Name from roam7 12 Fntors by lorce 14 Hawk's opposrta 1 5 Cotillion sotting 16 Actress Barbara 17 Malay gibbon 18 Declare positively 20 Con doctor's wand 23 Prejudice 24 In a lino 25 Stabilize 28 Pikeltko lish 29 Parisian cap 30 Inflate the expense account 32 Singer' actress Kaye 34 Philippine Moslem 35 French river 36 Rhythm in verso 37 Middle East waterway 40 Arid r ess the target 41 Theater sign 42 Thirty decora tions 47 Church part 48 Behave like a hedonist 49 Hebrew measure 50 High note 51 Composer Nino DOWN 1 Monas tery head abbr 2 Bikini top 3 It might be electric 4 Soap ingredient 5 Hebrew lyre 6 — Bravo 7 Not piostnd 8 Black Sea (Kilt 9 Current fashion 10 Affirm 11 Monthly bill 13 Persian coin Solution time: 25 min. Saturday's answer 9-23 19 Sodium chloride 20 Suitcase 21 Street urchin 22 Japanese codeword 23 Vermont city 25 1 olorable 26 Dog's name 27 Biblical wood 29 ' Suede Shoes' 31 T ndmg for can or con 33 TV ardor Terry 34 Biographi cal sketch 36 Anagram of lime 37 Nevada resort 38 Semester wrap up 39 Swan, for one 40 Part of T A T 43 Troublo 44 Sioux Indian 45 Head slang 46 Health resort Water Bottle with a $15.00 purchase I per customer pleast* *S5.00 OFF any model KRYPTONITE LOCK Complete selection of community and mountain bikes by Mongoose, Haro, Gary Fisher. Fat Chance and Bontrager. 1340 Willamette 687-0288 The MOUNTAIN BIKE PEOPLE "Best assembled bikes in town. LIVE MUSIC Tonight Sue Miles & Slow Burn Tonight Tomorrow live music with Killing Field 13 th andAider Show at 10:00 cover 3.00 Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson >V Al'-i'M t •• I f- : S , >.<.< ."Mil '• W ' TU\N- > . * -t A ' GIT \ C/ A ' ► Mi WV,HV iWiU - ■■ M m mv \N«> A** rtV»A' wftt ■ >» i’i m nm» . *m haw, :V W 1 1 lum.vu W H M 0 1 vn ‘UP r*ou CM vw M 1' >, ',<>)■’, >n*i Oscar the Freshman Neal Skorpen , - ■ - •• ' *r mr