?05OPPORTUNfTIES Public Halation* Madia Halation* mum naadad lot Fall larm Credit can vary Contact William Warran, SHAN Tl In Or agon U2WH8 Soccar rafafaaa r*** }«*rJ a*i»"HK>n gnrrMr. |v 4M4 .-'4 06 w Kids, port* t«#J3 7373 I iwwm rT^iMtQA CHALLENGE YOURSELF m >:jM '*•»♦ I API * ll t (j '.moil . PH' -GRAM for veto . • :< 1 ■.• M 11! I M "l SC A PI Ilf t 0 STUD II S PRO (.HAM • mi in (Ht • g cooni p,ror* fa Uf'rr mu»f pwwx -p romf •• f ’ -i Do'iVs (HO*> UOOO ot\ V '** i. Graat pari tana • KIM n itf y I,fj‘. [»*» ■' No «<’ »» ’«* <• |Fy $ ’ ,.-4i' * ♦ bOT.uS I'ifM'm • . I C.« (706) 93/ «79*> of a! I 000 988-19?,7 OPPORTUNITIES ?iO HELP WANTED Frperfencs Fugorv# • ■>«»**»-.• •. t «. nn ;*.»«.'"•« c«k***' r.a 683 -5M • and wo !o’ you !q ’ «^p y<> ■« nod OtNKl F rpafwrvcad F *ctrorwci T«chr>tO«n Jot> »t*q ./ mjT’O' ‘s tv; xJ*» t)FV»p,i' g and f • .. *3 o«* * rT"4K * a Or} ■’ " • tfO'.b*# ' g »»*.iJug a*«: j g -! curtry !o !N» co^p-i»*w»- ' two on© a* *1 *.'xJ ‘ 4 >,i» v , , •• S’ ’ ' M v >» .» t • tUKr! I* • u>if 'i .■'.»•■• *.»• Bf ’ t>*oy Ins: • . « o' No • ■■ «\ V.f> 4 V f Now accepting applications for RIM football, volleyb«ill, and soccer officials Pay range S4 7!>-$6 00 hr Pre vious experience desired but not required Training sessions provided Apply at 103 Gerlinger or call 346-4113 OPPORTUNITIES Speak Out! You Have The Right, Use It SIndent I acuity Commuter l‘o\ition\ Open \<H th« IW| V’ j.jiUnih > u i S< i % iri|( tin thrvr «unimiitr* % i\ lh« mmt important v* a ' ilwtrnh (4n 11j111« 11>.11• m th« ^iHiniim juiiI ai Ii\ itu-s of I < I. \pj>li< 4lloiu in \st < > 1 \f t .Suit* 4 m 4.11m. Morula\ . o< i.4v« r ’th hr info'«» < hri«fil)ro« tohn Ihmiuv >ti Brian Studmi Sritati *0rn Hraiih r >n ('an'ii<• is essential. ( ..\.i\ .1'. ( lass lias oj/L'tii 11 i^.s. Jills 4. .!■ i' c> 'iit Cl II- 11 ■ .1 1 ■. 11 i -;, 1 mu: 1: l v. :| loin us |ui .1 M'liunai mi , n-.r..1 i.m ■ iuv ill ii,. aoiiiiu :il 1*1,. ii 1 < muse Ni,mln , ! DI'M . * 'JI.M I ime '* U) * 5(1 p 11. Ii.iys , : u- ■ '1 \ iu Sign p al ■ > >1 . . oiu.k 1 \ U> 1105. m HELP WANTED_ HELP WANTED kinkcrs the copy center DESKTOP PUBLISHING vV* IV. AJil )•»>. 1 «‘f* . • :* pt-. •. • ♦. . . . • • •• J d*nxiftrr**a oUho { \ ,• ?flM .... ori ‘I'llwj > h tv<» l]'«rvV. : • V>-,' )«?•.**, -.j > . .• «•*, .• ! incl U ifTv'onfy witt' a ?t V . A STRONG ho ■ .«1 ♦ * *. ,jjf, •>*v- -.oo ,K. <• i Kinv;-' tfity BM h«ypfu.‘ hut t»o? nt>. «»v,( jry ?h«* Uf>kU { •• J pOXifHWT iS P< Jft tWTW* fv< SNlfVlK tht« {'* •»!« • ■ • m jy <> . J ; ?C* U ?u8 ♦iMi.i (xMlfKMT rrm««jKjto^v t jrKi t >*o» ’ Sf>jr U'ti ov< jsk ibk» Apt ..onfi for oitrwir ful or port * •<*, , ,f(, «"*• 1 M«‘' 1 of m O- u**« n <>f*1 • Kinko's • 860 East 13th • Eugene, OR 97401 Attn: Store Manager Deadline Monday, September 23rd, J p rn No phone calls please ?io HELP WANTED Watght room tuparvtaor Wa»gh1 training knowladga f<) uirad Will tram Work study raquirad Contact Mar W*411 3 or RIM off *ca GTF POSITION **' '»• ' •' I II IX, ■ ' , i Goo--I’ ' W ■ *. . '.*.••• O' !*■ «» O'*! I » t * i* M ’■» Ai.:> i'i «. i I'll Ml: t I SUCCf SS WTThi f amity ¥»»th Outiirta aalaa > >;*'•* . •• r»* a i - ■ i > i. ■ ' h ‘’ Part tana Auto ( AD tn»r ;>«, or roaumo to JRM T ranspodvti«o" I r\g.r***>ng ATTN M I ’ ’ ' ‘ Pttii? S' Paraonal Cara Aaaialant lt« : »»H- , - ' f 1 ' T > ■■■ I' • M POSH H H! P Nl i Df D ON CAMPUS POSITION GW AT JOB » OH STUDINT CAi i STANCH K AAPiAhfO CfhUR AS* fOH Df BORAH l& Poalai job* availatUa' M-> , pir. GfiMli !m. ' Call raofe) 68? /Wb, f •! f ■ • Vi Votunlaar Tour Guide* • . I M. l WORK STUDY HELP WANTED (AISI $500...$1000...$1500 FOOL f <>/ fr®f#*n/r* ac*'p' !\ !*»rrr tv ol/xv r#mp«s* 7»fMWi AiKHimir no mvujmtn noutfit EARLY RISER? THIS IS l YOUR JOB' ’• /’ Daily Emerald momifrg delivery needed ASAP (or DAILY distribution lasting approxi mately 1-2 hours You must have your own transportation proof of msurartc* and alarm clock Ram. sleet or an early morning test cant keep you from this rout® that begins about 6 45am th« pap«r must got out So if you would lik® to hav® a job that is finished whil# «v®ryon® ®ls® is just getting started, com® up to tho Emerald and apply today No phone calls please Room 300, Erb Memorial Union Starts at $4 75 hour plus mileage reimbursement EOE ■= U N ATTfNTtON BUSINISS/ GET PRACTICAL SALES AND MARKETING EXPERIENCE Need a challenge? Earn up to $2500 term managing credit card promotions on campus. Flexible hours. CAU t •00 950 1472 «it.2S ?1S WORK STUDY EMUB OFFICE MANAGER WckX stiJdy StuOOOt OBMOmC to I rt> Mt» - orta Union Board of fVut lcxv to rwcorU «r*3 typ»< mmulws to* board ftoose and D<*ty** com mm» mis .**2 0«*fWrtl offtco tASAA If you Wr&n to tw oorwutx»rud p« k up an upp.»ca 'or lorn* ,n I 7.41 »R oltkru w-xlowr. ! Ml) «. . » *> WOODWORKER WvKKstjdy c«r, ’.ud' ♦V.xxts’vop i. ;:*orv'tsor poe»jtK>ns ava : .. a: •«. I MU CRAFT CENTER, , xi boor I MU '46 4*>i SAEERIDE NEEDS YOU Now Hiring I or Ac ademic Year '91 -92 ! Dispatchers: 12 to 15 hours ^x*r week Ivenmg shitts Work Study only please. 1 Administrative Assistant: 1 5 to 20 hours fX'r week. Work study only please. I or more information and an application, come by Suits* 1 I Mb, Women's ( enter, or call 346-4239. Application deadline is Friday, Sept. 27th, 5 p.m. 1' • « ! Sub - i>«- s a - ecg.a < >F^MVtur>,ly jfbrn'jtivr M lion cmpk>yrr ;i5 WORK STUDY N##d ' t>. *•¥ '4tW of -Si Wo'« Uf*V®r%4y ca»'X5rtf o' livCff'l. parlorm ;«i MM o"•■*» WO'* Mil ■ >S* «. i) ^afio M • ' tx* a vt./Cy Now hiriog a , ,i O" *• : *r* V> V.: p»' a • : . ''x'im og «.* t Pfuv • *. " *> in • ti , ii ** N««» • ' ■’ «i .« of ; h«'vO hours * 2 lo Spm M WThf f . ■ • ripp ii' c .t •. i; *m Ha Soo Janiijw rC> ??>t4 WOMEN S CENTER Ad"»ru::**»•« A R»t»rr*, 5'.** ■? S^fo »Vd« *V; "i©'- if? 7r*f>vtOfl Co D*WClOV Closing 5pm Soptombor 27lh Ap;> i a!iO' uD» " th© .*• , • 4, •. iv i Ml I S.i ‘o ') am ooukm t mu £».>«<» 4 it. 4095 AAlOf Work Study studont * :<*.♦ ’ 92 Si * OOi y«*V 55 05 hr Di ■ 'IS Hi« i.p; copyelands ma,! •ngs C *c«:*v-’ . commumcttf ton sk : s M ,->• bo ava.iabx* Thursoay mornings • »' „\ fHoom i M f finery WORKSTu0 V UUDt D f ALL 71 HM •” *i asv-.un! S‘> ?5*o ' poss t>-“ pv. 1 on k>' lit odam-C. y#t<»r J mo Ar's •" »» ' I nwrHt »# i4t‘> ??0 HOUSES FOR RENT BIG HOUSE i Block From Campus B bedroom. 4 bath Over 3500 square tool, completely r© ' nishod on i(wdi) \ ivy s s • ; fVC 5 96? 80 :X) I *t Y 9642 ( I.ASSII IK1) FOR SA1.K ATTN: T < krl liuyrrt Sturt Around Y'Cutcgor) 130 YOl II CAMITN CONNKiTIUN! Orrgon Dmily HmermJd 346-4343 CLOSE TO CAMPUS 1687 Oichard Si 5 bdrm. ? bath fiouse. which w Do COmpMXofy remodeled l wrxlscaped by the beginning of school Si?50 Call 143 6000 FURNISHED 490 E 34th 3 bedrooms. 1 baths pus study hr©p.«u o. gar ago wiMthur-.'iiO ubuty rexvn $ 5 2980 OLIVE 2 bedrooms ♦ •.t T■ ■.y rot) ’ Of th.u] tH*i'CW" Ava table Oct /•* $ '50 UNFURNISHED 3639 E AMAZON 2 bedrooms, gar ay© $S5C 3942 PAM 3 bedrooms. 1 baths, appuarves. fireplace, fenced, garage $815 3455 POTTEH 3 bedrooms fenced. garage patio $630 1250 SUNNY DRIVE Rkrer Md 3 bed'ooms. wood floors weal her:rod. hot tub $;*95 No Pets Shown by Appointment Spyglass Associates 345 West 10!h _6tw. 11 30 ?;s APTS DUPLEXES A lAflGE. CLEAN. OUIET ? tx3"*\ 3 &« U ol O Ava-Jabi® '■>)* I in b*g * Icfwv DWxJsp. \yg t."-os *V* nor* C«rp®< ^.rvoiaurr of* Of p*'* ■rvg ... . ■ «»' 's: 1750 Ador, 2 boiJr oor 15*1!) 687-0684 \P\R1 ME N I III MIM,' Let oui classifieds be youi gutd**' 1 BLOCK TO CAMPUS 2 Bedroom Apt Beautifully remodel ed *v. $550 Call 343 6000 1 BLOCK TO CAMPUS Lg 1 bdnn aptt. 1/2 blk from UO in very clean quiet comple* Big kitch en w center island, separate vani ty bath, 6 <*aik in closet, fully turn, free covered perking Taking reser vations tor tall. Larry, 484-4103. THREE BEDROOM DUPt f X 1862 Kmcad l uwer level $690 ROOMS ?140 Hams' Includes uttlilios and kilchon uso $185 ‘ Non smokers u !y No pots Shown by appointment SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES 686-11 30 ONE BEDROOM 118/ West 8th $280 1668 Lorry laundry $340 914 1 18th. FURN laundry $3SC 1715 ifegh* IJNFURN Study $4?0 New p*eni. carpets. etc TWO BEDROOM 1150 WmM 11th $550 THREE BEDROOM DUPLEX ’ 86? Kinoed Lower levui $ '50 ROOMS 186? Kincaid Klche ..v>ng. dining rooms ’.uudod $250 2140 Harris* Includes utiiil*os and kitchen use $185 * Non vnowns orvy No pets Shown by appointment SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES686-1130 2 Bedroom - $375 10 blocks to campus Very large and clean Lease No pets Unfurnished 683 9104 Spacioua Studio condo, garden set t*ng. 9 months lease. $335Ynonth $?50 returnable deposit 599 Coburg Fid 344-0777 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU BOOP&e.RP., 1 THINK A'HAT you're- 6OTN6 to HA\f TOPOTO^r I VGtK Kf-LA J/CWjH/P /< • I BA&CAU-Y 9UHP AN | j tNTTfli > Ntu- ONt nXJBOJH HAVt TOAPHVT THAT YOC/PT HFFfPtNT m Vu •:< 44Vf v m TU iMA’ /A H OlHFJt UAC'INI FOP A SV yyifAFI THAI lOL‘\f JUST MS ' IOOR AT >aJR MATB THROUGH FRF5H t vh>. PRflWP THAT You'Re ‘ iffiNO MOT OTHfR FOR THt FIRST U\V WOO!., I'M iO.lOHOS PICKING JHC CHICK up a ve-py with thc SPECIAL -. CiumjNCAS7 \ \ Oregon Daily Emerald Recycle This Paper Oregory DaiK Emerald