Women Ducks claim invitational title By Dave Chartoonneau Ew.ild Sports Reporter The vvnmcn s cross countrs tram dominated tlir TJrnerald City Invitational bv taking tint tv>}> three places and claiming the team title in the first meet of the season tins weekend .it Seattle Senior l.iic v Nusrala won the r>.(M)0-meter race with a tune of 1 *> I l it’ Junior \i( ole \\ < >od-w ant finished less than a second behind and senior l.isa karnopp took thud Junior Carol ilolruen and freshman Jenna Carlson contributed to the vie torv with respective finishes of ‘Ith and 1 tth The men finished a respectable third despite competing without four of their top runners Se niors Colin Dalton, Kick Mesller and I’at Haller and sophomore Casey Candaole did not make the trip for Oregon Sophomore Andv Mans was the top finisher for (lie Dm ks, taking seventh with a time of I Sit () 1 rlic I niviTMiv dI 1‘orllanti, won tli*- men N imvl .villi s i points. (Hub Northwest was mkiiiiI with " I ,m.i Oregon finish. i| v\ till ’’I On ibi' unmrn’s shift. Oregon tallied Jh, fol l.iw-'ii In Washington with Jit. and C.lub North west witiiRt Other finishers lor the women with junior Kri si hh'in I lfi). freshman jil I (.ellero (1 7), sopho more S.ilU M.uer (JO), sophomote ioni W.ireham .”ii .mil junior Andrea Anderson |:tJ) l imsliers for the nu n were junior I've \ in Si Ii oi.u K (15). junior Tim j n I fun (in)'. |iinior A I,in hostel (JJ I. freshMil Mike Mahntiei Jo! soph more John Dimoff (27). freshman Scott Nicholas i .17), iiiul junior j.ison Humble (4 i) L.ist ve.ir both the men uni) the women won the teem titles ,it the meet Woodward .iii.l N’usr.il.i helpeil the Ducks with .1 sixth and seventh place finish, respectively I he teams will travel to.Missoula Montana this weekend lor the Mountain West (llassii Women golfers take second place The Oregon women's goll loam enjoyed ils lies! season ever last season, and has pic ked up where it loft of! After < upping off last spring with an all-time best place of fourth at the Pacific-10 Confer ence Championships, the Ducks took second with .1 score of (>25 at the rain-shortened Minnesota Invitational Sept 14-15 The host Gophers cap tured the title with a :ti> hole to tal of 020 strokes The Ducks continue! their tail schedule today, playing host to tfie 10-team Oregon Invitational at the Koval Oaks Country Club in Vancouver, Wash. Play be gins this morning with a toe time of 10:30 and will continue through Wednesday Senior Beth Manc/.ak was Or egon's top finisher in the Min nesota tourney, tying for fourth with a two-round score of 133 on the par-73 course Team m.iIns Leigh Hornung and Shannon Mirier tied lor sev enth, both recording .1 lin.il score of IS7. St.irl.i Yamnda lied lor 1 till overall, hitting .1 1 (VO, and freshmen Karls Mills anil Shan non Hare finished IB1I1 and 1 st. 'respet lively Minnesota's Chris Wollack pit keil up the first collegiate win of her career by grabbing the individual title VVollat k shot a IS I for the vie torv Orison boat mil third-place Kansas liv .1 mere Iwo strokes Other m Pools participating .it Minnesota were Winona State, Moorhead State, Mankato Slate, l reighton and Augsburg The .a tion at Vancotner w ill tiring 10 teams, ini hiding do tending tournament winner Ar i/.ona and loot) N( \A r hampi on I t '.LA (Iregon finished sixth at its tournament last year Recycle This Paper LET THE ARMY RESERVE PAY YOUR STUDENT LOAN. \ iu*tii In \i tnv Keseru- unit needs hi i^lit (leople tn ti.im in « cit.mi s|H-( i.ili/ed ^kiil> In return, wcic willing to help p.n oft .1 qualified student lo.m up to $20,000 You 1 ould also quulifv tot anothei SIS,000 for ( olle^e expenses .ill ftn port lime sovuc. usu.illv one weekend ,1 month plus two weeks' \nim.il li.iiiimp Ihink about it. I'lien think about us I hen t all 1-800-USA-ARMY Bt ALL TOO CAM H ARMY RESERVE V FOR SERIOUS DESIGNERS fcF-FEC > J < 1 ( SIERRA^ DRAFTING HEIGHT CHAIRS' 25% OFF MAYLINE PARALLEL STRAIGHTEDGES X PICKETX / “ULTIMA'1 \ DRAFTING TABLE PROJECTOR V 10" X 12' 1(.OOH< • ••! ' 1 UBE j| 35 00 Re, 15"x IB' F lUORESCf NT TUBES («!■' 65 00 Reg ■ ■ ■.AG1 A .SHARP IMAGE • ENLARG / $199°° Reg S319 00 /ARTOGRAPHS DESIGN:; MASTERS OPAQUE PROJECTOR Jj WITH VERTICA iTAN J, BORCO DRAWING BOARD COVER TRANSLUCENT, CREAM/GREEN. GRAY/WHITE 37 1/2” WIDE 42” WIDE $/ 15 U of $8 10, f! S469m $7 90 f! or S 1 Z4* I 1 lb i tVi'ff) fl <1 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13TH & KINCAID M-F 7:30-6, SAT 10-6 Sept. 23-24, 7;30-9 Sept. 25. 7:30-7 346-4331