1 MONDAY NIGH 1 ! IV1 : SUE MILES ► AND : SLOW BURN 1 11vi musk: ► Couao V 13d MdA&Ur * 9 U:.~06H! FRANCE PHOTO + USED CAMERAS s GOOD VALUE I OR \I I \Ol R IMIO'KXiR MMIIC \l I l)S— Oriental Seapult papei • \( »r \ him & paper • KihI ■ A IIS • I’ilol : ■ i " ‘in i!| \ ; ’Hi • I’ll s \ | \\ ,v t si l) ( Wli K VS \M) I I VS| s III I S( ol’l s \NI) HIM >< l I \ks ('nun 111 inns Im lh<> r haul in lin t Hems laks' ails.intape til our i si isilas lnss prises' France Photo HI \ • SI I I • I K \l)l I.MO \\ illaim lU' Open Moil-Sal h:00 I INTERNATIONAL BRIEFS Ancient skeletons identified JliKl SAUA1 (A!’) A radiocarbon dating test has determined lhnt 25 skeletons un earthed al ihr am lent fortress of Masada are probably Jewish retiels who committed suicide rather than surrender in Romo In the year 73, a scientist said Snnda\ The skeletons were uncovered 25 years ago, liiit since it was assumed they were lows, they were immediately reburied as ludaisin re quires, said Israel darmi, head of the tade ( arli n dating Inh at the VVeizmann Insti lute ol Science Archunologists later suggested the skeletons may have belonged to Byzantine monks who lived on the flat-topped mountain during the 7th (amtury. The Wot/mann Institute was asked to i arlton dati lemnants of fabric found with the skrde tons. Carnii said Radiocarbon dating estimates the age of organic or carbon containing materi als b\ measuring the radioactivity of carbon. file test found the skeletons dated to 77 A 1) . with .1 margin of error of )7 years 'This shows unequlvoi ally that the date of the skeletons falls within the period of the ((•wish rebellion," Carmi said. Masada, in the Judean Desert in eastern Isra el, is w here the last Jewish mho Is against Ro man rule held out for three years and oo'nimtt tad mass suicide rather than submit to slavery Joe Zias. an anthropologist with Israel's An t uplines Authority, said lh< Wei/mann Insti tute's findings lend more credence to the ac i,ulit ot the mass suu ido on Masada Historian Josephus Flavius, who lived dur ing the Roman invasion, described in detail how not) men, women and children under siege at Masada i nmmitted mass sun ide with swords and knives "Until now. Josephus' account constituted the only record of the mass suicide story." Zias s.nd in a new s release from the Wei/mann Institute Mozambique, S. Africa share refuge J( >H ANN! SIU R< i. South Africa (AIM South Aba a and Mozambique are making plans to ; re.ilo a large game reserve straddling their horder,a newspaper reported Sunday. Thf Sunday Times said .1 preliminary plan (.alls for merging South 'Africa's H,000-acre Kruger Park in tin country's northeast corner with a J,000-ncre tract in Mozamhitjue Kelaiions between the long-hostile neighbors have improved in recent years, and talks on the proposed park are planned for this week in Pretoria, South Africa's capital, the newspaper reported Belize celebrates 10th birthday Dhl.IZP (ilTY. Belize (AP) - When tiny Belize marked 10 years of Independence from Britain on Saturday, it had good reason for cheer Neighboring Guatemala has dropped claims on its soil and the economy is booming. But the ( cntral American nation on the ( a ribbean coast isn’t free from all ills. Its popu larity as ,i stopover for drug traffic kers and a flow of refugees am raising concerns about in t reased crime and strained resources. Prime Minister George Price told a crowd braving a drenching rain that Guatemala's de cision this month to recognize Belize and drop territorial claims signals "the end of a bygone ora "Belize is now able to take its rightful place ,is a Caribbean nation in Central Amerii a," the premier said, standing on it courthouse steps in the old capital of this New Hampshire-sized oountrv with a population ol 190,000 Price told the crowd of about .!()() people that "much has been done to meet the basic human needs of our people Vet more is to be done." An honor guard of British troops and mem bers ol Belize's small force was reviewed bv the Queen's representative, Governor-General Dame Vtinite Gordon, as a band played "Feel mgs." When d first broke from Britain in 19H1, tin former British Honduras had a rough econom ic start since prices for one of its main exports, sugar, were low and the global economy was slumping But per i apita income has roughly doubled over the past decade to reach SI.BOO because i f new investments, tourism to the barrier reef islands and the Colombian drug trade that uses Belize as a transit point. GREAT COPIES ^ 539 E 13th Just 2 Blocks West of Campus ALL DAY - EVERY DAY Tb Copy Simp M-F 8:30-7:00 Sat 10-4 OFF STREET PARKING 81/2 x 11 White SELF-SERVICE WELCOME (J of O STUDENTS