Two trees in Oregon for one Bush in White House PORTLAND (AP) — The While House sent its land scaper iind chief usher lo Or egon during the last week of August to scout the state for two perfect Christmas trees. "It's not loo early to begin thinking about Christmas it the White House,” Gary Walters said We begun planning the ornaments lor this year's Christmas almost two years ago." As chief usher, Walters' responsibilities include all activities inside the K12 room structure Anri that in cludes the presidential Christmas trees that are viewed by almost 100,000 tourists. "We look at the character of a tree, either naturally grown into it or trimmed into it," said hr win Wil liams, a horticulturist and superintendent of the White House grounds. Williams has found per fect trees for the last half of his 29 years at the White House. The pair, wearing suits ami In s in the hot sun. spent nearly all hour examining a Douglas tir In Tualatin ami two firs m the Salem area The three trees were rho son as the twist in Oregon bv C.arv Sander, a Corvallis C.hrisliniis tree grower and this year's National Tree Contest champion Sander is the first winner from Ore gun. As national champion. Sander won the privilege of providing two Christmas trees for the White House once they meet Williams' and Walters' approval For the Bush s personal room, the two aides chose a 12-fool Douglas Hr growing in the Tualatin front vutd of Sander's son. Todd. ‘•Actually, that's tunny, because I was going to lot the tree go wild because I've been shearing trees all my life," said Todd Sander For the Blue Boom, the main reception area of the Whim House. Williams and Walters chose an 1H foot noble fir from the farm of Jerry Barry, east of Salem Barrv had dubbed the tir "Mr Bush " "Cury knew about this tree." Burry said His per sonal choice had been an other tree relucted by Wal ters and Williams as being too short Anv tree under HI tret is too short. Walters said. I'he tr must be narrow enough to fit through a 54-inch-wlde door and tall enough for its top to fit into a r bandolier socket In the Blue Room, he said "It s hard to beat the noble tir." Williams said, declaring the tree perfect lor the room "It's the Cadillac of trees " Oregon is the No 1 sup plier of Christmas trees in the nation Last year, farmers cut million trees one-third of the nation's supply ■ RESUMES Give your resume a professional loof by having a typeset at i• -rtf' • •••'■• ' ■ ipr ■■■■'•■■ j 346-4381 9-5 Mon Fri 0K -N'cUi Jlork (times CAMPUS DISCOUNTS NYT-404 Per copy 47% discount ( Kri (i(l m \\spapers available Irom around the t ounli\ and at mi nr I I In* v\ or Id. ( .ill (io< >d Morning Newsstand li>r information on dins, 144-6266 _ N’t I HUIk li()X PROGRAM papers will be .nailable lot pit k up Mon I ri at the bulk box lot a let I a I l be I ttb M. port h ol the I MU lt> sign up go to the ( a tod Mi n n nut New stand at 2 172 V\ I I til. Hunt; lull pa\men I Idi cat b It on re(|u.»*sted I all $21.20. U ol O HOOKNIORI PROGRAM papers will be available lor pit k up Mon I n at tbe U ol ( ) Bookstt >i < - fall $ 2 1.20. Sign up al lbt‘ U ol ( ) Bookstore. No delivei les tint mg holidays or exams. Prolessors ( all lor (lass si/e bulk deliveries GOOD MORNING NEWS SERVICE tut home delivery or information 683-1441 COLLEGIATE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP "FINDING THE ANSWERS TO ElEE WHILE HAVING THE TIME OE OUR TH E" Sundays at 11:00 A.M. (In the gym at First Baptist Church, 868 High St.) QUESTIONS: 345-0341 Sunday morning shuttle from UO Shuttle Stop 1 st run 2nd run Return Agate St. crosswalk 9:15 10:35 12:15 Covered tennis courts 9:17 10:37 19th and University 9:20 10:40 Alpha Omega House 9:25 10:45 (1332 Kincaid St.) NCC Dorms 9:27 10:47 (12th and Kincaid St.) \WC* *<•$*•* os ,\0 COMING YOUR WAY! ...with lots of opportunities to get involved... *0*5 V se or, hft Or Or Ot. Q/ (Also, don't miss "New Dimension" at 9:40 A.M., a contemporary worship service for the collegian)