SPECIAL STUDENT MEMBERSHIP... SPECIAL INITIATION RATE FOR STUDENTS! EASY, AFFORDABLE PAYMENT PLAN! When you commit for a school year, you can pay for your membership by the term! .w »a rri f. ,( Nt C»fL.i>« 1 DAY ONLY EUGENE FAMILY YMCA expires 10/15/91 COMPLIMENTARY PASS ''-i Complete Weight Room Free Aerobic Classes Universal Super Circuit 4 Indoor Tennis Courts' Restaurant (Open to the public) Full Court Gymnasium Two Swimming Pools Co-ed Whirlpool Steam & Sauna 4 Racquelball/Handball Courts Regulation Squash Court THE YMCA IS COMMITTED TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN INDIVIDUAL'S MIND. BODY AND SPIRIT.. NOW IS THE TIME TO JOIN THE YMCA ?055 Patterson • Euqene OH 9^405 686-9622 (Only 8 blocks Irom campus) See Your W ay To The Automotive Professionals,,. # Full Service European and Japanese Auto Repair At... ASIAN A S I- ( citilicd Tc< him iiin ( I osi l() ( Wll'l s 1')! 7 I i,i nk I m Hive I . I ■! u Hi Mir If', . M.'lif Whether you're back from summer vacation or just starting at the U of O, give EWEB a call so we can transfer your water and electric service to your name if it is not already included in your rent. We ll come and read your meter. That way you'll only be billed for the services you use. So call EWEB today. It will give us a chance to transfer your service and say, "Welcome!'' 484-6016 EWEB Eugene Water & Electric Board 500 East Fourth Avenue Office Hours 8 am until 5 pm Monday through Friday Pboio by Jetl Patiay Chris Harding lends to his plot ol land at the River House Communi ty Gardens, one ol several local sites with garden areas lor rent. Grow it organically by renting a garden plot By June Williams Emerald Contributor Having a garden is unthink able for munv students The cramped housing students gen erally c an afford leaves little room lor even a flowerpot However, Eugene Parks and Kei reation has a solution for all apartment dwellers with green thumbs I he Community Cardens program, started in the early 1 **70s. allows residents to rent garden plots on city-owned land Chia than Chen, a physics slud -nt at the University, has a large plot in the garden outside Westmoreland student housing "It's ii very good idea for Eu gene," Chen said. "I do it main ly for fun, but the fresh vegeta bles are good, loo. You can sup ply a whole summer's worth ot vegetables 1 haven't shopped for two months " Chen uses organic methods, whir h are strongly encouraged by the program Chemical let tilizers may be used, but chemi < al pesticides are prohibited After Chen and his wife starl ed the garden in early April, he found out that having a garden means .1 lot of work, especially in Eugene The soil u.is very hard at first, and the garden hasn't Turn to GARDENS. Page 14 u COUPO/V photo finishing SALE* voun choici or COrOH miNIING $2^9 S399 Hi • SAVINGS SUPl H PRINT 5^99 $6" j ■I Hi | SHUTTERBUG COUPON ) SUPER PRINTS U^'siiK Ifotii ynut Sivontf* ■’ .i '■ nied US si/p Rppimfs ffcwn yooi l.v.ofMp 3S*nni ;re ; •. ! !.», SUPER PRINT 890 E 13th EUGENE ACROSS FROM U of O CAMPUS fliTHffniurwrrm