OFF CAMPUS STUDENTS COME USE US (even when you rc healthy WE RE HERE TO SERVE YOU your Student Health Center 346-4441 Beautiful Perms and Color at Wonderful Prices 1 et us design your very own super soft M,itn> perm and pvppripnr o full I - - Ik i w.iv's filled with life1 Enjoy long lust mu ■ nl with .1 he.ilt hy lo< »mo nk, hine yjuEiflfli Call Our Style Experts Today For An Appointment. FREE PARKING 686-1435 f vening Appls 50 West 13th, Eugene f---1 j 30% OFF all retail products | I $10 OFF Perms and Color Weaves* | (Bulii rt»g $45 .inrt up) * ■ 4 >M»*f «’»{'nSopiombof 30, 1991 J 1 * f •A • , N ■' vl • * ' . , •' ■ | I I located at ju£ I t J 686-1 435 CELEBRATE Continued from Page 7 cuisine, performances. displays and exhibits In addition to the dancing and feasting, athletii events will not lie .ihM'iit from the col dilution '1‘horo will tie the traditional Run. .1 perennial favorite A Ik fun run and an Hk road race will begin ‘I 10 a m on Sept 22 at the i orner of Pharnelton Street and and Sixth Avenue near the Hull ( enter Interested parti( ipants must register with r the (Celebration summer office >1! the address helms Bike enthusiasts will also have opportunities to compete in numerous races during the weekend There will he two races on Sept 21 at Lowell Park, one .it o a m and another •1 p m The third rai e will start at Campbell Community Cen ter. Sept 22 at 11:15 a m (Jther athletic events will In elude a tennis tournament, skateboarding competition, handball tournament, five-a side soccer tournament, disc golf ,*« foot bag tournamnnl and a basketlrail tournament The athletic events require registration at the Celebration summer office For rules and regulation, contact the office at the address Irelovv When serious athletic events get too heav\ to digest, hop over lor some fun mate lies, which will lie held .it the cor tier of Willamette Street and Eighth Avenue on Sept 21 At 2 p.m.. the secretary-boss type Turn to CELEBRATE, Page 15 -1 EUGENE CELEBRATION ENTERTAINMENT Friday. Sept. 20 — MILLKR HiH AVI; STACK (on Willamette S( .md Hih Ave.) • (> p m - Opening Ceremonies • 7 IS |i m The Booher Farnilv. bluegruss • 8:15 p ni Fiddlin’ Sue, Uncle T and John ny. bluegrass fiddling • in pm Ranch Romance, Seattle-based coil' temporary cow girls Hlll.T I’L.AZA STACK (between Hull Center and Hilton Hotel) • p.m The Halnes/Kanter Project, crossover new music and ja/.z • 8 p m Irene Farr era 1 ropii .il Band, troph al in/./, and vocals • 9:30 p.m < aliente, Latin dam e mush MICHKLOII JAZZ H.STIVAL (on O.ik St and 5th Ave.) • ' |i in H.ikraa Bata, steel drum band and dancers • 10 p.m Kotoja, rich rhythm it A fro beat. Saturday . Sept. 21 — MIKU.K HTH AVI. STACK • . to p in Lion dam e ( hinese Festival ilance ami music • 115 p in Kugene Taiko, Eugene's own lap unese Drumming Troupe • 2 p.m Cirrus R & & dm e gn i m • i 30 p ni HI Lynne and the Smokin' Soles, //i el\ rhythm and blues • i 45 i> in Zeb Wednesday and the Red heads, funky urban blues • t> :to p in Bat k Porch Blues, fine down home acoustic blues • 8 15 p.m Sue Miles and Slow Burn, hard driving blues • 1 ng roots rock and blues MULT PLAZA STACK — • .. IA ilde prt gressive talk mu sit • 1 • 2 p m ■ 1 ho Trai eys, soaring three-part har monics • .1 p.m. - Tim Ryan, steel guitar blues • 4 -15 p.m. - Paul Prince. African-Inspired original guitar. • I) ill p m Mark Alan, acoustic favorites and originals. • H p.m - Amber Tide;, joyful blues, jazz, and boogie-woogie • 10 p.m - Jody Steelier and Kate Brislin, Old Mountain blurs ami bluegrass MICHKLOB JAZZ FESTIVAL • 2 p m Blink Swan Classic Jazz Band, clas sic Dixieland Jazz • :i p m - Kammeror-Dowd Quartet, jazz vibes and keyboards • a to p m - John Workman Quintet, original jazz. • 5 to pm Carl Woidock Quintet, classic jazz • 7 p m I he Benefactors, funk anti jazz fu sion •up m Dana Lutes Knsemble. smooth so phisticated jazz • It) p.m. - Latarski/Steveil with Marilyn Kel ler, jazz fusion and vocals. Sunday September 22 — MILLHK 8TH AVF STACK • !2 noon - Judy K Vogelsang and Friends, original dancenble music • t p in - Vanilla Sym opators, Depression-Era hot jazz. • it p in. - Inspirational Sounds Rousing, gos pel choir • 4 to p m Etouffeo, Cajun-style "swamp rock HULTPLAZA STACK • . noon I lav id Loy Trio, jazz, blues and soul • lit to p m i mu llltondi, original folk • 14s p.m Kudana, African marimba rh\ thms • I to p 111 Sandunga. Latin \meru an musii. CHECK US OUT! Interested in working with hooks, tilms, ideotapes, mu rotorms, and/or t o nip liters/ The University l ibrary has a variety ot positions that t an help you hone those skills you already possess and challenge you in developing new ones at the same time. (Tain experience with a Work Study job in the I ibrary. Visit the l ibrary table at the' Work Study Fair in the EMU Hr Room September 1 8-20, or contac t t ibrary Personnel Servic es, 1 12 Knight Library, 246-1898. m AMAZON PARK ANIMAL CLINIC 725 K. 25th Eugene 485-0161 Clinic Hours Mon Fri 7am Kpm Sal 8am-4pin