Eugene Celebration on the horizon Athletic events, parade, food and music to be featured By Soo May Wong Emotaid Contributor SIl VI 7A ' ()! 7 It's that time of t rime for rubhin ' • 'bow v 11,mein', flirtin'. Cartin' up. pinin' is ,1b inis, .itul bavin fun fabulous nuts it. esirmtrdi ri.iri eateries, friendh i.ompeti lions and nrtislit wonders So pr.ih u friend ( ome as uni ,ire It's time for Celebratin'!' And so iho poster urges Vi's it is thii! time of the year again. As the tiiini weekend of Sep tember dawns, FCugene shall don her garment of bright lights and colorful frills as she pre pares lor the great fanfare of the FCugene (Celebration. From Sept this down town block p.irty is expected to lure more than 140,000 party goers. About a quarter of these are expected to include non-lo cals, siiid Andrea Vollmer of l-.ugene's I’.irks, Recreation & (Cultural Services department The celebration, which will offer a myriad ol entertainment, food, artistic exhibitions, ath letic events and c ultural dis plays, will spread over a ■ block radius at the hub ol downtown FCugene The FCugene (Celebration has been called the biggest event of the year Fast years have proved the enormous succ ess ol this hig-sc ale party Intro duced nine years ago, the FCu gene (Celebration was motivated during a period of recession, Vollmer said. Amid the slumping economy of the early 1‘IMOs, the < elebra tion served to generate income tor local merchants and to rouse feelings of togetherness within the community Evidently, those objec tives have not only been met, but have sparked a novel way where moneymaking is com bined with merrymaking Since then, the celebration has tiecome an annual affair Its infectious popularity among lo cals has spilled over to out-of town residents Visitors from out of state are beginning to re Ai*lr* Harden P J Russell, Eugene Celebration clerk, hangs up the 1991 poster in the downtown Eugene Celebration ottice reive news of great fun. Each year. n few events tire looked forward to. n em-lv the tradition of the oputui g t eie mom and the < adt-bia!nut I’a rtiile. After nine wars oi t ess, these events hav e at quired the term " tradition In line vs ilh tins tradition the opening eeieiuony vviii i.ttint h the part\ with spent lies musit and dancing I'he ceremony will he scheduled at the Miller 8th Avenue Stage on Sept JO at (i p m. Live musit: will begin soon after, featuring bluegrass tavor ites by The Boohnr I umtly and Fiddlin' Set'. Uncle I and lohnny. A range ol musical t.d ent. from new musit to trope at jazz, will also be teatured tit the same time at the Hull Id r/.a Stage Meanwhile, the Michelob Jazz Festival .it 5th Street I’ub lit Market will present Seattle's Itukra Beta, the street drum band that made a lasting im pression with its performance ,it last year's celebration The band will lie accompanied bv an instrument entourage of trap drums, conga marimbas, vibra phones, pressure drums and other percussion instruments ()tl the ltd low mg tta V the much awaited (elebraiiuu i’a rade will glide down the streets in .1 grand, vi*i informal caravan of color, marching bands, horses ami numerous cause serving organi/alions Tile parade will begin at 1(1 a m . heading downtown from South b!ugene High Si to nl Grand Marshall this year will be Jim Meeks, retiring bead h brarian from (tie Gity 1‘ublu: Li brarv f or a tom ti of sluggish glamour, look forward to the eye < ati lung Slug Queen a . .hi slimes her wav through the streets Upon completion of parade watch, celebrants may ebb their appetites with the celebration's many food booths There will be an array of lood choices sul In.tent to appease hungry and healthy appetites or ippetites pist in search of something new As in the past, there will be numerous eatery sites Extra ordinary Eateries, Mult I’la/a Stage, Micbelob Mb Avenue la// festival and the Saturday Market for an international culinary experioni e, tour over to Inter national fair, to be held Sept l 1 on U 11 lemette Street be tween 10th and 11th avenues The lair will oiler international Turn to CELEBRATE Page 6 I\)i,<)^ l\\i,m Lai’kkn Steven .1 is lueene\ finest special!) store featiinne tlie complete Polo line I ver>thine from traditional to classic casual wear Steven J 941 <)V k Si. \( R< )SS I K< )M HI) ()M Rl> \RK .. —~—r;-r"nw fcr*.«-■ i. 1 ODE • •-; r . 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