Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 16, 1991, Page 6D, Image 92

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    IThk U-LANE-O Account
A Better Way Ok Checking.
1 l Ml'. ink u' .l paiiI In
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Don't give up the search! Try LOST AMD *
FOUND in the classified section
OSPIRG offers advice to renters
By Daralyn 7 rappe
> mi-i.ild Associate Editor
Something's broken in your
apartment a nil your landloid
hasn't fixed it yet Wh.il do you
legally have the right to expi ■ t
as a tenant? You moved six
months ago and still haven't
gotten your deposit hut k So
what options do you have'
When in doubt, ask the tire
gun Student I’uhllt Interest He
srafl h (iroup
OSI’IRG, located in l \11
Suite 1 . has a Con mi m e r
Hotline set up for such ques
tions The Hotline, at .!■)(> ■i:ir>7,
, , -.tailed hv student volunteers
who offer answers and advise
to renters with housing pruh
lems The servile is free to hu
v;ene Springfield area residents
Questions are often answered
In OSIMKG's Renter's Hand
book. a manual that summa
rizes Oregon's Residential
Landlord and Tenant Act and
puts it in easy terms, makes it
easy to find, easy to uccess It
has the various outlets and
things you can do,” said Derek
l op of OSIMKO
If it's a problem that's diffi
cult to answer right away, we'll
take their number and call
them hack and research it going
through that publication and
using other resources that we
have, he said
The questions most often
raised regard < leaning deposit
refunds and evu lion notices,
lie said
If rnnl is not paid within sev
■ n days of the duo dato, land
lords have tho right to givo ,i
tenant a 72-hour eviction no
to e, Top saici
If you pay that rent within
those 72 hours then you can
stay,1' Top said
Kviction notices can be given
(or specific reasons, such as ex
cessive noise or not 11\ ing up to
the agreed terms of a lease or
monthly agreement
Hut a HO day notice can fie
given for no staled reason to a
tenant renting monthly The
landlord is not required to state
a reason in sui h instances, but
is prohibited trom taking sui h
action lor disc riminatory or re
taliatorv reasons
By law, deposits must he re
turned within HU days after ten
anc v has ended In addition,
the landlord must deliver a
written statement of the
amounts and reasons for any
Along with the responsibili
ties, the Renter's Handbook
outlines rights
Any serious problem with ex
sential serve es heat, water,
elec trli ity must fie taken
care of fn the landlord within a
TurntoOSPIRG Page 19
Rents not likely
to lower soon
By Dennis Fitzgerald
Emerald Reporter
You've got a problem.
You've got nil these grout
ideas for a housewarming
parly, but you're living in
your car.
And if you’re looking lor a
place in Eugene in late Sep
tember. you may not have
many options
Local property managers
are divided on whether there
is more housing available
this year than last Kent Jen
nings, owner of Jennings and
Company Property Manage
ment, says there is a slight
increase in the number of
rental units near campus.
“The housing market
overall today is still a good
healthy market,” said Jen
nings. “It's one in which
anyone who wants to rent a
unit can find one at just
about any price range." he
There are more rental
units available in the cam
pus area this year than last,
Jennings says, partly because
Turn 10 RENTS, Page 19
_ _ ;•
I \l 1 r\( KAC.I s
MRSl 11 Ml mu
", K.H $19.00
io kik $29.00
i',h,k $49.00
>0 »oK $49.00
()\1 MO l M IM $ $4.9.4
1 3TH . tin u ks
■ K'l M nil til II IK •> 1 ( IKI
Foot) 4pVE^ocK
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