- lasnn (aughev, a lifeguard at the Im aI ) \lt 1. assists i hililren in the lai iliti s stummmi; /««>/ I he I m.'c/ic 1 Ml 1 aims to ini reuse the involvement ot l hn rrsiti students as members and uilunteers ‘Y’ invites University members Local YMCA offers fitness, human services By Nicole Sagen Emerald Contributor What once was regarded as a University student union and teen hangout has evolved into the Eugene Family YMCA. Now. more than 100 years al ter its i reution, the local YMCA wants to attract the University population once more Beginning this September, the YMCA will r ater to college students with a special "Sea sonel College Membership, said Mike Kelley, Eugene YMCA director I'he orgam/a lion realizes students are often hesitant to purchase a 12 month membership txrcausc of the three-month summer break Now an eight-month member hip will he available A S-10 initiation fee will be charged for an eight-month stu dent membership, in addition to a 575 per term charge 12 month membership runs Silt) a month in addition to the 5-10 initiation fee. During the sc bool year, re creational basketball and vol leyball teams are organized, in which university students can participate The YMCA also in vites students to volunteer for teaching aerobic classes, help ing with the pre school or child ( lire, or even serving ,is youth basketball coaches and offi ( i.ds Several internship posi lions are available each term The UK .Vs lies with the l 'mversity and Its students date hai k to 1HH7, when a do/.en University men gathered in a professor's office in Deady Hall to disi uss the creation of the Young Men's Christian Associ ation on the campus of "State University." later known as tin' University of Oregon, in "Eu gene Cil\ At the time, the University campus wR (o'tu .~ uh, 'i '"f ( -,?■ / VI« f ' < 7 l^)li jiA'f «V jA; 'U . '(TV ;.; < /■•('■ ‘J - „