Designer gas masks all the rage in NYC (.tils NI-.U YORK (AP masks, could is a mutter ami death in tb Middle cast Pul ,i celebrity iushion designer is using them slung nvrr the shoulder to give extra punc h t.i his m-w col lei turn of' war lash ions "'Fin' ‘IDs .m- going to bo re membered lor tin* military unci the gulf crisis, said Now York designer Andre Van Pier The trend has begun, and I wanted to make it workable as sports wear and street wear The .to year-old Van I’ier. known lor Ills expensive celeb rity clothing, presented his pri cey camouflage collection at his Manhattan show room lbs war fashions, often lined in gold silk and worn with high-heel pumps, do not belong in the Saudi desert His camou flage garments, which Tost S400 to S4.000, will be most .it home in discos cater to the rich and famous I wouldn't think 1'il be mak ing iiionm oil the war 1 w ill lie making a statement V an I'ler said Van Pier insisted [hat he is not making light of the war He said he had a brother in the Mr Force in Saudi Arabia who is crazy ah>ut the clothes "The troops are not going to he offended , hut just the op posite," the designer said ■'Since they can identify with it. I think it will make them happy ll will make them smile " Graphics CONVENIENT, FAST & AFFORDABLE U i r /*». f i txateis iij\ hooklclK buuniss i ill til \ jt\d hn* tunes U i i ,/m | kelp sou uiih design, and ffi>iru u:cs U /’V ! fullttom (tanspa rene us, unti rni-rvii' U * ltin /u*/p mhi winf t/u tnhnnpu sou need to complete sour pro U . urt able r«* . ompicte mo t J ;o/h m om/n J uorbing fat a rush, fa in «'??< ’ - f H.»nr turn armimi A< LETTER PERFECT Chtiphu \ \im ll find our prices u cn ilcsigned u ith tki vlndcflf j budget in minJ ()m i; ^!'l! I11 / ;fi>; :is (In' i euioufluge tii'signs in inm! u! .1 luigi- American ti n; '••in! I understand ho is trying to do Jt is the stylo of the lullin' However. slvr said she was worried '.wo we're 'mocking" tin; soldiers Sho wore .in olive i iiinou Hugo p.intMiii .in unsirui In rod htp length j.u kol. lined in dazzling gold silk, over .skinny legged jeans The oulfit Was se! nlf hi i stretc h liime nun k tur t lenei k Oil her he,id was .in audit'll tie military rap A working g,is in ask ami i .nitron were slung over her shoulder The prii r tug s 1.200 just for the clothes Beating the heat limi t' Samples at luii',ene I'ets a splash at the Willamette Hive: tram Sam Ihisso near Alton linker I’ark on a 'll)-decree day damn’, the summer heat wave. Photo by Andre Ranieri ATTENTION DUCKS ( lll'l k I llji .11 l ol lilt S .111' I K I I .11 \\ CM ( )lK' li.lllk lot I IIISl'ISIIS III < )ll ^llll sllllll Ills I Ills MU'.HIS Mill Willi I ll.ISC iii pas .ins refill.11 mom Ills sc is lie tees oi pet e Ik i k t 11.lines, lot .IS I III II', .is Mill .11 e .1 slink III \\ nil Mini .11 Ullllll, miii i ,iii .ilsii rei ei\ e ■ \ I |< I I \\ esi ()ne A I ’M i .ml w Ini Ii .illow s \ i»ii in ,K i ess \ imi 1111ills .it 11mu' S.S.IMH) ni l w oi k i .isli in.ii limes in ( )ienon .mil .ironml the woilil ■ \ I Kl I "itl, while supplies List. West ( >i if Bank ol leis ,i \ .ii let s ol tin.mi nl pi oil m is to .issist soil w lull sou .ne in i oIIcrc, mi I111I1U14 \ ls 1 .mil \l.istet( nil , auto loans anil personal loans \ isii tin Iih a I W 1 si ()i if of 111 e 1 ml. is to open sour new st in lent 1 hei k inn aci 01 mi I' u^eiie ( >11 ice 5<> Ii. I III) Ase. .V15-2A6S WEST ONE BANK