Associated Press stories you may have missed April fools gone awry COLORADO SPRINGS. Colo (AP) A 2R yoar-old man who enrolled In high school .is .1 girl and made tho all girl choerloading squad was sentcnc ed to two years' probation. He performed In uniform with the cheorleading squad at a pep assembly, and changed clothes in the women's locker room, students and teat hers s.ud When the masquerade came to light, several of the girls who had befriended the new cheerleader were upset, hut some said they had their doubts all along In the meantime, several foot ha 11 players had ex pressed interest In dating the newest member of the t heerleading squad despite his solid build he is f> feet-ti and 1(>4 pounds To protect and serve KANSAS CI TY, Mo (AP) Polir e t bet king a report of a prowler entered an apartment .it I to a m and shot a 21 year old stockbroker to death when he got out of bed in his night clothes to see what was wrong. It is believed to he the sixth shooting death 1 ommit ted by Kansas City police officers this year In one, four officers fired 1') times at a man brandishing a bar hectic fork In another, on officer killed .1 man who was spraying him with a fire extinguisher A boy named Scud ALCIIEKS, Algeria (AP) Hundreds of fervent Mus lints in Algeria are naming newborn sorts Saddam, but authorities have quashed an attempt by one fa mils to name a son "Scud" after the Iraqi missile The father of the c hild said be would make another attempt this time through the courts And in this comer... BALTIMORE (AI *) Dot tors .it Johns Hopkins Hos pital removed a 180-pound ovarian t vst from a 40 year old West Virginia woman, a hospital spokeswom an said "That is abnormally, abnormally abnormal." said Dr Raymond Kaufman, chairman of the obstetrics-gyne cology department of Baylor College of Madison in Madison. Texas "That's a rarity There are different types of ovarian t vsts, but unless tile patient is extremely obese, most can be detected with a pelvic exam when thev are .1 or -J centimeters in diameter and "u couple of grams” in weight, he said. High tech grunting WASHINGTON (AIM U S fighter pilots used spe cial physical tactics including explosive grunting and muscle tensing to keep from losing vision or even blacking out from the high-speed, neck-snapping action in the Persian Gulf War Those wacky kids SKA'ITLb (AP) — A 14-veor-old girl was charged to day with first-degree attempted murder in the Valen tine's Day shooting of a 15-year-old schoolmate who spurned her advances The girl told detectives she wanted to kill Juson K Hood because 'he's I don't know? Annoying," ac cording to court papers filed by deputy prosecutor Robert T Reischling. The girl was arrested at her home without a struggle, waived her rights and gave a taped statement to police detective Kandy Mullinax in which she said she in tended to kill Hood At the end of the tape she said her voice would not be recorded "because I am a vampire." HOW TO BUY TEXTBOOKS AND SAVE MONEY COME TO THE SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE FIRST. Chances are you will find most o( your books .it half price BRING THE TITLE AND AUTHOR'S NAME. It might take some time to find your books, but we will be glad to help you look, and the savings are worth the wait RETURN BOOKS YOU DO NOT NEED. If you buy the wrong books or drop a class, you can return the books tor a full refund SELL YOUR OLD TEXTBOOKS. Alter you buy your textbooks, bring in your old books and 1 he Smith t amity bookstore will buy them fur a very (air price SMITH FAMILY boo