On a roll The Autzen footbridge, which connects the paral lei bonk paths of the Willamette River near the Univer sity. accommodates hundreds of joggers, bicyclists, skateboarders, rollerskaters and rollerhladers each day File photo A cut above the rest... CARE’N FOR HAIR Ml I. tttfc AVI KUOCNI, O* *7401 (503) US-44n OWN 7 DAYS Wolff tanning available by appointment Haircuts ONLY s1000 w coupon S'3 00 an. ♦ Condition ♦ Shampoo ♦ Haircut ♦ Blowdry G >■■■■! . 'h ' -• ■1 BLACK FOREST TAVERN & Bit R CARDIN. , f VvV >r 2 £> j 7 Willamette. N£VT TO PIZZA PETE's I 3HH-08I& \ U w L U; .L 'w'lUT _;u ■ • - J - I • ' . '■■■ I till'll; t ... jy > r DOMINO’S PIZZA DELIVERS... LARGE ONE TOPPING PIZZA 799 DELIVERED. Better Yet, Get a Second Pizza for only $4.00 more Additional Toppings only 75p each per pizza. 32 oz Classic or Diet Cokes only 590. CALL US! THE BEST SERVICE AND VALUE IN TOWN 343-3030