T ' ^ T ^ .yf i > It ' THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU’RE THROWING AWAY f i \bout a \car aeo. uc at IVpaxtix noticed that the amount ol paper cups we ^ were usme was ustomshme We ha\e Mike chanced to a washable eup aiul r lotind that out dumpsict is about 1 i less lull I lus brought us to rccoym/c the enormous amount of waste paper that is tossed in dumpsters anti ultimately A into landfills ONE OF THE BIGGEST CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS WASTE IS PIZZA BOXES. On eampus alone, we estimate hundreds of thousands ot pi//a boxes are throw n aw ay How much land fill is that? Haw many trees? How much energy to produce? YOU NOW HAVE AN OPTION. Briny in any pi/./a box from your stash and we srill till your pi/za-to-yo order in your reusable pi/./a container—that's an\ pi//a box, not just ours — and we will take 25c oil the price of your piz/a. NOT ONLY WILL YOU HELP THE ENVIRONMENT, YOU WILL GET A QUARTER BACK! L -c 'tty* V> o umst re er \ e ihc i igtit lo refuse lo refill pi/ /a lx>\es 4 that we deem iix> Iunks •5< JV lour t'sUnnilion i % [ CREATING GOOD FOOD MAKING GOOD SENSE 14th & ALDER 344-4471 W/Satellite Sports Bar & Pool Tables in Basement (musi lx- 21) Hours M-l 11:30-111>M S \ 1 1-1 I I’M Sun l-IOI’M