Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 16, 1991, Page 22C, Image 76

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    Water Bottle with a $15.00 purchase
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The La’s hit bullseye with debut
The La's
★ ★★★
Tin- La's unfilled debut al
bum is nne of those rare Irens
ures that vve get in the mail
room Admittedly, the four
member band from Liverpool's
name doesn't point to a gold
mine of i reativit\. but the mu
sic on the album does
The pop-roi k sound of the al
bum has all tbi books in the
riglit plates, without falling
into the c:lidle world of top-40
weasels like most bands whose
only aspirations seem to lie get
tmg air time on MTV
Must of the 1 songs on the
album rel\ more heavily on
acoustic, rather than elei trie,
sounds The style of the musii
is simple and pleasantly melod
ic without being bland or pre
dutiable The easy going nature
of the songs, and memorable
tunes, lend themselves to toe
tapping and head swaying after
the first few notes of each song
Tins is not to say each copy
of the album should come with
bubble gum included The mi
ergy of the band helps pull the
sound out from under the mg
of top-40 complacency
329 East Sth Avenue
I hnvntou'n I uyt’iu•
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lor \ppoiittmait
Songwriter Lee Mavers writes
songs containing not only hk
•it)le melodies, but .ilso an un
derourrent of tension. The grit
ty vik ills help add to the sc rap
pv, up-and-coming sound of
t h e a I t) II 111 Songs Ilk e
Doldrum." "1 () 11 ’ and
' Freedom Song" contain the
sense of lament and dissatisfac
lion with tile status quo that
most good music seems to man
"There She (iocs,” tile fifth,
and most radio-accessible song
on tin* allium has been getting
air time on KAVli in lingerie,
and tile La's video (or the song
lias appeared on MTV Cod
help them.
!i tile hand tan remember
wh.it ideas and altitudes were
used in creating this album,
tin \ ( an lie i apable of creating
mam more pleasing works
Look for them in the future.
L.A. Gun*
I loll t wood Vampires
★ ★
The firs) puragmph of tin;
pros* relt'iise llttiirhod to tho
promotional copy of the L A
(funs' new album Hollywood
Vamplrt's reads, 'In a city over
flowing with false idols, pretty
faces and indistinguishable
hard rook bands oozing from
the woodwork like a bottomless
well, it's good to know that
from time to time you can still
find the real thing "
This may be true, hut the
LA (funs are definitely not the
real thing Hollywood Vam
pin's, the third release hy the
(funs, adds nothing new to the
'His heavy metal scene This is
the same music that heavy met
'd hands have been pumping on
to the market since Aerosmith
mined forces with Run-DMC to
massacre "Walk This Way."
I he (funs are indistinguishable
from (funs and Roses, Poison,
Warrant the list goes on In
i red ibly enough, much like
(funs and Roses has Axl Rose,
L A (funs have Trat ii duns
Hoy, they are different, aren't
No doubt the L.A. (funs will
find heavy support among the
hormone-influenced world of
leather a lad high school toughs
Hut if they want to remain true
to their rook and roll spirit, as
they claim, they need to realize
that the glam-metal genre is not
tin: place to tie revolutionaries.
The talent displayed on
songs like "I Pound You" and
"Crystal Eyes" could lie put to
bettor use if the members of the
band concentrated less on
"making it" via the status quo,
and more on carving out their
own niche in the nx k world
Turn to GUNS Page 26
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