Lollapalooza offered a slammin’ good time By Jake Berg Emerald Sports Editor FJNt'MCd.AVV. Wash Siouxsie looked through the ruin nt her audience of thou sands .md panM'd lietween songs to express her discouragement .it the weather CONCERT REVIEW "Mv birthdays have always heen .1 disap pointment." said the lead singer of Siouxsie and the Banshees, one of seven groups to perform at the last stop of the i.ollapaloo/a Festival Aug. 28 at the king C.o Fair grounds, Siousxie was perhaps the only-one at the festival unhappy with the day Despite a steady downpour ihat kept a slam-dunning audience 1 ool, the crowd lac ked no enthuse asm for any of the variety of groups on stage. I.ollapaloo/a was the brainchild of lane's Addiction's Perry Farrell, who. hoped, to-cre ate a traveling Wcxidstor k. in essence If Dr. Farrell's monster didn't imitate Woodstock to the Iasi hair, it was at least an ugly duck ling brother of the legendary festival 20 years ago. The Rollins Hand, fronted by former Black Flag lead singer Henry Rollins, opened with a hardcore set ol punk thrash to break in the sparse crowd More Ians like ly heard the Rollins' show from outside the fairgrounds as a huge line to the entrance gate kept many < oncertgoers from enjoying Rollins Psychedelia entered tin- stage next in the form of the Butthole Surfers, who broke .is munv beer fx>tt|ns over each other's heads .is thev pInvod solids The Violent Femmes followed up the Surlers with .1 set of rt» k.ibllly, country and hard rix k that kept tin’ crowd wondering If Dr. Farrell's monster didn t imitate Woodstock to the last hair, it was at least an ugly duckling brother of the legendary festival 20 years ago. what style would lie played next The three man hand's sarcasm in their stints dso w armed their w ate,hers w ilh laughter Fishbone, a sevenman, all blai k funk rock group, blasted the stage with their blend of rap, hard rin k and instrumental all in the same songs Not long was the key board 1st playing his trombone be!.m- hurl ing it to tlii1middle of a hungry 'crowd A gun toting, trash talking, list pumping Ice T assumed centerstage next lor what was maybe tile biggest surprise of the show After playing a set of h e I rap staples that included "Colors” and New Jack Hustler, the veteran Los Angeles rapper brought out his now kind Body County, and stunned tlic i oncertgoers hv launching into .1 heavy initial Itmit of thr same n.imi' The crowd was no less receptive to this Ji'kyll and Hyde about lace than they were to the previous liard rn< k groups and when members ul Fishbone joined lee onstage. I< e dedicated the song "Vikidoo to the ruosli pit. which was more than happy to catch the stage-diving members of l ishbone Smuxsie and the Banshees played the most polite set ol all. not daring much more than their standard fare but satisfying: even their most die hard fans despite the short stint When I'arreli designed L.ollupuloo/u he obviously had the lies! saved for last in his mind Janes \ddietmfi Farrell has re peatedly said Jane's would soon break up. and the stop here may have been the last time to see the group in the continental United States hvervthing was stio< king when it 1 ante to the festival closing set During their rendi tion of the song "Nothing's Shot king, two b.usiv blonde femalescontinually kissed and engaged in 11101 k sexual ai Is onstage, to the disgust ol unit h of the crowd Others songs during the Jane's sliow in cluded .1 speedy metal version of the Dikii . LA Woman, a Farrell and Ice-T duet on Sis Stone's D n't (hill Me N: • r, Whites and .1 story about bow Farrell's girlfriend had unsuccessfully tried to stub him in his sleep the night before 1 Oscar the Freshman by Neal Skorpen O s you kvow all you*. P££ f> PAQ.K SSC 5U TS Aul re>uR wiDPtw PA i *♦ A _ i »♦•>»** A A M £ > Ryov £ 0A C* Tirestone * AMERICAS HOME EOR CAR SERVICE SERV 1C E~SP i cl A lY ' Lube, Oil & Filter Includes lire rotation and Visual Inspection s16 99 Refill up to 5 qt Change All prices plus $1 50 shop lee RADIATOR SERVICE Flush, (ill >. add up to 1 gallon of coolant In spool boll'., hosos and watot pump s29" Chemical I reatmont Power Flush s49" Si 00 shop charge added lo all prices ► I r;jtn£fl 7e< hni- mms S* Ovrr 2 (XK> I n t > I * * • *' . ! »,«i! . 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