) 5" Si Pjbt: MaPtvi downstairs 683 H?4 | f JTT. m • /IT* • Sty*• • ^1^* *^T \* >f i i F Art ( » *ttM(i l>« M« * 1^ ^ DANCE SHOES BALLET • JAZZ • TAP • FOLK • MODERN ( Ai'KZIO • HUH II • I Ki l l) • CM M OT! LEO’S TIGHTS TOPS CAPEZIO • DANSKIN • DANCE FRANCE MARIKA • BARISHNIKOV • and MORE! I lours Mon-Sat ■) IIMi Kl Sunciaxs \2 1*0-5 IHl 11 \\ llmatl\v.i\ hugitiMt IHixmiUivvii Mall tiHt>-2ti71 RECORD REVIEWS Meat Puppets pull the right strings Meal Puppets h'orttiddvn /'/.ii n In thuso days of commercial oriented r<« l. and roll, il is rare lli.it ,i li.iiid will sla\ together for .1 long time without hitting large-si .ilo commerr ini success lortunatolv for music fans, the Meat Puppets, three musicians who have been in the business sime lUBO, have remained in tact and continue to create good music I’he band s latest endeavor. lorblddrn Plmrs, marks the lirst time the hand has released an album on a major record la bel It is also the lirst time the bund has used a producer to help create the finished prod net Whatever the Meat Puppets did this time, it w orked File new allium, released on London Records, is consistent In good although it is not as i on slstent in style, making it hard to categorize "Sam,” the lirst song on the album, is a real ear-c all her The vocal style used by lead singer ( ur! Kirkwood is ta r tainh unique, and must be heard to be lielleved I be re cording's fourth song, "Open 1 BICYCLES & ACCESSORIES 4 MODELS ON SALE! ^229« ASCENT. 'EX' Sc APEX! ,^*100°° The new Carbon Fiber 98QC. ONLY $69995 ^^$+*200“° ALL ON SALE! UP TO *200 OFF (X) KIH'hl ill \K HELMET5 \ t OX i 'U' LOCK MAUXjt % LIGHTS $2495 $10°° $1995 $10oo $H95 $5C» &■ MUCH MOKE! HACKS, I5AGS CLOTH I MG, FEMDEKS, ETC.! DOWMTOWn - 960 CHARMEITOM Wide, " has speed metal infill ernes, while "1 hat's Hms It does" has a rountrv-western tinge and some satire al lyrics about the thoughts of the aver age American Joe The album is a myriad of dif ferent styles and concepts all brought together in a consistent wav by the band's years of ev perietM e "That's How it does" is followed In a pop sounding, pleasingh melodii song titled Whirlpool The style of Open Wide" is progressive musii reminiscent of work by Jane's Addiction In short, the Meat l’uppets have produced a recording that has something for everyone, and will convert people who thought they would never I is ten to music that didn't fit neat ly into a lUHhonrd category If you have an open mind to mu sic, give Forbidden /’/aces and the Meat Puppets a try ifolli. ( i ash Test I tummies l hr r./msfs ih.it H.tunl Mr What can you sa\ about the Crash Test Dummies other than they didn't spend enough time thinking of a name for the hand ' How about "It's about time " The Dummies new re cording. Thr dhost* I hut Haunt A/e. is «i unique work of musii in an industry crowded with people following patterns set by other successful groups. The Dummies have a style th.it is a cross of folk, progres sive, country and Lou Heed Lead singer Bred Roberts' dis tinctive baritone voice helps tear the Dummies sound out of the mainstream of folk musii I here are enough odd sound ing riffs on the record to set it apart from the latest folk wannabes like Natalie Mer c hunt and lidiu Brickell How ever, the down-to earth lyrics fall squarely in line with the concerns of most traditional and new folk groups Superman's Song," which is being pushed as the record's first single, is a quirks song that grows on you as sou listen. 1'he subtle fight-lhe good-fight rues sage has been sorely lacking from most of today's Reagan Bush era musicians The simple lyric s reflect a time when some Americans could see past their own noses "Superman never made any money savin' the- world from Solomon Grundy Sometimes I despair that the world will nev er see another man like him ” The slow-paced, non-ballad style of the song precludes it from being a smash hit in the 1 oiled States, hut it has re ceived limited air play. The record's only weakness is that it begins to grow tire s o m e near t h e e nd. Th e strength of the first hall ol the record begins to fade But the early, gritty, blue-collar songs contained on the album make it worth looking into There are no overt politics on the album However, the down home, real-life aspec ts of the lyric s touc h base with a reality that seems to have been left be hind in the profit driven c or i option of the American dream Sometimes it is good to touch base with this reality The Crash Test Dummies will not sweep the country or play am White House barber ues, but hopefully, they will keep [rushing forward and prndut mg more of the same quality work By Pat Malach Emerald Managing Editor RECORD RATINGS * A A A A Stsal II it you hava to A A A A Quality music AAA Nothing spaccal A A Frtsboa matsrlal A Dsslroy all copias ADIDAS • DIADOKA • AI.1X • I.O'ITO WorldCup Si* arSlMp 255 E. lHlh AVE. EUGENE, OREGON 344-9333 OEEERIN(. THE BEST HELECHON OE SOCCER EQl 1IPMENT ANI) A PEAR El. IN THE WILLAMETTE YAl.LEY. MURK * NIKE • PUMA • UMBRO