Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 16, 1991, Page 14C, Image 68

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Continued from Page 13
evenings unless ihe crowd Is small
To complement the i>eer and wine of
ferings, Taylor's will soon be serving
pastas and other fixxis
Another college hot spot is Rennie's
handing, located on 12 14 Kincaid.
Wood tables and chairs give the place a
nautical, Now England flair. An upstairs
deck draws heavy crowds In tho sum
mer and spring
Rennie's Is a great place to relax and
drink your beverage of choice, hut it
also has an Impressive food menu
Sandwiches, soups, salads, vegetarian
ontrees and some of liugone’s lx?st bur
gers are served.
They sol 1 domestic beer at SI 75 and
imported at S2 50 ptfr Ixiltle Pitchers
arv .54, or you ran get a pounder for
$1 40 or a glass for SI
At 550 K 13th St . New Max's is also
close to campus It looks like a hole in
the wall, but has a wonderful reputa
tion This is one of the oldest taverns in
Eugene Posters from local trends deco
rate one of the walls Beer mirrors and
plastic toys decorate the other
Atmosphere is the key word here
You could r ail It cozy, or you could just
say it is small enough to hear the music
from the stage in the back corner The
music varies between acoustic, rock,
punk, blues and alternative
New Max's offers a variety of bottled
beers Beer runs 51/glass, Si 50/pint,
and S i 05/pitehnr. On Miller Monday,
beer is S 1/pint or SI for 12 o/. long net k
The crowd you'll find at New Max’s
changes with the typo of music: being
One of the busiest places you'll find
near campus is Guido's. 801 K 13th
A vo
This place has all the trappings of a
stereotypical '70s disco meat market.
Mirrors surround the sunken dance
floor so it is easily seen The L)|ed dance
music: is loud bright flashing lights con
tinually swirl above the customers (es
pecially near the danc e floor).
A tile floor by the bar and a high A
frame ceiling accent the decor. Besides
drinking and dancing, Guido's keeps pa
Irons entertained with a pool table and
several video games.
Guido's is open from 11 a m to 2:15
a m It has an extensive menu specializ
ing In Italian food like calzonos and piz
za Sandwiches run about S4 Beer is
Sl/glass and S3.50/pltcher
For a change of pace from rock, top
40, punk or alternative live music, jo
Federigo's is located across from the 5th
Street Market, 259 li. 5th Ave. Take the
stairs down to the lower level and treat
yourself to a night of good jazz. Live
jazz is featured nightly, and Mark Alan
plays on Sunday
Turn to NIGHTLIFE. Page 17
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NY7 BUI K BOX PROGRAM papers will be
available* lor pic k-up Mon-Fri at the bulk box
loc ated at tin* I ith St. pore h of tbe EMU.
lo sign up, go to the Good Morning
Newsland at 2.172 W. 11th. Bring full payment
tor eat li term requested. Fall $21.20.
U of O BOOKSTORE PROGRAM papers will
be* available lor pick-up Mon-Fri at the U of O
Bookstore. Fall $21.20.
Sign up at the U of O Bookstore.
No deliveries during holidays or exams.
Professors: Call for class size bulk deliveries.
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