Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 16, 1991, Page 12C, Image 66

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Natural Fiber Clothing
To Live In!
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E xpires October 19 1991
19th & Agate '
Many local taverns and bars oiler an extensive
the l ast 19th Street Cafe
Photo by Poaton
selection ol domestic and imported beer on tap, such as
Nightlife offers a bit of everything
Hip-hop to jazz, bourbon to beer can be found in town
By Christina Komeshian
Emwald Conlribulor
bugene muv not have all the glamour of t>city
night lilt', lint there .ire main clubs, taverns and
bars m town that are spot lal in their own l.ugene
k ind ol w n
Kauh ol them offers something different lor stu
dents J t and over who want to get out to enjoy
the weekend What most ol them have in com
mon is that they cater to a mixed crowd for the
most part, none of the them wants to pinpoint a
certain segment of the population Here is a sam
ple ol what's out there
Steelhead Hiewerv ton h Mb An w , - tin
h nors of being the most impressm I he\ make
!i,. ir own root beer (it's the best), as well as beer
ami ale A mahogatn finished bar and an old
fashioned telephone Ixinlh give it a classlt flair,
and the open list celling makes loi a span ms
mi vinmnierit
Slone walls mid largo plants add earlhinoss, but
the dark green plush furniture keeps tilings com
fortable The lighting is semi-dim
"It's for people who don't feel comfortable in
bars, said general manager Torn Sobieski
At heart, Steelhead is a brewery that, like any
other, otters daily tours of the tirewing lacilities
Besides the obvious flow of beers and wines,
Steelhead also has u food menu including pizza,
sandwiches and soup, as well as beer-battered on
ion nngs, brewery brownies and mot beer floats
Steelhead draws a mixed crowd City people,
working people, Springfield residents and stu
dents all find their way to the brewerv on Sth
Avenue There is outdoor seating, and large win
dews inside look out at the Sill Street Market
A Cl) sound system pipes in music , and several
telev isioil sets broadcast sports Steelhead Is open
from 11 am to midnight on weekdays and II
i 111 to 1 a m on Weekends
K.” o NIGHTLIFE Pag • 13
cm evening with
• r'‘-V..W ;
■•'c> y
' ttL: ’ ' *, - ./A ‘ £
T/-; • •• •• v
- - -i.<4
Wednesday October m
Beall Concert Hall, U of 0
School of Music
(AUier between 17th & 18th)
performances 7:30 & 10.00 pm
General Admission. 516 L of 0, SIS Gen. Public
Tickets on sale EMI Main Desk, lialkuleer
Music, Car’s Mcihc <? CD UbrW