TRANSFER STUDENTS COME USE US WE RE HERE TO SERVE YOU YOUR Student Health center 346-4441 Thk U-LANE-O Ac t pi nt A Beti er Way Oe Ciiec king. | l SON inklisl paid Ui * Mill i'll NiMH IhU tiii iiiihl\ halaiKi' ‘y Nn ini in' lii il mui * .1 S’lK) hal .nn i' Vmi pay only % I il sum Is.iI.iihi' limps Ivluss V’lH) I *f 111«111 ill .1 . tk v i \| CREDIT UNION I . I lilt & Kern Nl. <>87-2.U7 2840 \\ illumette Si. 4<>5 8282 I ia' I spiess * I i.ivclci s i hci ks 24 hi ;u cess In your * account ltuiHit;h the I scli.inpc .nul Cm us networks * direct deposit ol your U ol () payclux k NCUA CIRRUS Dave Primrose of Everett. Wash . lakes a kayak for a test run Park Photo by Andre Ranien on the Willamette River near Alton Raker Adventures awaiting outdoors By June W urns f nil" .1:!', Contributor What's a good wav In un wind after ii hard day ol studs ing it sour answer is "go out suit you're in Im k, Ihh arise the recreation opportunities in bugenr scum end less Hclnn you In! ihu If.ill or !hu water slop bv ihu (hrtdoor Pro gram in the basement ol the KMt’ The Outdoor Program has ,i s\ tde variety ol resoun e materials lor trip planning, in eluding maps, guide books, ris er information, and an outdoor equipment lending librars Community members run sign up for loss i ost outdoor adventures bv < her king the trip lioard, or they run initiate their own hiking, backpacking, i limbing, biking, or rafting trips The Outdoor Program schedules activities that in i hide raft trips, windsurfing lessons and mountain hike trips "Thi! mountain bike trips are hi ginning to be realh espei i.illv in tin- fall," snid Luo ioimson, vvlm works in the Out duiir Program's resource room s our most busv time be i ,ium- ol nil thu now students lohnson slid now trip soiled ulus ure being planned tor the fall ini luding .in orientation fur new students Oil i a rn pus. a few lot a I sporting goods stores offer their own outdoor classes II you’re interested in windsurfing, a good place to start is Rivers West rhe store oflers i lasses that include one hour of in struction and lour hours out on the water The windsurfing classes .ire held several times a month at fern Ridge Reservoir "Wo may be doing the class es all winter,” said Jamie Weach lor. one of the class in structors "If you're prepared for the cold, you can do it We'll give classes for as long as people sign up " If v o u ' d f > r I c r to be in rather than on the water, visit Kugenn Skin Divers. The supply store rents complete packages o! skin diving equip mi nt and also gives beginning lessons, which are popular with University students We get most ol our business from word of mouth." said lid Rogers, an employee at Eugene Skm Divers We have a lot ol students and some business people, too." The lessons are ottered two nights a week for four weeks At the end of four weeks, stu dents go lor two dives at the coast Then they can receive diver certification Closer to campus, the Mill Race and the canal in Alton Baker I'urk are convenient sources of recreation. The Ca noe Shuck on the Mill Race rents canoes ami kayaks by the hour. River Runner Supply by Turn to OUTSIDE, Page 7 ENTERTAINMENT STAFF SECTION EDITOR: Put Malach GRAPHICS EDITOR: JefTPaslay CONTRIBUTORS: Alan Curtis. Christina Komeshian, Tim Neff, Matthew Kendall, Neal Skorpen, June Williams COPY EDITORS: Hon Walker PRODUCTION: Sarah Clark, Jim Finch, Susan Head, Jennifer Roland, Don Ross, Hon Walker, Ingrid White ADVERTISING: Kirsten Lucas, Andrew Poole, Catherine Koylo, Eryn Scharwatt. Teru Surratt GOTTA DANCE? JAZZ, TAP, BALLET, MODERN, BALLROOM, AFRICAN, and MORE!!! If it's new to you or you're a seasoned veteran, up to 12 credits of DANC activity courses can apply to your degree. OR, take any class non-credit, for the fun of it! 30 SECTIONS PER TERM! JUST WANNA LOOK? THREE DEPARTMENT OF DANCE COURSES FULFULL A & L AND SS GROUP REQUIREMENTS. Looking a! Dance (DAN 251) Dance and Folk Culture (DAN 301) Dance in Asia (DAN 302) 1991-91 CONCERTS INCLUDE TO EAT THE LAST MESSIAH DANCE '92 SPRING STUDENT DANCE CONCERT DEPARTMENT OF DANCE—161 GERLINGER ANNEX-CALL 346-3386