Oregon Daily MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18,1991 I —111 11 III 111 I I mi.— VOLUME 93 ISSUE 17 ENTERTAINMENT Join Neal Skorpen's Oscar the Freshman as he searches in vain for a good time. ROCK THE HOUSE I-“1 Eugene abounds with opportunities for nighttime recreation — if you're over 21, that is. See story, Pago 12 MODERN MONO H Lucy Lizzard’s radio program, Modern Mono, features music that listeners can ’t find on Eugene s other stations. See etocy, Page 4 coluegeonemaI What would we do at a party nowadays without a good video? Well, probably get off the couch, talk to our friends and meet new people. But for those of us who believe the University 's greatest contribution to civilization was Animal House, we have compiled a list of the top 10 college videos. Sm fftviews, Pag© 5