Wins academic to volleyball team By Danm Wyss Emerald Contributor Oregon took top honors at its own tournament after knocking Gonzaga in the fourth game of the championship match The Oregon Tournament be gan with a Sep. (> match be tween Idaho, li-4. and Oregon, 7-0, in which the Ducks quick ly (nit Idaho behind them in three seemingly effortless games. Gonzaga and Illinois went five games In tin; other match that night before the Zags finally won. The next day, Illinois tore Idaho apart in a three-game consolation match, hut the championship wasn't as one sided, as Oregon and Gonzaga were almost evenly skilled and focused. Before the two teams met, Oregon Goach Gurry Gregory admitted that the Gonzaga team, 3-3, would lie hard to beat. ''They're tough," Gregory said. "And they're passing We're not passing, and we'll have to pass to win Pass they did, and Oregon took the first game easily, scor ing the last nine points unnn swered The game ended 15-2. but Con/.aga came back strong in the second game, winning it 15-'), to the delight of many Oon/.aga fans who trekked to Eugene for the tournament After a long and furious bout, Oregon took the third game 15-fl But in the fourth and final game, Oon/aga actually led most of the way before the Ducks ended the game and the match much like they begun it, scoring eight unanswered points to win the champion ship. Tournament MVP honors went to Oregon’s f> loot-1 Da who Oharroin. The senior had 12 kills in the champion ship match. The Dm ks' Mindee Adams and Molly McOrath were also named to the all-tournament team with Oharroin Oharroin was also the MVP Alpine Import Service-. THE VOLVO SPECIALISTS 12th & Main Fall Fitness Analysis • Oil change, genuine VOLVO tiller and 4 quarts of oil • Complete maintenance check ot major components • Inspection of brakes, exhaust, suspension, u joints, battery charging and vlacting svs terns,c ool start systems, heating ami cooling systems, tires, wipers and .ill fluid levels ror Mppomimeni can 726-1808 YOUR VOLVO £l)c iXcUt Jlork (times CAMPUS DISCOUNTS NYI-4IK Per copy 47% discount Ovei nil 11("\vs|s available from aiound tin' ( i Minii \ ,iihI ,h(Him I tlie win Id ( all ( .nod Morning Newsstand l < > r information on these_|44-(>2()(> NVI HU I K BOX PROGRAM papers will be available loi pu k-up Mon-I n at the bulk box lot aled al tlir I Hb St. port h ol the I MU. to sign up, go to the Good Morning Newstand at 2172 W. 11th. Bring lull payment lor ea< b term reipiested. Fall $21.20. U of O BOOKSTORE PROGRAM papers will be available for pick-up Mon-Fri at the U of () Bookstoie. Fall $21.20. Sign up al the U ol O Bookstore. No delivenes during holidays or exams. Professois: ( all for i lass si/e hulk deliveries. GOOD MORNING NEWS SERVICE for home delivery or information 683-1441 in tin! Portland Invitational tin week before. and similarly. Or egon won that tournament as well The tirst day saw the Ducks sweep Baylor and I’ortlami in three games apiece, and wins over Montana and Colorado the next day earned the title for Or egon "Offensively, Dawnn and Mindee played very we.)I lor us." Cregory said "We were able to pull ahead in grimes one and two against Montana, but game throe was a see saw bat tie." Again joining Oharroin on the all-tournament squad were teammates Adams and Mi Crath Oharroin was later named Pacific 1.0 Conference player of the week alter hitting -10H with TO kills during the Portland Invitational A home win over Oon/.aga Sep T> also raised the 1 links mark The next home game pits the Ducks against top-ranked UCLA on Sep 20 at 7 to p m Propcf d»css ief|u"cc! meam Converse Al> Sicu Onfordi Classic styl'rq timeless looks All-Star Converse on sale lor $24.99 (reg. $31.99) Proper Dress Required 57 W. Broadway 6870139 and 957 Willamette St. 342-1789 r*. it1'. • • r . i' tr-

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