um’i mm Restaurant and I ounjje •=aJr=Jr=ir (, 'l>m esc nub •(/fm c r»c o n ' H 0 1 < )KI)I KN !()(,(> 343-4480 *»4 7 it .inkiiit HU il Mim I litir I I 0(1 .i mi In 10 10 |i.m I 11 11.00 .i in. li» Nimmi lo MmJiw^IiI Sum Nimim hi 10. 10 p mi rz=zJr^r^r^r^r=^r=Jr==Jr==Jr==Jn=Jr=Jr=T Meed a lxr Chech out the [ MTCRI AIMMf M T '.ettiufi in ttie ODE VOLLEYBALL Continued from Page 11 these now recruits could have on tho season. Wo vo go! a lot of now talent ami a lot of old talent, and wo'ro just going to mix it in with the old and see how wo ( ah go with it." Chnrroin said Tho freshmen have just come In and been awesome," said Adams, tho team captain "They're challenging all of the returners, and the returners are taking that challenge and going with it Despite winning nine of its lust JO games last season, inju ries crippled Oregon in the lat ter half of the season, and the Dm ks dropped nine of their last 10 Pacific 10 Conference games They finished in a sev enth-place tie in tho league Oregon promised the Par 10 will he (list as loaded this fall "The challenging side is that the Pat-10 continues to get tougher everv year as well," Gregory said "You know, there's not much difference be tween the number three team on paper and the number nine a HOW TO BUY TEXTBOOKS AND SAVE MONEY COME TO THE SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE FIRST. Chances are you will find most of your books at half price BRING THE TITLE AND AUTHOR S NAME. It might take some time to find your books, but we will be glad to help you look, and the savings are worth the wait RETURN BOOKS YOU DO NOT NEED. It you buy the wrong books or drop a class, you can return the books lor a lull refund ^ SELL YOUR OLD TEXTBOOKS. After you buy your textbooks, bring in your old books and 1^, The Smith Family Bookstore will buy them for a very lair price SMITH FAMILY bookstore 768 East 13th • 345-1651 1 Block from Campus team on paper Or the number 10 team for that matter A pre-season poll of Puc-10 coaches shows defending N'C.AA champion UCLA is fa - vored to repeat as conference winners, with Stanford picked to again finish at second Arizo na St,ite is tabbed for third, and the Dili ks are close behind in a pre-season fourth. It helps we didn 't lose anybody to graduation, and we have a nice influx of talented young people coming in.' — Gerry Gregory pre-season fourth. "You have to be realistic." (iregorv said of pre-season hopes "The fact that the Pac 10 is so strong — your expecta tions have to be within the realm of realism But I ran say this, this is our deepest team. I don't feel nearly as nervous about one or two having physi cal problems." An injured ankle sidelined star hitter Charroin for part of last season, but the physical setbar k hasn't slowed her de sire to win C.harroin said win ning In vollevball is a state of mind, and this fall s success just depends on how badly Or egon wants it "I think we could win the i’uo-10 I think wc could win the national championship,” Charroin said, "it just depends on pnoplo’s efforts and what they want to put into it and how the team gels together Adams predicts a finish at the front of the Par-10 and fore warns the rest of the conference to beware of some surprises from the Ducks this year ”1 think we're going to be right up there at the top," Ad ams said "They probably won't rank us up there right away, but we re going to shock some teams Thev're going to be really surprised with some of the firepower we have " C.regorv hopes Adams is right for her own sake. The coach wants his team to finish well as much for the Ducks' five se niors as anyone else. "I know the seniors have been through the highs and lows,” Gregory said. “They know what it's like to have a great year, and they know what it's like to have a crummy year They want to finish on a real strong note." KAMPUS I 343-7654 851 E. 13th WELCOME NEW and RETURNING STUDENTS! HAIRCUTS only $8.00 NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED MONDAY-FRIDAY 8 AM-5:30 PM Chisscs/Coiitiiit s/Exams Complete lab on promises for fa>t service rainbow optics 343-3333 7t>ti I O'lh Ave 1 ugcnc i >nc Mix k from 0 of O I rvc p.irkmg in back Hours \1 1 s,im npm, Sit Ham-5 pm