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"1 probably dogged (a quar terback) today more than 1 have in the last throe or four yours," Schuler said Penalties plagued both teams, tint Washington Stale's offen sive line was whistled for more than its share of holding, illegal procedure and false start charges 13 for a total loss of ?>) yards, w'ith five penalties in the first quarter And let’s not forget the of fense generated by junior free safety Kric Castle, who picked off two Bledsoe passes in the third-quarter the first time Castle put Oregon on the Wash ington State three yard line, the second in the end /one In a frantic catch-up effort, Bledsoe had to throw deep, something (fastln and his defen sive colleagues who broke up a total of 13 passes had Photo by Jolt PMloy Eric Castle intercepted two passes, returning one ot them tor a score. little trouble with. Put thnt nil together, and the Ducks' shortcomings six penalties of their own for 56 yards; luting out gunned in the air 262 yards to 170 become irrelevant. For Oregon Head Coach Rich Brooks, the defense's intensity was able to make up for his team's mistakes He said a turn ing point in the game was after outside linebacker Lewis Bush caught O'Neil's only intercep tion, and the Ducks allowed WSU nine yards before the Cougars were forced to punt. Price said a combination of Discover Kinko’s and copy your true colors. Discover the Impact of color copies. Great for graphics, photos, lllustrations and more. So If yon want to make a colorful Impression, make It with a Color Laser Copy. [2 for 1 Color Copies] ■ One coupon per customer. Not valid with any other oflier Good | I lor a single 8-1/2 x 11" ort^lniil and same size copies only. . ■ Good throufjli October 28, liHJl. * ■ I Open 7 Days | 344 7894 | 8(30 East 13th ■ lArcross from the of O Bookstore) Meter the copy center Duck tin fan so nnd cosily mis takes namely Castle's back to-buck pickoffs c ost Wash ington State the game. "We're not in a position where we cun turn the ball over two times in the third quarter deep in our own territory and get away with it." Burwoll's 189-yard perfor mance should get him a bit more recognition, considering ho was virtually ignored by pre-season I’ac-10 polls. "1 can’t believe people don't give him a hell of a lot more credit,'1 Brooks said. “Sean Burwell is u great football play er." “Our whole offense ... just blending together did a great job." Burwell said. "Wo were amped, and we wanted to win. The offensive line dominated their defensive line." From the notebook: Oregon kicker Greg McOallum sent his first point-after try to the right of the newly narrowed goal post. This ended his streak ol 73 consecutive successful I’ATs, one short of the Oregon record. . The Ducks had 92 re turn yards, compared with 8 for the Cougars. ... Kedshirt fresh man Kyle Crowston of Oregon was two-for-two in passing when he subbed for O'Neil in tlie fourth quarter, completing one for 36 yards to sophomore flanker Brian Brown. ... Autzen attendance was 42,995, the largest opening-day crowd in the stadium's 25-year history. O’NEIL Continued from Page 9 running "I hope 1 keep on doing that,” O'Neil ‘.aid. I like to run the ball. " "1 thought he scrambled very, very well,” Uellotti said. ' and that was a new dimension to our attack, too. ” That new dimension, and Bur well's big da\ on the ground, was largely due to the fact that the offensive line pro tented so well The line post'd one ol the biggest question marks in Brooks' mind during the oil season. but the group blocked Oregon's way to a total of yards rushing and allowed no sat ks And i! anyone had any ques lions about Oregon minus Mus grave. Brooks was quit k to point out the obvious. ”40 points isn't too bad.” In' said "We’ve never done that in lour years without Bill Mus SPECIAL STUDENT MEMBERSHIP... SPECIAL INITIATION RATE FOR STUDENTS! EASY, AFFORDABLE PAYMENT PLAN! When you commit lor a school year, you can pay lor your membership by the term! N4 KH_PHONE_ A IKVtt« expires 10/15/91 COMPLIMENTARY PASS Complete Weight Room Free Aerobic Classes Universal Super Circuit 4 Indoor Tennis Courts* Restaurant (Open to the public) * S#p*fat* memb*'»bip ir<>u**#<1 Full Court Gymnasium Two Swimming Pools Co-ed Whirlpool Steam & Sauna 4 RacquetbalL'Handball Courts Regulation Squash Court THE YMCA IS COMMITTED TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN INDIVIDUAL S MIND, BODY AND SPIRIT... NOW IS THE TIME TO JOIN THE YMCA. 2055 Paltetson Eugene. 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