f IM pftotO The Oregon football team has come heartbreakmgly close to the Rose Bowl several times in recent years. Brooks says the closest was m 1938 before quarterback Bill Musgrave broke his collarbone BROOKS Continued from Page 5 doing that Now who’s using who in that situation ' I find it increasingly difficult to figure out what my joh is or what I'm supposed to answer to. I'm supposed to win all of my games, I'm supposed to graduate every one of my play ers, and I'm not supposed to have uny one of them got in trouble off the field I'm sup posed to have this wonderful environment that everybody s going to he sut oessful in If the player doesn't graduate, does that mean I’ve done a ter rible job? The bottom line is I’ll certainly accept the responsi bility for that, but I'm certainly not going to apologize for my efforts in trying to get players to graduate We do everything that we possibly can do. and I think we do more than some other programs. DDK Do vou feel quite a bit of pressure on that from the public? Brooks No, I don't 1 think that the public display and the publicity on all this stuff now is kind of hypocritical Why don't the professors have the same pressures as the football coach to graduate the general student body? Mv fool ball players, most every year, are graduating at a higher rate than the regular student body at the University of Oregon So, Pin not going to apologize for it I'm not going to ever bo hop py unless they all graduate, but I'm never going to be bappy tie cause they all aren't going to al ways graduate. There's a few years thut I’ve had almost a 100 percent, and then there's a few years when it's been about .15 percent. It just drives me nuts — nothing infuriates me more or gets me more upset in my job if somebody doesn't go to class ODE: Do you think that OSU was hasty in getting rid of Dave Kragthorpe? Brooks: Ho won a lot more games than they had won with two previous coaches. The year before he wus named Pac-10 Coach of the Year, but 1 think it boiled down to fans in the seats again. That's how most coach ing changes arc made I think if the attendance had dropped dramatically here In the early eighties, if It had really fallen off dramatically, I would have been fired here as well ()!)l I' ii (i.is.n v.i ''Mill' : 1(> years, and you'd have In go Ivvn more seasons tu lit' iliiii Hu's ii Intend .is Jur .is thr t in versify of Oregon goes wh.it would you like people to think suy, 7l) years .liter you’ve lelt Oregon7 Brooks That we hud good loothal! teams amt gtaxl pfnplu (>1)1 iiny pressure to thmupniit ’ Hi links Thom's alvv iVs pros sum, tint thorn isn't any mom prnssuri! than what I pul on mvsolf ——w—w■—y11 ■■ "*ti Tm: U-LANE-O Account A Better Wav Ok Checking. | i Mr; micros! paid to * * volt on sour low monthly balance in.' iiHtiiiiHiiit I** cjin mltn s!» 2. No serskc lee il you llUiinlain a 1.200 hal ante Von pay only S ' il soul balance drops Ik'Iuvs 1.200 (unliittiltti i lu i kvl Overdrafl Protect ion • (w lift savings) CREDIT UNION K. I Ith & Kerry St. 687-2J47 2H40 Willamette St. 465-82*2 A f-ree American I vpicss * I ravcler s ihea ks 2-1 III .ICCCCS III \lltll .hi imill through the I xchangc anti Cirrus networks I'RHE checks vc ith * direct ilc|wisii ol vour U of O paycheck NCUA CIRRUS Sports Equipment that's used But not used up . . . We buy and sell new and used sports equipment O I 50 E. 11th Ave. Ht'fwcen Oak A Willamette 342-4041 GERLACH S CAMPUS CAMERA CENTER welcomes you to the University of Oregon We rt like to be your photography center With courteous, knowledgeable salespeople & competitive pricing Gerlach's can do it all • GREAT PHOTO FINISHING FAST & GOOD • PHOTO CLASS SUPPLIES • PASSPORTS • RENTALS • FRAMING NIKON SPECIALISTS SWIFT/TECHNAR BINOCULARS 7 Power Compacts $3988 Incredibly crisp sharp image Come & Check them out! I_gerlacn’s' VmhhHT 849 E. 13th — halfway between the U of O Bookstore and Guido's Looking for .1 yood deal?/ Head the Orryon Daily Emerald ( lassifieds