BROOKS Continued from Page 2 doing it to please somebody else or not ODE is there any kind of frustration that you've been here tliis long and haven't been able to reach the Rose Bowl vet ' You've come close a num ber of times Brooks Yes, there is definite frustration i hate to lose. I've never grown accustomed to it even though I've lost a lot of games here. And it's even more frustrating the last couple of years where we've had a bettor i banco and better teams. Three years ago when we wore ti l and Bill (Musgrave) broke his collarbone after boat ing Washington and USC back to back, and we ended up los ing to Arizona State in a very close game after Bill broke his collarbone, I thought we had a great chance that year of going to the Rose Bowl We didn't make it and that was very frus trating ODE: What kind of things do you think you could improve in as far as coaching goes? Brooks I try to evaluate that every year and change things from time to time. 1 try to be come aware of changes in atti tudes of players because they've changed a great deal over the years—how best to motivate them and get the most effort out of them. ODE: Do you think that as far as athletes in general go today that they have developed a god like attitude over the last 10 years' Brooks I don't think that's a problem at this level 1 think most players at this level may be have a dream of playing pro fessional football, but many of them realize that this is going to be their last football expert ence. I do have a few who think that they are going to lie pro players and that’s the only thing on their mind, and I try to convince them that edui ation is pretty important, regardless of whether they play pro foot ball or not. ODE Who are some ol the best players you have ever coached? Brooks: Oh, I've been around a lot of great players In the days at Oregon State with I’ete I’jfer, who was (list inducted into the Oregon Hall ol l ame, and playing with a guy like Terry Baker, who won the Hois man Trophy I coached Jess Lewis and John Sandstrom, who both made all-American at Oregon State they were both defensive lineman that I coached. Then at UCLA, there was Jerry Robinson, who is still with the Raiders, and Wendell Tyler Then at the Rams and the 4tiers, I coached a lot ol great players Jimmy Johnson, Ralph McGill, Merlin Olsen, Deacon Jones I've had a lot of great players here Gary Zimmerman, Bryan Hinkle, Steve Brown, Chris Miller, Bill Musgrave. Low Barnes, Tony Cherry, Vince Goldsmith, one of the great ones ... 1 mean, 1 could go on and on and on ODE: Do you keep in touch with a lot of your former play ers? Brooks Yeah, I do. ODE Even the ones from way back? The Merlin Olsens and all those guys? Brooks Yeah, in fact, I tried to recruit his son this year He went to Stanford on me Rich Brooks PERSONAL: Born Richard L Brooks on August 20 1941 in Forest, California Family Wife Karen, daughter Kasey Holwerda, daughter Kerri and son Brady EDUCATION: Earned 8.S regor State University in 1963 and master n education in 1964 at Oregon State COACHING CAREER Berlin i hmg areor m 1963 at Oregon State as assistant freshman coach Taught general science it Las Palmas Junior High and was assistant coach at Norte Del Rio High S( hoot in 1966 He then served assistant coaching stmts at Oregon State (1966 69) UCLA (1970), Los Angeles Rams (1971 72), Oregon Stale (1973), San Francisco 49ers (1974 75i and UCLA (1976) he fore being named Oregon's head coach on December 17 1976 PLAYING EXPERIENCE Playt j tailbacl freshman team at Oregon State in 1969 Played as bai k up defensive back and part time starter as sophomore Took over as regular in three deep secondary and played back up quarterback in 1961 ODE Now, jus! about college footbu11 in general There was a lot of talk ami hopes last season that soon they would come up with a playoff system rather than a howl system What do you think alxnit that' I 'm supposed to win all of my games, I'm supposed to graduate every one of my players ... I 'm supposed to have this wonderful environment that everybody 's going to be successful in. ’ — Rich Brooks Brooks 1 don't think there is any way you can come up with a fair and equitable play off system Tilt) polls are Hawed I don’t think they are accu rate bv any stretch of the imagi nation. but most of the plans for a national playoff would come hy choosing the top four teams in the polls, and then play off after howl games You're going to continue to take students out of class it you do that. Some of tho reasons to do it nri! fin.mi, which 1 think is thn wrong message again 1 think that the controversy between tile DIM poll, which Is now going to he the 1 S.\ Today with the I oat lies’ poll, and the A1’ poll is good You know dial keeps interest lip 111 College football Last year we had two different champions In (Georgia Tech and Colorado 1 person alls voted lor Ceorgin lech on the coaches' poll. The system isn't perfect, hut it's better than the alternative of trying to have more games ODE There's also lieen a lot of talk about student-athlete graduation rates, blai k athlete graduation rates How mm h do you tell your players to get up in the morning to go to class' brooks 1 think we do what we can to ent ourage our play ers to graduate I'm a little bored or angered with all the rhetorit about boss college athletics uses athletes 1 feel used a lot by sortie of mV players, academically because they're here just to play loot ball, and I keep trying to get them to go to ( lass, but some of them aren't yery interested in Turn to BROOKS. Page 7 is open seven days a week serving delicious NEW YORK PIZZA by the SLICE or by the WHOLE PIZZA PIE. Choice of regular crust or deep-dish Sicilian. Eat here or take out. Open 11:30 am-Midnight Mon.-Sat. 3:30 pm-Midnight Sun. 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