4111 I LOOK Gln^scs/Coutacts/Exnnis i ompiete lab on premises tor ff?s/ ser\ ice rainbow optics 343-3333 7t>f> l I ^th A\ «• I lift in' Ont' Mock from l ot O triv p.irking in Hours M ! H,mvhpin. S,it Sam-spm bill k Mediation Program When conflict gets out of hand and you need help — contact us. Rm 318 EMU 346-4240 FREE conflict management * Roommates ■ Student I ucult> ■ Organizations KNIGHT Continued from Page 9 something the '(>’ addition didn't (In .it all." hi- said Itonamii.i said tin- trotsi' gen mated b\ work on ami around tin’ library, and the construe; lion work Itself, will present an obvious Irveonveniem e for slu dents walking .iround tin- site and those trying to study in the library 'We've tried to deal with it but there's only so mm h you ean do,” he said, adding that the contractor tried to have the noisiest work out of tile way h\ tile end of summer For-exam pie. workers in July and August were using torque vvreni ties to set ure tile addition's steel sup port rods It's like Unrig 111 a tire shop only you're in the library.'' Bonamit i said "There's some pain in the process, iiut we re getting a line building as a re Mill Bonamict said slatis ot Im h thick plywood and sheetrm k whit h replaced the windows on the south side, will dampen tin1 noise .ind m.ike the study .irons ,imn/.ingly quint with the work going on outside Work will t.ikr plat e Vtnnd.iv through lrid.iv from 7 .to .1 m to 4 pm, with some spot l.il work on weekends Hnn.imiei s.utl the 1 onstrm lion w ill lie toned down ne.ir fin.d evmi week IVe i e tried t 1 work w itll !he i ontr.u tors to keep the sen sltlvilv to tile III (idemii: work going on inside.' lie suid ” Thev'vn been verv respon sive '' In addition. ;is workers pour .1 petroleum bused seul.int on outside concrete projects, the Knight l.lhrnn s outside vent! 1 at ion vents will lie 1 losed to keep (lilt fumes |i 11,IMI e 1 S lid the s 1 v hour s h ut d o w ns shouldn't li>- too nolle.ir.ibie \s the construction goes on students cun lind out nbout its progress ,ind tin' impuel oil studving .ind lihr.irv use h\ lot : mg the inform ition key on the library's IANI1 omputer When w or k is 1 nmpleted die pi.tying held wilt he moved south and t.1 k• • ov i• r u li.it is now tin’ (i.irking In! nnar tin' cthit .it it in n nd tnitsit buildings Chris Kamov ul thr Uiuversi tv planning o(Tu e said thr park mg spots will hr moved to thr i prner of 1 Sth Avrtmr and \g atr Strort. in plot r ol thr small buildings there now. sotnr ol which atr bring lorn down to make room Construction activities have tliadr a small drill ill library sealing Hrlorr thr lihrarv stall moved bookshelves and seating to make loom lor thr i onstrui tion wall. there were Ml) reader stations ami •» ’ e.: id u ite stmlv ■carrels special seats where grad students ran stmlv and store their materials. After the i onstrui thin prepti rations were done, 714 seats and .!4 i artels remained Al though general study space hasn’t been affected much. Honamici said some graduate students "will have to do with out" until ((instruction is tin ishrd. and that the remaining carrels are reserved lor grad students who have dissertation work HOW TO BUY TEXTBOOKS AND SAVE fit MONEY COME TO THE SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE FIRST. Chances are you will tind most of your books at half price BRING THE TITLE AND AUTHOR S NAME. It might take some time to find your books, but we will be glad • I to help you look, and the savings are worth the wait V RETURN BOOKS YOU DO NOT NEED. II you buy the wrong books or drop a class, you can return the books for a full refund SELL YOUR OLD TEXTBOOKS. After you buy your textbooks, bring in your old books and ■ The Smith Family Bookstore will buy them for a very fair price SMITH FAMILY *• bookstore 768 East 13th • 345-1651 1 Block from Campus