Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 16, 1991, Page 28A, Image 27

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Continued from Page 26
MISSOURI Stiitt! spending on high
it education amounts to Sf>7(>9 million
(lov Jotin Ashcrolt withhold $42 1 in
pl.mm.’ii spending and vetoed 10 million
Stale spending lust year was S(>0t mil
lion. Tuitions lip 12 percent, hut even
with inc rease there will he no faculty
MONTANA Higher education get
ting just St' million more this year than
last years $170 million in fiscal 1991
State pared SHIS million from higher
education to iielji ha lama a projected
$7.1 million stale deficit hv 199!
NKVADA Legislature spending
$491 million for the university system in
the coming hiennium. about $:t !i million
j.-ss than C.ov Boh Miller liaii souglil hut
still up 28 pericn! over previous hiennt
urn Hut tuition also is up 0 r> percent
tins fall lor Nevadans, 8 I percent at
community colleges
N'lAV MI.XK () Spending for state
six lour year schools and 1.7'community
colleges inc reased 4 1 percent, from
SU4 4 million In 1990 91 to S'!-1H mil
lion in 1991-92 Tuition and fee hikes
range from ! 9 percent a! Kaslorn New
Mexico University to 12 r>.r> percent at
Northern New Mexico Community Col
NL'U YORK State funding for (>•!
campus State University of New York,
the nation s largest, cut by S5-1 H million
to St t billion Tuition up $500 to $2,150
anualiy following Sit00 rise last I)e
oember Estimated OOO staff positions
will fie cut Cilv University of New
■mi's St 1 billion H8l 1-02 budget same
as last year but will require SSn million
,n r uts because of rising energ\ and Iron
efils tests Community colleges down
more than ‘100 positions from last year,
and tuitions rising 21 percent Cl'NY's
board of trustees voted Aug 1 to raise !u
ition at four-vuar colleges by Slot) a year,
.(bout 28 pen ent. to SI 850 John lav ( ol
eei nf ( riminal Justice and New York.
( its Tec finical (aillege threatened to end
two-year degree programs after state re
fused to fund them, but c lt\ bailed them
fiul m August
NOR THCAROLINA State appropri
ation dropping to SI .45 billion from last
year’s SI 51 billion Tuition for in state
students at University of North Carolina
increasing by 15 perc ent for bar r alaure
ate degrees. 20 percent for master s and
doc torales
NOR TH DAKOTA Lor luoi-u.t bi
ennium. state funding totals $258 1 mil
lion, up Cl percent from 1‘iH'l ul level
of $250 million Legislators' anger about
rising tuition prompted state university
system to free/.c tuition at North Dakota's
five two-veur colleges and cut bark
planner) increase at four-year schools to
•I pert :ent over two years
OHIO Tbirtnen stair supported
!our-venr colleges receiving SU.ti billion
ii. 1992, unchanged from 1901, but are
si bedulod to gel 5 percent increase next
July Tuition rising 9 percent a! Ohio
■Stale University, whir h also will lose up
to 2(H) graduate teaching positions
OKI.(it IN (.eneral fund budget tor
Oregon's four-vear college system for
1991-9H biennium is snot million, less
than If portent higher than the Stud mil
lion for 1080 91 System enrolled C.l.MX)
students last year and expects about
2,000 lewer mainly her ause of cost in
creases. Tuitions increasing by about
one-third ibis fall. $11,598 compared with
$1,965 at tin University of Oregon
About (>() courses lining eliminated or
i onsnhdated About 500 stalf positions,
half administrative and the rest teaching
and support stab, being cut. mainly fn
KM OUT! ISLAND Slate higher edu
i at ion appropriation down H fieri ent, or
Sun million, to SI 10 9 million in fiscal
1992. Tuition and fee increases averag
ing 20 percent. University of Rhode Is
land tuition will rise S508 to S t, 1 -}8
SOI TH CAROLINA Higher oduca
tion getting about $560 million, down
from 5568 million the previous year Tu
itions already second-highest in the
Southeast $2,460 a year at Ciemson.
52.686 at University of South Carolina
hut state is 42nd in per capita income,
raising concern that students will he
priced out
i.NNLSSKh Cov Ned McWhorter
iiail proposed higher ed budget of 5657,2
million, but tax shortfall resulted in ap
propriation of just SU8H.7 million
down from 5701 8 million last year Cuts
this year involve maintenam e and one
time expenditures that could tie elimi
nated without cutting major programs
Money lor "chairs of excellence," a 'visit
ing prof program, not renewed
WASHINCTON Tour-veer universi
ties getting SI -I t Million in stale funds,
up from SI.28 billion a year ago. Com
munity colleges receiving 5710 million,
ompared with last veer's SOOti million
Lawmakers funded five new branches of
' Diversity of Washington and Washing
ton State University, where four-vear un
dergraduate tuition is rising 11 5 percent
to S2.17H State also lifted decade-old en
rollment lid, meaning four-year schools
yvil! add 2,000 students, and community
colleges 4.000
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