Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 16, 1991, Page 27A, Image 26

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1 10
Credit Class
♦ Primate Conservation
Wed 3:30-5:20
360 Condon
Instructor: Rob ! Lee
This course is designed to introduce
students tc' the nature and the practi
cal aspects of present day primate
conservation. This course will
examine the problems that human
primates impose upon non-human
primates the approaches and moth
ods for assessing the current status ot
primates, and the possible solutions
tor preserving the primate popula
lions that exist currently
No Fee Classes
♦ f iction Collaboration
Wed 2:30-4 20, Oct 2-Dec 4
No fee, 248 PLC
Instructor: Robert Blucher
Students in this class will work
together to write a 60 to SO page
novella The class format will be
based on group writing techniques
used in the Ken Kesey novel writing
class which produced the novel
Caverns. A one-page writing sample
to be turned in to the Innovative
Educational Development office is
required prior to registration.
♦ How to Meditate
Th 4-5:20, Sop 26-Dec 12
No fee, 154 Straub
Instructor: Joe Weiner
This is an informative and experimen
tal class. During each class we will
meditate as well as learn the advan
tages of meditation. No prior experi
ence is necessary. This class will be
for beginners as well as experienced
meditators. This class is non-deno
monational. Everyone is welcome'
♦ Tribal Rights and State
Mon 7-9, Sep 23-Dec 9
No fee, Allen 218
Instructor: V incent Devote
Hxplore the cultural and legal bounda
nes ot the separate tribal nations
within the United States I.cam where
tribal sovereignty begins and state
authority ends
♦ l leart to 1 leant:
An Inward Journey
Th 7-9, sep 2o Oct 24
No fee, 214 Friendly
Instructor Shantimavi
As we learn to open our hearts and
jt'uniev within, we will begin to
understand ourselves in a new wav
We will use the ancient methods of the
Suidha Saints, science of today and
one's own personal psychology as we
learn to open our hearts and journey
♦ Philosophy and Deleu/e
Sep 27-Dec n
No fee, 218 Allen
Instructor Vincent Devoto
A historv of Western philosophy as
seen through the work of Cilles
Deleu/e 1 his class will look at
Deleuze's revisionistic commentaries
on other philosophers, including his
books on Spinoza, Hume Kant,
Nietzsche, Bergson, and Foucault.
^ Dream Journey
Hi 4 K>-6:00, Oct 10 Dec 12
No fee, 135 Gilbert
Instructor Nora Minogue
In this course students will learn
several ways to improve their dream
\ isions. We will cover dream recall,
primitive culture practices, early
analytic approaches, and modem
process oriented techniques Students
will work with their own dreams.
Fee Classes
^ Aikido
U/H 7-9, Sep 24-Dec 5
Fee $10, B-52 Gerlinger Annex
Instructor. Wayne Vincent
Aikido is a combination of the disc i
plined study of self awareness and the
harmonious blending otbodv mm :
cinJ spirit, Fhis non-aggressive
' ipanes*,' martial art places empha a ,
on centering, balance and relaxation
as well as on elf defense technique
1 raining is designed to reduce tension
increase flexibility and heighten
awareness of inner energy
♦ l dnlerstanding
Mon 6 50 S V1 Sep 23 I V i 2
Fee $15, 107 Gilbert
Instructor Torn ( ubito
Fhis class on selt esteem wilt examine
from 1 astern and Western point ot
views how one s understanding ol
one's sell develops and changes 1 ho
class will include lecture, discussion,
and exercises in pratual application I
the principles taught in the class
Tony C 'ubito has worked with pc. >pl.
lor twenty years, is a member ot the
National Council of self esteem and :
currently in the prtve .s of writing a
book on seli esteem.
^ Standard First Aid
Fee $15. IB A
Instructor Margaret Martin
Upon completion of this course each
student will be certified by the Ameri
can Red C ross
^ Teaching English
in Japan
One day seminar 1 BA
Fee $25
Instructor: Douglass MeNanvee
I his class covers preparation, visas, job
searching, interviewing, contracts,
non-teaching opportunities, living tips,
and more. Come discover the unique
opportunities found in an exciting ex
perience abroad!
^ Be Your Own Astrologer
IT 4 30 6:00, Oct 15 Nov 12
Fee $25, 44 Columbia
Instructor: Karla Waller
Unleash your potential through an
understanding ot your strengths and
inner motivations Let the rich science
of Astrology guide you in making
decisions involving career, relation
ships and life direction.
How To Register
Credit classes: l of O students register during regular
U of O registration in Mac Arthur Court at the appropriate
co-sponsoring department. Non-students must contact
Community Education at 346-5614
Non-credit classes: Both students and non-students
are able to register two ways: Drop by our table in the
main lobby of the EMU sep 19-20 between 12:00 4:00. or
come to our office during office hours (posted on our door
or call 346-4305).
Reimbursement Schedule
Before the second class - 100%
Before the third class - 80%
After the third class - 0"
About The Program
Innovative Educational Development provides the Eugene
area with a refreshing blend of courses not found in the
regular U of O curriculum We sponsor credit and non
credit classes, workshops and seminars taught bv qualified
students, community members and U of O faculty We act
as a testing ground for experimental course ideas, welcom
mg new ones that deal with current and/or controversial
issues. Over the twenty years, many classes originating 1:
this program have been incorporated into the regular
university curriculum As an ASUO (Associated Student-,
of the U of 0) program, it is managed entirely by Students
All students, faculty and non students community mem
bers are invited to participate in our program