Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 16, 1991, Page 24A, Image 23

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• Seafood Udon
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Continued from Page 23
because children outside
could scar them Prosecutors I.it
er dropped .ill ( barges related
to the videotape and are pursu
ing three misdemeanor com
Kxhibitiomsm of another sort
lias come into play in other in
stances inexplicably, some
i riminals have taped their own
acts, the way one might record
a memorable family event
Five men in Washington,
DC . were convicted of (mating
and robbing two victims partly
hoc ause they recorded the
crimes Jurors saw footage of
victims getting Imat on the head
and having their pockets rifled
One of the muggers urinated on
an unconscious man's face
white others laughed
Not all amateur video is des
tined lor the courtroom, of
course Some video buffs sell
their handiwork to television
Kinko's Coffee
early morning
and late night.
Our cofl'cc Ls fresh ground and .
strong brewed. The aroma '
alone will wake you up. But If you
don't think so. then maybe you should stick to
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Over a dozen bean varieties all available to go.
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Go<xl only for the brew o' the day. One coupon per "
1 customer per visit. Good through September 31. 1991 -»
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| 8f*> East 13th
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. U of O Bookstore)
kinKoi ;
the copy center i
networks and stations
Private camcorders have cap
tu red a LX MO cart wheeling in a
crash at Sioux City. Iowa; a mo
torist plunging through the top
deck of the San Franciseo-Onk
land Hay Bridge moments after
the 1089 earthquake, the Chi
nese government's bloody
crackdown against students at
Tiananmen Square, the fatal
fall of a skv diver who failed to
pac k a parachute hut had his
camera, illegal garbage dump
ing; and dolphins dying in tuna
Since 1987, Cable News Net
work has had .1 toll-free num
ber that viewers can ( all to sub
mit footage The network pays
an average of $150 for a usable
"It's a fraction of our
airtime," CNN's Melinda Mcln
tire said "But it is a way of in
creasing the chances of having
a camera in the right place at
the right time."
More news7 More convic
tions7 More vigilance against
authority run amok? It sounds
too good to he true And some
observers insist it is.
"It's a two-edged sword. It
has some really positive quali
ties, hut it can he a very dis
turbing and intrusive tool,"
said Robyn Blumner of the
Florida ACLU. "They're here.
They're going to stay here. We
need to define the rules of con
duct "
^ Recycle ☆
# paper.
Educational Opportunities Program
provides the following services free of charge
to its members*:
/ Tutoring in most University courses
(individual and group)
/ Small classes in writing, math and critical
/ Counseling
(individual and support groups)
/ Academic advising and referrals
/ Non-credit workshop series
* Mto eligibility criteria lor I (>P membership are broad enough iluti over i.lXH) l inversus students could qualify lor theses free services, because die federal funding is limited, ap
plicanLs are screened to match s|viiIk needs 10 available services I ligibilns is based on a combination ol laciors, including need for support. income level, [larcnis' level of for
tnal education, and/or physical or learning luniunons COP is open to all applicants sear round
Educational Opportunities Program can help you achieve!
' V found a staff at Id H' " ho supported me as a student and u lio were willing to give me the benefits of their
time and talents to make sure I fit m here at the I niversity. l-.()l’ helped me build ms■ confidence and acquire
the necessary skills to make my first sear a success
I.ylive Parker. I () graduate; Golda Parker Wickham Scholar and Cemurion Assart! Recipient
Stop b\ Academic I.earning Sen ices. bS PI.C. to leant more about its Educational Opportunities Program and the
ranee of other academic support services that are available tit all students at this l niversity.