Is new camcorder technology serving as Big Brother’s eyes? (A!’) It is 19B4-plus-7, and Big Brother isn't watching you. Goorgo Holliday is Before March 3, Holliday, a plumber, was (rest known for urn logging drains But then he tested his new cam< order on a Los Angeles street, and instead of the usual mugging relatives "HI, MOM!" he recorded two minutes of police offi cers kicking, stomping and clubbing a defenseless man. The attack on Rodney Allen king did more than turn a city on its ear and provide "dramatic footage for the evening news It underscored a development Oeorge Orwell never envisioned the emergence of Little Brother (or Sister), average folks who turn their video cameras on cops, crooks and each other, often with remarkable results About 14 million Americans now own hand held video cameras; they cost as little as SfiOO, and some are so small they can Is- carried in a coat pocket. They can he used for weddings and baby's first steps; they can, and are, used to re cord prenuptial agreements and wills But they also serve as amateur arms of the criminal Justice system; • In Chattanooga. Tenn , a camera set up by a sie pieious father caught baby sitter Donna slapping a ("'-month-old baby She pleaded guilty and got the maximum of 11 months and 29 days "It destroyed her life," said her lawyer, James Purple "We hove developed a better understanding of the power of the atom bomb than wo have of the Video camera " • In San Jose, Calif., William Kiley videotaped his own treating at the hands of a neighbor who pre viously had harassed him with anti-gay taunts The 45-minute tape showed Kiley being pum moled by the fists and feet of Joshua Huff, 1H Hull was convicted of assault and battery on Aug 13. • In Port Worth, Texas, a woman videotaped a po liceman striking a handcuffed man 2H times, sometimes with two-handed blows. Officer L. J. Parnell was charged in July with assault with a deadly weapon. He said the car theft suspect kicked out a rear window and tried to Jump out of the squad cur. A< livist gay groups videotape their own item onMrations and the responses hv police, as do anti abortion groups " The camcorder is protecting us from Big Brother This empowers the ordinary citizen in a whole new way,” said Brenlh Bulterworth. senior editor of Video magazine But others worry the gadgetrv's power comes with the peril of invading privacy, of pry ing too far For now. there are no legal restraints on neighbors videotaping neighbors, according to tiie American Civil Liberties Union "Big Brother is now our neighbors.- our employ ers, people we're dating, strangers on the street, tiie ACLU's |anlori Coldman said " The danger comes when you are being videotaped against your Knowledge and the information is later used in a manner harmful to you Do vve really want to live in a society where a video i lmera is aimi d al every movement?" "It's the greatest oi all ironies, isn't ll ' We could lose our privut y In spying on each othei. said Ceorge Washington University law pro'. ■ .or lonatlian Turley "Video cam operators are not a drooling i lass ol voyeurs They are ordinary people empowered by new technology to become an army ol private gumshoes," Turley said "The explosion of the video camera has led to a society under siirveil lanco." A case in point: the Cordon Heights (.ornmuni ty Watch on New York's Long Island, which is us ing cameras in fight prostitution The community group intends to make tapes ol men pit king up hookers and send the visual evi dent:e to their wives "We want to make our < (im munity clean again,” said video vigilante Uarl Owens, who tapes from behind hushes "11 they don't stay out, lei's go to the videotape A Tampa, Fla . couple has suffered a similar embarrassment In July, a neighbor filming through their condo blinds videotaped them hav ing sex They were charged with lewd and last iv lous conduct punishable by 1T> years in prison Turn to VIDEO. Page 24 j COUPON ! For U of () students only J I K 11' 111-1 Ml- 1 or U-l.OC'K I with new bike purcliase. I PAUL’S i III! Y( I I sllOI’ I MSIi AKlci M2 6155 mi > i i i \v \5 of i in ! 152 W 5th 544 4105 I ADIDAS • DIADORA • M IX • 1,()TT() WorldCup << ((7' S/ H if> 255 K. IHth AVK. I I i(iKNK. ()KK(i()N oihrini; i in: ni s i shuchon Of SOU MR H(Jl UPMI NT AND a warm, in rut: wu.i.amith; \ ai.i i:\ MURK * N1KK * PUMA • l IMHRO DOMINOS PIZZA DELIVERS... LARGE ONE TOPPING PIZZA 799 DELIVERED. Better Yet, Get a Second Pizza for only $4.00 more Additional Toppings only 75c each per pizza. 32 oz Classic or Diet Cokes only 59c. CALL US! THE BEST SERVICE AND VALUE IN TOWN _343-3030_