Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 16, 1991, Page 20A, Image 19

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Continued from Page 18
The policies now also cover
I tic cost of drugs administered
by a medical practitioner
"Tfi.it was a real problem this
past year," Curran said "A lot
of students found that when
they went over to the Student
Health ( enter for allergy testing
and treatment, the allergy shots
would he covered because they
were administered hv a doctor
and the allergy testing would
be covered but the medication
itself wasn't covered <md that
w.is around S200 to SIOO
' I ’art of that < ost could go to
ward the prescription benefit,
but last year we had a prescrip
tion benefit of SUM), so it really
didn't go that far "
The presi nption drug benefit
has been increased for this
year Charges for prescriptions
obtained at the Student Health
Center will now lie paid .it 100
peri cut after a dedui tilde of SI
per prescription For prest rlp
ticjit. not obtained at the health
center, bon (’fits will tx‘ paid .it
fit) percent
'Hie cost for u domestic stu
dent with no spouse nr depen
dents has gone from $525 to
S'i'U a year For a student and
one dependent, the cost is mm
$ t ,854 . u |i from last y ear s
S1.K24 Students with two or
more dependents will he pay
ing $2,520, as opposed to last
year s $2,208
Students have the option of
paving by the quarter or for the
I'ntirr yriir
AS! JO insurance polit ies ure
rc\ ised each veer by lht! Stu
deni Health Insurant! Commit
tee. made up of the ASI !0 pres
ldent and vit e president as well
.is several students appointed
hv the AS1'()
I he new committee starts in
the summer, tliev go bat k and
review what's been done in the
past and review the claims,'
Curran said "By the end of fall
term, thev're looking at the
i hanges they want in the policy
and then present those to the
insurant <■ company
Cumin saui the low number
of claims filed last year resulted
in fairly low price increases
this year.
"These are pretty good bene
fits," she said "Wo looked at
some others, but they just
weren't cost-effective I'm
glad we were able to get these
things I think we've come a
long way
Insurance can lie purchased
in KM I! Kixnn 15B
Play an
4 Instrument
I or Sing?
Piit a little music in your life
at the l tiiversity of Oregon
by taking a music class, or
joining one of the performing
grot ips!
School of Music classes and
activities are for all students,
not just for music majors.
IxMik at the ways you can
include music in your schedule
at the University of Oregon:
Join a Performing Group
Performing can be a part of
your university life. More than
20 performing groups are open
to all students. Placements
and auditions are September
16 1H at the School of Music
for the following groups:
Oregon Wind Ensemble
University Singers
University Symphony
Vocal Jazz Ensemble
Oregon Marching Band
Symphonic Band
Oregon Jazz Ensemble
Jazz Lab Bands
Brass Choir
Opera Workshop
Women s Chorus
Collegium Musicum
Musical Theatre Ensemble
Percussion Ensemble
Gospel Ensemble
Contemporary Music Ensembles
Small Instrumental Ensembles
Small Choral Ensembles
You may register for the follow
ing groups without an audition:
Men's Chorus
Campus Band
Broaden Your
Knowledge of Music
These are some of the elasses
open to all students, regard
less of previous musical back
ground or experience:
Introduction to Music and its
Literature (meets arts and
letters eluster requirement)
Husk Music (meets arts and letters
stand-alone requirements)
Rock llistoni I
Worid Popular Music
Gospel Experience
Music for Film
Class h'iiuio
Class Guitar
Take a Minor in Music
Choose a minimum of 27 credits
from a prescribed outline of
courses, including c lasses that
satisfy the arts and letters cluster
requirement, performing
ensembles, and individual per
formance studies. Music can be
a part of any degree program!
Free Faculty Concert,
September 19
If you want to learn more
about School of Music oppor
tunities. come to a special
concert on Thursday. Sep
tember 19. at 8:00 pan. in
Beall Concert Hall. Faculty
members will present a var
ied program, and a reception
will follow where you can
meet with faculty members
and get answers to your
questions. The concert and
reception are free!
For more information about
School of Music activities,
inquire at the Main Desk or
call 346 3761.