f p#X>10 Although many benches on campus lack wooden back supports, these students have lound a nov el way around that ROMANCE LANGUAGES FALL ’91 PRE-REGISTRATION Monday, September 1 b Tuesday, September 1 7 Wednesday, September 18 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Alt Romance larngua^s Majors, Srs. Jrs. a::i Siud\ Ah:. ad Student - ATION OF CLASS STANDING IS REQUIRED » \ NOT NEED HAVE ALREADY REGISTE RED THROUGH DUCK CAl l Room 212 Friendly Hall call ,‘146-4021 for more details LETTER PERF ECT Graphics . TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • OESIGN . CONSULTATION • CAMERA • . TYPESETTING • PASTE-UP • LAYOUT . DESIGN • CONSULTATION • CAMERA • . TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT . DESIGN • CONSULTATION • CAMERA • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN . CONSULTATION . CAMERA • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT . DESIGN • CONSULTATION • CAMERA • . TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • CAMERA • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • CAMERA • SUITf 300 ERB Ml MORIAl UNION 346 438 1 9 00 5 OO M l Celebrating Our Community! New Student Orientation Programs 1991 ^ Love Your Neighbor...Or Ju»t Get Along? How To Survive Your First Year of College I Creating a World Class Community With Respect, Acceptance U Sensitivity Thinking (Globally, Living Locally Dating 101: The Nature of Relationships ( BBQ/Fntertainment/Film Festival 9/19, 7-9 p.m., Hamilton Complex 9/24, .3:30-5 p.m., EMU Ben Linder 9/19, 3-5 p.m., FMU Ben Linder Rin. 9/26, 7-9 p.m., Hamilton Complex 9/24, 7-9 p.m., McAlister Lounge 9/25, 7-9 p.m., Carson Gold Room 9/27, 4:30-7:30 p.m., Humpy Lumpy Sponsored by the Dean of Students Office & University Mousing f or further info, call 34t>-1144 I'akJ AiivrrtL&rmrnt ACADEMIC LEARNING SERVICES Supporting students in their academic endeavors A**'- lUSWCj' Struggling with a class ? Using a tutor could be the answer! Small group and individual tutoring available for most courses at reasonable rates All tutors have faculty refer ences. A free, drop-in math lab is open at the Center during week days to assist students with math concerns Need help with writing? A writing lab at the center is staffed with English graduate students to help students with their academic writing Not an editing service, but individual tutorials offered weekdays on a drop-in, free basis Planning on graduate school? Workshops lo help students prepare lor |Mactuate school evams are available each term through Academic. I earn me Services I he I a 11 schedule includes GRE Preparation: Tuesdays and Thursdays Sept 24 2f> Octl 3 8 11 3 30pm 8 30pm LSAT Preparation: Tues .Wed Fhurs Tti Sept 24 2‘) 26.?7 3 00pm t> 30pm Ot:t 2 P'ii f«jm i 30pm 7 00pm GMAT Preparation: i'Tmv« Oatw « ' tn, M< >n. u,•, and W< < Jnev Sept 30 Oct 2 7.9 u it 5 30pm 7 ;i0pm Tuesdays and Thursdays Or.I 29 31 Nov h 7,12 19 21 3 30pm 5 00pm Tuesdays and Thursdays 0< ! Nov 57 3 30pm 5 00pm Nov 12 Prat. L.mm.i30pm 7 00pm Tutoring, drop-in labs, and workshops in test preparation for graduate school are just a few of the many services provided through Academic Learning Services. The Center is located off the south courtyard, lower level of Prince Lucien Campbell Hall (PLC).