PROBLEMS WITH THE UNIVERSITY? ['he Office-: of Student Advo< no, can help r.-.p tered students who have problems with university In. Illty, staff. policies or procedures ilu lie i::iq ■ STUDI NT ( ONDUC I C'ODI ( HARCil N ■ SI XUAI HAHASSMI NT ■ DINT RIMINATION ■ IJNIVI KNIIY HOUSING ■ AC ADI Ml< DISIU1TI N ■ I INANC IAI All) ■ I At 1)1 IY MIS( ONOlJt I ■ PUBI l( SAI I TY ■ HI )SINI SS AI I AIMS ■ ATM I D( S ■ UNIVI HSITY HI < OKDS ■ tJNIVf RSITY I MIM OYMI M We are .1 free ASUO program providih'i pi ■ >(e mom ,il servu cs fin students in i arnpiis related in• 511<-1 Call 346-3722 or stop 1>v 334 I M(! to sot up fin appointment What began as an escape to Florence before finals ended up costing more than last term’s tuition. Hotel room $65 50 food 29 80 Beer 15 60 1 r ansportatron 10 00 Ambulance 489 93 Emergency Room 324 1? X ray 132 90 Casting 185 35 Prescriptions 102 58 Total $915.83 Before your vacation turns intc a broken Icq covet yourself with ASCIO Student Health Insurance lo enroll, brirtq vour fee statement to Room lb in the I MU by Oct I 1 Student Health Insurance Plan S 198.00 Fall term (J.S. students S 102.00 Fall term International students For information, call 346-3702 A pleasant way to spend any warm, sunny day is on the Millrace in a rented canoe FH« photo PIZZA PETE’S ITALIAN KITCHEN Specializing in: HOMEMADE PIZZA AND ITALIAN FOOD FREE DELIVERY CANNELONI PIZZA ' SPAGHETTI Mon ThufS 11 30 10 00 Fn & Sat 12:00 11:00 Sun 4 00 10:00 MANICOTTI : ASA< .NA SANOWH h| S RAVIOi l Tuesday Night All the Spaghetti and Garlic Bread You Can Eat $2 95 484-0996 2673 Willamette I CUTS Ac. Salon The Best in Cuts and Color All major products always at a discount ‘ to U of () 25% off First Visit all services Ask how you can attain free servicing 342-1751 1611 Oak St. Ser17//.1,’ rite U of O since INTERNATIONALLY CERTIFIED COLOR SPECIALISTS